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Authors: Neeru Malhotra & Avinandan Mukherjee Jonathan Doles MGMT 435.

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1 Authors: Neeru Malhotra & Avinandan Mukherjee Jonathan Doles MGMT 435

2  To see if job satisfaction and organizational commitment effect the service quality of employees who have direct contact with the customers

3  Empirically test the relationship between service quality and:  Job Satisfaction  Three components of organizational commitment  The relative importance of the effects of job satisfaction and organizational commitment

4  Petty 1984, Schneider and Bowen 1995, Yousef 2000, Organ 1977, Vroom 1964, Silvestro and Cross 2000, Hartline and Ferrell 1996, MacKenzie 1998  Meyer and Allen 1991, Suliman and Iles 2000, Suliman 2002

5  H1: Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on the service quality of customer-contact employees  H2: Affective commitment has a significant positive effect on service quality  H3: Normative commitment has a significant positive effect on service quality  H4: Continuance commitment has a significant negative effect on service quality  H5: Job satisfaction has a more significant relationship with service quality than the three dimensions of organizational commitment

6  Affective Commitment :  the employee's emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in the organization  Normative Commitment :  the employee's feelings of obligation to stay with the organization  Continuance Commitment :  the commitment based on the costs that the employee associates with leaving the organization

7  Study was done in the United Kingdom with one major retail bank  Used self-administered anonymous questionnaires  Originally given to 710 employees, 380 were completed, only 342 were applicable  Questionnaire designed to have employees evaluated their own performance  Five point ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”


9  H1: Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on the service quality of customer-contact employees  ACCEPTED  H2: Affective commitment has a significant positive effect on service quality  ACCEPTED  H3: Normative commitment has a significant positive effect on service quality  MARGINALLY SUPPORTED  H4: Continuance commitment has a significant negative effect on service quality  REJECTED  H5: Job satisfaction has a more significant relationship with service quality than the three dimensions of organizational commitment  REJECTED


11  Of all the components tested, only affective commitment has a significant relationship with service quality

12  Reconsider Hiring Criteria  Personality vs. Skill  Human Resource Management  Job Satisfaction

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