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Moscow, 20-21 November 2014 National University of Science and Technology MIS & S English language

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Presentation on theme: "Moscow, 20-21 November 2014 National University of Science and Technology MIS & S English language"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moscow, 20-21 November 2014 National University of Science and Technology MIS & S English language environment @MISiS

2 2 MISiS at a glance English language training and services for students English language training and services for staff Challenges and future prospects

3 10% 90% MIS & S at a Glance 3 MIS&S in NUMBERS MIS & S KEY HISTORICS FACTS 1930 MIS & S established Specialization: metallurgy 1962 New research area: Superconductor materials 2000 New research area: nanomaterials 2010 New research area: metamaterials 2013 MIS & S is selected for 5-100 program Entered top 100 BRICS universities 1976 Alexey Abrikosov, the Nobel prize winner in physics, Head of Theoretical Physics Department in 1976-91 International students Russian students StudentsTeaching and research staff Lecturing in English 98% Russian staff International staff 15 Thousand students 1,5 Thousand staff 84% 16% Staff lecturing in Russian only Staff lecturing in English 2012 MIS & S adopted new strategy 2% 

4 English language training for Bachelor students 4 1-8 semesters Modular organisation based on CEFR levels Individual pathways according to placement Blended-learning technology (60%-40% or 50%-50%) Project work Integration of General English and EAP Introduction to ESP (ESAP, EOP) Standardized testing (IELTS test)

5 5 Pathways to the English course Pathway 1Pathway 2Pathway 3Pathway 4Pathway 5 1А1A2B1B1+B2 2A2B1B1+B2B2+ 3B1B1+B2B2+B2++ 4B1+B2B2+B2++C1 5B2B2+B2++C1C1+ 6B2+B2++C1C1+C1++ 7IELTS 8ESP

6 6 F2F - Face-to-face session LMS – Learning Management System Online session Blended learning cycle: Levels A1-B1 F2F Language Input LMS Practice F2F Production LMS Consolidation F2F Skills development LMS Interaction and self- assessment

7 English language training for bachelors: results 7 Level A1

8 English language training for bachelors: Operations 8 Admin team: academic coordinator, module coordinators, exam officer, internal trainers, tech support team Continuous professional development schemes Quality assurance system

9 English language services and support for students 9 Academic and technical support Peer study groups Joint events with subject teachers

10 English language training for bachelors: Effects 10 Develops student academic skills Promotes collaborative learning Helps academic mobility Contributes to enrollment Establishes international standards Increases MISiS brand awareness

11 11 Low entry levels (60% - A0-A1) Increasing number of international students with beginner levels Low intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to learn English Insufficient academic skills including self-organisation, learner autonomy, team-work, academic integrity Lack of student familiarity with blended-learning or distance- learning models via technology BA English language programme: Constraints

12 English environment outside of the curriculum English environment outside of the curriculum 12 BA in Linguistics Language teacher training Translation studies Centre for Foreign languages Language support for academic mobility Faculty training and testing International students support unit Orientation Cultural awareness Integration into academic community

13 English language training and services for staff 13 2009 - 2012 General English language training for admin staff and faculty 2010 1-month training programme for subject teachers at Cambridge University 2010 – 2013 “English and methodology” regular training for faculty 2014 IELTS preparation and testing for faculty Services for international faculty -+ 1 admin staff from the USA to help international recruitment -Documentation in two languages

14 Challenges 14 Little opportunity for use of English among staff and students Lack of horizontal communication between departments and units Resistance to change

15 Prospects 15 Review of language programmes for MA and PhD Set up peer tutor scheme for BA and MA students Get more involved with working group on change management and internal communication

16 Questions? 16 National University of Science and Technology ‘MISiS’

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