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The A Level Curriculum Looking Ahead: Specialist Language Degrees in Higher Education Friday 25 November 2005 Goodenough College, London.

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Presentation on theme: "The A Level Curriculum Looking Ahead: Specialist Language Degrees in Higher Education Friday 25 November 2005 Goodenough College, London."— Presentation transcript:

1 The A Level Curriculum Looking Ahead: Specialist Language Degrees in Higher Education Friday 25 November 2005 Goodenough College, London

2 The A Level Curriculum The New MFL Landscape Languages for All: Languages for Life KS2 Framework for modern foreign languages

3 The A Level Curriculum Review of GCE Subject Criteria General outcomes reduce to 4 units further stretch AS/A2 balance progression to HE suitable coursework Outcomes specific to MFL GCSE – AS – A2 progression improved content to reflect teaching time greater clarity about AO4 coursework expectations clearer decline in entries reversed

4 The A Level Curriculum Possible changes extended writing only at A2 ? move some grammatical elements to A2 ? remove AO4 from AS + review weighting at A2 ? review wording of AO2 ? Review of GCE Subject Criteria Issues to consider more AS candidates than for A2 AS candidates in KS4 more HE students are on institution-wide language programmes than language degree courses

5 The A Level Curriculum “In the knowledge society of the 21st century, language competence and intercultural understanding are not optional, they are an essential part of being a citizen.” The National Strategy for Languages

6 The A Level Curriculum Percentage of French, German & Spanish GCSE entries, as a proportion of the total number of 15 year olds in England

7 The A Level Curriculum Trends in French, German & Spanish AS level entries

8 The A Level Curriculum Percentage of French, German & Spanish A level entries, as a proportion of the total number of A level candidates

9 The A Level Curriculum Fast-tracking Vocational pathways Wider range of languages Languages Ladder New A Levels

10 The A Level Curriculum Higher standards, Better schools for All More Choice for Parents and Pupils The White Paper 25 0ctober 2005 Freeing schools from local authority control New providers Choice advisors School improvement partners National schools commissioner Leading professionals SLCs in ITT LA = Commissioning agent

11 The A Level Curriculum

12 Promoting a greater national capability in languages

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