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Para Empezar Días especiales. practicar un deporte to practice a sport.

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Presentation on theme: "Para Empezar Días especiales. practicar un deporte to practice a sport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Para Empezar Días especiales

2 practicar un deporte to practice a sport

3 cenar to eat dinner

4 ver la tele(visión) to watch tv

5 pintarse to paint one’s nails

6 almorzar (ue) to eat lunch

7 ir de compras to go shopping

8 dormir (ue,u) to sleep

9 hacer ejercicios to do exercises

10 lavar el coche to wash the car

11 caer to fall

12 tocar un instrumento musical to play a musical instrument

13 ducharse to take a shower

14 levantarse tarde to get up late

15 hablar por teléfono to talk on the phone

16 lavar la ropa to wash clothes

17 acostarse (ue) to go to bed

18 conocer to know (person)

19 divertirse (ie,i) to have fun

20 pensar (ie) to think

21 navegar en la Red to go online

22 cortar el césped to mow the grass

23 decir to say, to tell

24 desayunar to eat breakfast

25 hacer el almuerzo to make lunch

26 despertarse (ie) to wake up

27 tomar el almuerzo to have lunch

28 estudiar to study

29 cortarse el pelo to cut one’s hair

30 hacer la cama to make the bed

31 salir de casa to leave home

32 bañarse to take a bath

33 caminar to walk

34 empezar (ie) to start, to begin

35 estar to be (temporary)

36 ponerse to put on clothing

37 correr to run

38 dar de comer al perro to feed the dog

39 cepillarse los dientes to brush one’s teeth

40 tener to have

41 hacer la cena to make dinner

42 ayudar con los quehaceres to help with the chores

43 preferir (ie,i) to prefer

44 hacer un deporte to play a sport

45 salir de paseo to leave on a walk

46 vestirse (i,i) to get dressed

47 arreglar el cuarto to straighten the room

48 poder to be able, can

49 llegar to arrive

50 tomar la cena to have dinner

51 saber to know (fact)

52 comer to eat

53 pasarlo mal to have a bad time

54 volver (ue) a casa to return home

55 ir al mercado to go to the market

56 querer to want

57 poner la mesa to set the table

58 salir para la escuela to leave for school

59 escuchar música to listen to music

60 preparar la cena to prepare dinner

61 jugar (ue) al fútbol to play soccer

62 traer to bring

63 apagar la luz to turn out the light

64 ser to be (permanent)

65 recordar (ue) to remember

66 contar (ue) to count

67 lavarse la cara to wash one’s face

68 levantarse temprano to get up early

69 sentirse (ie,i) to feel (well, ill)

70 tomar lecciones to take lessons

71 ir al supermercado to go to the supermarket

72 perder (ie) to lose

73 limpiar el baño to clean the bathroom

74 preparar el almuerzo to prepare lunch

75 dormirse (ue,u) to fall asleep

76 hacer la tarea to do homework

77 tomar el desayuno to have breakfast

78 servir (i,i) to serve

79 mentir (ie,i) to lie

80 ir a la escuela to go to school

81 pasarlo bien to have a good time

82 preparar el desayuno to prepare breakfast

83 secarse to dry oneself

84 oír to hear

85 poner los libros en la mochila to put the books in the backpack

86 tocar la guitarra to play the guitar

87 pasar la aspiradora to run the vacuum

88 limpiar la cocina to clean the kitchen

89 cocinar to cook

90 hacer el desayuno to make breakfast

91 pedir (i,i) to ask for, beg

92 ir al gimnasio to go to the gym

93 mirar to look at

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