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Did you know? Did You Know_UV.mp4.

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Presentation on theme: "Did you know? Did You Know_UV.mp4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Did you know? Did You Know_UV.mp4

2 UV Light: a major hazard to health
UV light has a cumulative impact over time causing : Eyes diseases Accelerated appearance of cataracts 20 millions of eye surgeries every year Skin aging (wrinkles) & diseases 90% of skin cancer occurs on the face and neck, with 5 to 10% occurring on the eyelids(1) From sunburn to skin cancer, almost everyone is aware of the damage and dangers that ultraviolet radiation can cause to their skin, – but very few understand these dangers of ultraviolet radiation exposure to their eyesight. 79% of people known that UV damages their skin but only 6% are aware that it is bad for their eyes. UV exposure is cumulative and increases gradually with age – making UV protection important for both children and adults alike. It has even been reported that patients wearing UV protection could delay the onset of cataracts by 10 years. As an Eyecare Professional, you are responsible for educating your patients and recommending the most complete vision and eye protection to each and every patient Glasses aren’t just a fashion statement, they are a medical device (1) Myers M, Gurwood AS. Periocular malignancies and primary eye care. Optometry.2011;72(11): 2

3 but is it the safest ? What wearers want…..
Eyeglass wearers want the clearest vision(1)… …which means the clearest lens but is it the safest ? For 98% of AR wearers, Clarity of Vision is a key factor.Source: (1) Ipsos International Survey respondents – 7 countries – “most important characteristics when purchasing eyeglasses” – 2010. 3

4 The known danger: UV Transmission
Transmission is the process of light passing through a lens All HMC lenses are designed to maximize transmission of visible light Direct light coming from the sky Transmission through the lens Higher-index materials block 100% UV light transmission, as do Transitions® lenses “100% UVA/UVB” refers only to reduction in UV transmission through the lens Speaker’s Notes: When light goes through the lens it is called transmission. All No-Glare lenses are designed to maximize visible light transmission. But let’s think about the UV light. Everyone knows that poly and high-index materials and Transitions® lenses block the transmission of UV. We also know that 1.5 Plastic does not provide the same level of front side UV transmission protection as other, better-quality materials. Reflection from back side of the lens Direct light coming from the side and from ground reflection 4

5 UV Reflection: the unaddressed danger
Independent tests show up to 50% of UV exposure comes from the back and sides to hit the rear lens’ surface A newly recognized medical hazard, which has previously gone unaddressed All existing HMC lenses show high level of reflection of UV into the eye Addressed by lens material High Index or Transitions® lenses Speaker’s Notes: There is more to the story than just UV Transmission. There is also UV reflection -- UV light which is reflected off the rear surface of the lens. Today’s HMC lenses reflect up to 50% of the UV light off the backside of the lens. That’s is, up to 50% of the UV reflected back into a wearer’s eye, which is a real problem. All manufacturers of HMC lenses have designed there lenses around visible light – maximizing transmission and minimizing reflections to maintain crisp, clear vision. So UV reflections have remained unaddressed – until now with Crizal UV. When dispensing Crizal Forte UV, it is important to always recommend a better quality lens material (poly or high-index) or Transitions lenses, in order to get the most complete front and backside UV protection. Unaddressed medical hazard 5

6 Do we have any solution ?

7 Introducing… NEW SO SAFE SO CLEAR

So safe, So clear UV BEST UV PROTECTION* + Reflections Scratches Smudges Dust Water BEST ENDURING CLARITY OF VISION Alternative: Crizal Forte UV is the New generation of clear lens, maximizing your eye protection… *For clear lenses with anti-reflective coating. Lenses performance only. Measures: K. Citek. Pacific University College of Optometry, USA 8

9 The most advanced AR lens, Now with exclusive backside UV protector
A differentiated AR coating on front and back surfaces The most advanced AR lens, Now with exclusive backside UV protector LENS SCRATCH-RESISTANCE DUST REPELLENCE AR EFFICIENCY SMUDGE & WATER REPELLENCE AR EFFICIENCY BROAD SPECTRUM TECHNOLOGY NEW FRONT BACK


11 Front UV Transmission cut by Material
Result: Front & back UV minimized Crizal Forte UV : Ultra protection against ultraviolet + Front UV Transmission cut by Material Back UV Reflection stopped by Crizal Forte UV 11

