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#CPACONGRESS A5: Discover the best of yourself: Choose excellent health Murray Altham Creator, Peak Performance Bubble Thursday 20 November 2014 10:30AM.

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Presentation on theme: "#CPACONGRESS A5: Discover the best of yourself: Choose excellent health Murray Altham Creator, Peak Performance Bubble Thursday 20 November 2014 10:30AM."— Presentation transcript:

1 #CPACONGRESS A5: Discover the best of yourself: Choose excellent health Murray Altham Creator, Peak Performance Bubble Thursday 20 November 2014 10:30AM - 11:20AM

2 Choose Excellent Health Murray Altham Discover the magnificent possibilities of you at your best!

3 Build a strategic plan for your health As a starting point, get your baseline health measurements done with your GP. Work in tandem with them and your other health professionals to make the most of your health. They know your medical history so ask them to work with you to experience the best of yourself.

4 Why… A long happy rewarding life!


6 Benefits Feel great Achieve more Look better Help people Better relationships Better attitude More time Reinvention

7 Barriers Environment Family & friends Your workplace Screens Tight finances Time Poor health Not motivated

8 Sugar

9 Fat


11 Omega 3 from the sea. Omega 6 from the sticks. EFA’s Essential fatty acids Good Olive, macadamia, flaxseed, sesame oil Fish & seafood Butter (mashed pumpkin) Avocado Ghee Coconut oil Peanut oil Nuts & seeds Avoid Trans fatty acids. Hydrogenated fats In baked goods pies, pastries, cakes, biscuits, buns – fresh or frozen. Packet cake mixes, Asian-noodle- soup cups. Anything deep fried, processed takeaway snack food, chips, crackers, cookies, lollies, toppings, dips. Commercial breakfast cereals. Palm oil. Canola oil is genetically modified rapeseed Margarine

12 Soda Drinks

13 Healthy Snacking Enjoy… Salsa Cottage cheese Nuts Protein snacks Vegetables and fruit Chicken & whole meal wrap Tuna and Salmon Peanut butter A small version of lunch Eggs Avoid… Cakes Biscuits Crackers Bakery foods Muffins Birthday cakes Deep fried anything Banana bread Sugar loaded drinks Muesli bars Doughnuts

14 Food Stick as close to nature as possible If your food can go bad it’s good for you. If your food can’t go bad it’s bad for you If you can’t draw it, avoid it Eat good fats Have a white out- white sugar, white flour, white carbohydrates, salt Eat every 3-4 hours

15 Chocolate Éclairs Thickened cream Vanilla Caster sugar Dark chocolate Butter Plain flour 3 eggs

16 Food


18 2 Menu’s for your day Option 1 1- Muesli fruit yoghurt toast diet jam 2- Skinny cap & ‘lite’ muffin 3- Salad sandwich wholemeal bread banana muesli bar 4- Crackers & fresh tomato 5- Stir fried chicken veggie's & rice 6- Low fat ice cream & fruit Option 2 1- Bacon eggs wholemeal toast & peanut butter 2- Cottage cheese tuna & chili dip with cut veggies 3- Chicken salad with olives 4- Chocolate protein balls 5- Grilled fish salad baked sweet potato chips 6- Protein custard & blueberries


20 Every hour of TV from age 25 reduces your life expectancy by 22 minutes Veerman et al 2011 Br J Sp Med TV Viewing and Reduced Life Expectancy Source: Veerman L et al. British J Sports Med 2011

21 Exercise

22 Strategic Plan for Good Nutrition & Exercise Love your body Plan your meals Plan your snacks Eat breakfast Drink water Stick as close to nature as possible If you can’t draw it, avoid it as much as possible Manage morning and afternoon tea Ask yourself… “Why am I eating this?”

23 Keep your health ‘top of mind’. Build a campaign! Habit generally overwhelms information Environment generally overwhelms good intentions Read Podcast’s Meditation Surroundings Goals Pictures Think about what you’ll gain

24 A vibrant, healthy, successful, joy filled life Position your health at the centre of your day!

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