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Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300
Function Words Mean, Median, Mode, Range Mixed Bag Moving Around Formulas $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $ 100 The word “PRICE” is located in which cell?
Click my picture to see the answer

3 $ 100 C2 Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

4 What does the gray box do for a spreadsheet when it is clicked?
$ 200 What does the gray box do for a spreadsheet when it is clicked? Click my picture to see the answer

5 $ 200 It selects the entire spreadsheet. This is especially useful when changing the format for the whole spreadsheet. Examples: changing every column or row to the same width or height, making every cell centered, or a making every cell have the same font size or text color, etc. Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

6 $ 300 The Format Cells window below is set up to express what type of number? How many decimal places will be shown? Click my picture to see the answer

7 $ 300 The number will be a percentage and it will show 2 decimal places. Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

8 $ 400 What is the cell address where you would find the actual expense for publicity? Click my picture to see the answer

9 $ 400 E11 Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

10 $ 500 What does a number in parentheses mean?
Click my picture to see the answer

11 $ 500 It represents a negative number.
Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

12 Every formula in an Excel spreadsheet starts with what symbol?
$ 100 Every formula in an Excel spreadsheet starts with what symbol? Click my picture to see the answer

13 $ 100 An = sign. Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

14 The class assignment was to find
the ratio of shoe size divided by height of each student. What would be the formula that would find Cindy’s ratio in the spreadsheet below? $ 200 Click my picture to see the answer

15 $ 200 =H5/I5 Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

16 $ 300 What is the formula that will calculate the mean for the basketball player in the spreadsheet below? Click my picture to see the answer

17 $ 300 =average(B35:B39) Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

18 $ 400 Chelsie wanted to find the range of x’s crossed out with her classmates’ right hand. What would the formula be that would do this? Click my picture to see the answer

19 $ 400 =max(L5:L23)-min(L5:L23) Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

20 $ 500 What is the formula that will place the actual income ($106,600) in cell D22? What is the formula that will place the actual expenses ($17,400) in cell D23? Click my picture to see the answer

21 $ 500 =E8 =E17 Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

22 $ 100 What number would be the result of using the following formula in the spreadsheet above? =H5+I5 Click my picture to see the answer

23 =H5+I5 the resulting number would be 13.
$ 100 =H5+I the resulting number would be 13. Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

24 $ 200 What number would be the result of using the following formula in the spreadsheet above? =max(H4:H9) Click my picture to see the answer

25 =max(H4:H9) the resulting number would be 22.
$ 200 =max(H4:H9) the resulting number would be 22. Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

26 $ 300 To find the total projected expenses on this spreadsheet, the following formula would be written: = ( ) Finish the formula by using a math function and finding what goes inside the parentheses. Click my picture to see the answer

27 $ 300 =sum(B3:B8) Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

28 $ 400 What formula is found in cell F7?
Click my picture to see the answer

29 $ 400 =E7-D7 Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

30 $ 500 What are the formulas that would find the median and mode for the shoe size data? Click my picture to see the answer

31 $ 500 Formula for median: =median(A2:A19) Formula for mode:
=mode(A2:A19) Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

32 $ 100 What is the range for the arm span data?
Click my picture to see the answer

33 $ 100 46 = Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

34 $ 200 What is the mode for the shoe size data?
Click my picture to see the answer

35 $ 200 Size 9? Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

36 $ 300 What is the mean for the height data? Round your answer to the nearest 10th. Click my picture to see the answer

37 $ 300 Mean ≈ 164.7 Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

38 $ 400 The following are math scores from the last quiz: 82, 94, 88, 46, 91, 92, 86, 93, 85 Which average would BEST fit the data? Mean or Median and why? Click my picture to see the answer

39 $ 400 The following are math scores from the last quiz: 82, 94, 88, 46, 91, 92, 86, 93, 85 Which average would BEST fit the data? Mean or Median and why? The median would be the best fit for this data. The score of 46 will affect the mean more than it will affect the median. When calculating the median, counting up from the low of 46, the median will be unaffected by the low score. The mean will be pulled lower by the 46. Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

40 $ 500 Find the sum of the mean, median and mode for this set of data. Click my picture to see the answer

41 $ 500 Find the sum of the mean, median and mode for this set of data. Mean: 35÷5=7 Median: = 18 Mode: 3 Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

42 $ 100 Which variable is the dependent variable?
Click my picture to see the answer

43 $ 100 Height - the dependent variable is always located on the y-axis.
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44 $ 200 What is the x-scale? What is the y-scale?
Click my picture to see the answer

45 $ 200 What is the x-scale? 2 What is the y-scale? 5 y-scale x-scale
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46 $ 300 Which of the following statement(s) are true? (none of these statements might be true, or all of them might be true) As arm span increases, height decreases As arm span increases, height increases As arm span decreases, height decreases As arm span decreases, height increases Click my picture to see the answer

47 $ 300 Statements b and c are correct.
As arm span increases, height decreases As arm span increases, height increases As arm span decreases, height decreases As arm span decreases, height increases Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

48 $ 400 Sometimes we say the median will fall on one of the pieces of data and sometimes it will fall in between two pieces of data. How can you tell when it is going to fall on or in between pieces of data? Click my picture to see the answer

49 $ 400 If a set of data contains an ODD number of pieces of data, the median will fall ON one of the numbers. If a set of data contains an EVEN number of pieces of data, the median will fall in between two of the numbers. Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

50 $ 500 Janey wanted to average 90% on her math tests. So far she has a 83%, 92%, 80% and a 95% on her first 4 tests. What does she need to score on the last test to average 90%? Click my picture to see the answer

51 $ 500 To average 90% on 5 tests, Janey needs 450 points (5 x 90). So far Janey has accumulated 350 points. Therefore she needs 100 points on the last test to average 90%. Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

52 FINAL JEOPARDY!! For your Final Jeopardy question, you may risk $0 up to the total amount of money accumulated. Write down how much you want to risk. Click my picture to see the FINAL JEOPARDY question.

53 Final Jeopardy What math term would you use to describe a set of data that has a lot of high values, a lot of low values and some values in the middle? We would describe this set of data as being very __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . Click my picture to see the answer

54 Final Jeopardy Answer What math term would you use to describe a set of data that has a lot of high values, a lot of low values and some values in the middle? We would describe this set of data as being very D I V E R S E. Click my picture to return to the Jeopardy Game Board

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