12 Crizal Forte UV: the best back surface UV protection on the market
UV exposure is 5 to 10 times lower than main AR competitors Back surface UV reflection UV Reflection % Competitor A = HOYA, B = SOLA, C = Zeiss No relevant UV benchmark today Existing “100% UV protection” integrates UV cut in transmission (front side). But the protection from backside UV exposure is missing. So how to measure the real UV protection brought by a lens ? Competitor B Premium AR Competitor C Premium AR Competitor A Premium AR Crizal Forte UV How do you easily translate this protection to your patients? 12

13 E-SPF Definition Introducing the “Eye- Sun Protection Factor”
E-SPF endorsed by Dr. Karl Citek Protocol + Values Dr. Karl Citek, American Professor of Optometry, OD, PhD, FAAO*. One of the first researcher to have established the hazard linked to UV backside reflection. A new index developed by Essilor, endorsed by independent 3rd-party, certifying the global UV protection of a lens

14 E-SPF is endorsed by external experts
E-SPF calculation integrates exposure by the front & the back: Front: Transmission calculation (%Tuv) : An international standard  ISO Back: Reflection calculation (%Ruv) : A method approved by independent R&D organism E-SPF endorsed by Dr. Karl Citek Protocol + Values Dr. Karl Citek, American Professor of Optometry, OD, PhD, FAAO*. One of the first researcher to have established the hazard linked to UV backside reflection.

15 E-SPF Formula 100% Tuv + Ruv E-SPF = 100% Exposure Without Lens =
Rounded if needed to the best higher (3 / 5/ 10 / 25) to keep it simple and maintain similarity with cosmetics E-SPF = = Front side UV exposure: % of Transmission through the lens Back & sides UV exposure: % of rear surface reflection Exposure With Lens Tuv Ruv E-SPF = 100% Tuv= 0 % + Ruv= 4% E-SPF for Crizal Forte UV Airwear = 25 ESPF measures and protocol endorsed by Dr. K Citek, Pacific University College of Optometry, Oregon, USA, Direct eye exposure depending on external factors (wearer's morphology, frame shape, position of wear....) is not integrated in the formula of E-SPF

16 E-SPF for Essilor coatings
Trade-up Materials Best E-SPF for Crizal Forte UV clear and Transitions on the market of everyday lenses. 1.5 PC / UHI Transitions® Crizal Forte UV 10 25 Trade-up Coatings Crizal A2 CLEAR LENSES 5 10 Crizal 5 16

17 Lowest E-SPF > Competitors’ best E-SPF
Crizal Forte UV: the best E-SPF on the market Poly / UHI / Trans 1.5 Crizal Forte UV 10 25 Lowest E-SPF > Competitors’ best E-SPF Competitor A Premium AR 3 Competitor B Premium AR 5 Competitor C Premium AR 5 Competitor A = HOYA, B = SOLA, C = Zeiss Speaker’s Notes: Current generation of Avancé, Easy, Alize: have E-SPF of 10. Crizal Sun – available only on Polarized or Tinted lenses. E-SPF 50+ valid on all lens materials Crizal Forte UV – available only on clear, everyday lenses. E-SPF 25 valid on UHI, Poly, Trivex materials or 1.5 material with Transitions E-SPF of 10 on Clear 1.5 Plastic because Crizal Forte UV technology cannot account for the UV transmission which the plastic lens material allows. (Remember E-SPF accounts for both UV transmission and UV reflection to ensure the most complete UV protection for a wearer). With Crizal UV, always recommend to use a higher-quality material or Transitions® lenses for 1.5 material in order to get the most complete front and backside UV protection. E-spf = 100 % T uv + R uv 5% for 1.5 0% for HI ~ 40% for Competitor A ~ 20% for Competitor C 17

18 Improved Scratch Resistance

19 Competition Clear (all Index) & Transitions (all Index)
Executive summary Because Crizal Forte UV has “back-side UV protector”. Front AR and Back AR is different. Reduce Back UV reflectance with special Crizal back AR Competitors 20 to 40% vs. Crizal Forte UV only 4%! UV Reflection % Back surface UV reflection Crizal Forte UV Competitor A Premium AR Competitor B Competitor C UV is harmful & Everywhere. UV reaches eye from Front & Back Up to 50% from back! Thus Need UV Protection from front & back Front = block UV transmission Back = reduce UV reflectance Need measure of total UV protection for eye (Front & Back UV) eSPF grading = EYE SUN PROTECTION FACTOR Crizal Forte UV 1.50 Clear Crizal Forte UV Clear – 1,56, 1.60, 1.67, 1.74, Airwear Transitions – 1.50, 1.60, 1.67, Airwear Competition Clear (all Index) & Transitions (all Index) CRIZAL FORTE UV


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