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1 Overview Assignment 5: hints  Garbage collection Assignment 4: solution.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Overview Assignment 5: hints  Garbage collection Assignment 4: solution."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Overview Assignment 5: hints  Garbage collection Assignment 4: solution

2 2 A5 Ex1 - Barriers Explain the difference between a read and a write barrier Show the instrumented code generated by a compiler for = q Which barrier to use for:  Copying GC  Mark & Sweep GC

3 3 A5 Ex2 – Copying collectors Compacting and copying GC cause the object address to change at each collection step. Show how to solve the movement problem (for the 2 GC types).

4 4 A5 Ex2 – Copying collectors Mark & Sweep vs. Copying GCs: Give a rough implementation of the collection and allocation for the Copying GC Which collector has the fastest allocation? Give an estimate of the collection cycle cost (M = heap size, R = live objects)

5 5 A5 Ex3 - Mark & Sweep Phase 1:  mark every reachable object Phase 2:  remove non-reachable objects o 1 3 4 5 6 7 2

6 6 Pointer Rotation - Introduction Recursive traversal is very expensive heap: list with 10’000 elements PROCEDURE Traverse(root: Node); VAR cnt: INTEGER; 10’000 * 16 = 160’000 Bytes Stack Size

7 7 Pointer Rotation - Generic Case q p q p

8 8 Pointer rotation example 012 PQR 3

9 9 Pointer Rotation Deutsch-Schorr-Waite (1967) Stores information in the data structure + memory efficient + iterative – structures are temporary inconsistent – non-concurrent – non-incremental

10 10 Input Grammar EBNF: Graph := noOfNodes { Node }. Node := noOfEdges { destination }. Implicit: each node is numbered starting from 0. Example: 8 3 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 2 0 6 1 7 0 0 0 1 2 node

11 11 Example 8 3 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 2 0 6 1 7 0 0 0 1 2 o 1 3 4 5 6 7 2 01237456

12 12 Overview Assignment 5: hints  Garbage collection Assignment 4: solution

13 13 A4 Ex.1 – Loading Page Tables The whole process’ page table is loaded in hardware when the process is scheduled  Advantage: During the process execution, no more memory references are needed for the page table.  Disadvantage: If the page table is large, loading the whole page table at every context switch can also hurt performance, as shown in our example.

14 14 Ex.1 – Loading Page Tables Compute the fraction of the CPU time devoted to loading the page tables if  32-bit address space, 8 KB pages  each process runs for 100 msec 8KB pages  13 bits for the offset  2 19 entries in the page table T Load = 2 19 · 100nsec = 52.4288msec T Load / T = 0.52 52% of the CPU time is devoted to loading the page tables.

15 15 A4 Ex.2 – Using TLBs The time to read a word from  page table is 50 nsec  TLB is 10 nsec What hit rate is needed to have a mean access time of 20 nsec? 10nsec + (1 - p) · 50nsec = 20nsec p = 4 / 5 = 0.80 TLB hit rate = 80%

16 16 Ex.2 – Using TLBs (cont) How does a TLB function in a system with multiple processes? Some systems have an instruction which clears all the validity bits. Linux uses this machine instruction to invalidate all TLB entries at a context switch. Extend the TLB entries with a process identifier field, and add a register to hold the PID of the current process.

17 17 A4 Ex.3 – Memory Size The time to execute an instruction is 1 µsec or 2001 µsec if a page fault occurs A program has 15.000 page faults and an execution time of 60 sec We double the memory size  the interval between the page faults is doubled T = N instr · 1µsec + 15.000 · 2000µsec = 60sec N instr · 1µsec = 60.000.000 - 30.000.000µsec = 30.000.000µsec T 0 = 30.000.000µsec + 7.500 · 2000µsec = 30.000.000 + 15.000.000µsec = 45.000.000µsec = 45sec

18 18 A4 Ex.5 – The Aging Algorithm Page0: 01101110 Page1: 01001001 Page2: 00110111 Page3: 10001011 Problems with this algorithm? Loose the ability to distinguish between references early in the tick interval from those occurring later. Because the counters have a finite number of bits, it may happen that two pages have a counter value of 0 and we have no way of seeing which of these two pages was last referenced.

19 19 A4 Ex.6 – Program Run Time Application  TLB hit rate is 75%  number of memory access is 55.500.000  Page fault rate 0.005 System performance for this application  average TLB miss penalty is 130 nsec  average DRAM access time is 50 nsec  average disk access time is 9 msec Which is the application run time  on this system?  on a system with a better disk with an access time of 6 msec?

20 20 Ex.6 – Program Run Time T = p TLB · N acc · T TLBmiss + N acc · T DRAM + ·p PF · N acc · T Disk T = 4.578.750.000nsec + 2.497.500msec T = 2.502.078,75msec = 2.507,07875sec = 41min T 0 = 4.578,75msec + 0.005 · 55.500.000 · 6msec T 0 = 4.578,75msec + 1.665.000msec T 0 = 1.669.578,75msec = 1.669,57875sec = 27,8min An increase in disk performance of 33% results in a performance increase of 35% (for this scenario).

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