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Single cell standing wave tests data analysis Jiaru Shi Sep 27, 2011 LCWS11, Granada, Spain.

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Presentation on theme: "Single cell standing wave tests data analysis Jiaru Shi Sep 27, 2011 LCWS11, Granada, Spain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Single cell standing wave tests data analysis Jiaru Shi Sep 27, 2011 LCWS11, Granada, Spain

2 Introduction Many single cell structures were tested at SLAC – Valery Dolgashev – To study RF breakdown with different geometries and different materials Many thanks to Valery Dolgashev, Yasuo Higashi Analysis data of single cell SW LCWS11, Granada, Spain

3 Note: To calculate field from recorded input power LCWS11, Granada, Spain

4 Note: [SLAC-R-577]Pulsed surface heating, 1D solution New quantity: LCWS11, Granada, Spain

5 One-C-SW-A2.75-T2.0-Cu-SLAC-#1 Same surface electric field PinStored energy Max E surface E acc E surface, max E acc E surface, max X Eacc pi-mode LCWS11, Granada, Spain


7 Equivalent pulse width Equivalent square pulse: same max (Iα) LCWS11, Granada, Spain

8 600ns flat 200ns flat 400ns flat 150ns flat LCWS11, Granada, Spain


10 Plot corr^2 LCWS11, Granada, Spain

11 One-C-SW-A3.75-T2.6-Cu-SLAC-#1 one-c-SW-A5.65-T4.6-Cu-Frascati-#2 One-C-SW-A5.65-T4.6-Cu-KEK-#2 LCWS11, Granada, Spain




15 Summary plot LCWS11, Granada, Spain

16 Scaling t flat + 80nsEquiv. t pulse Eacc (MV/m) StdSqrt(Sc6)Eacc (MV/m) StdSqrt(Sc6) A2.75T2.0 SLAC#11424.8%2.421394.8%2.36 A3.75T2.6 SLAC#11117.0%2.31086.8%2.26 A5.65T4.6 Frascati#285.73.5%2.0684.73.8%2.03 A5.65T4.6 KEK#299.18.3%2.3894.75.3%2.27 Eacc scaled to tp=200ns, bdr=1e-6/pulse/m tp^(-1/6) BDR^(1/30) LCWS11, Granada, Spain

17 Summary BDR.v.s. (W --- stored energy) Best alpha between 0.5 ~ 0.7 for this four structure. (0.5 for pulsed surface heating) Equivalent pulse width calculated for standing wave structure with relatively long rising time More structures. New function? LCWS11, Granada, Spain

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