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29th December 2014 - Tel Aviv EGNIS Workshop ISERD the Israel – Europe R&D Directorate.

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Presentation on theme: "29th December 2014 - Tel Aviv EGNIS Workshop ISERD the Israel – Europe R&D Directorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 29th December 2014 - Tel Aviv EGNIS Workshop ISERD the Israel – Europe R&D Directorate


3 Policy Licensing Surveyors Survey Regulations Mapping & GIS Geodesy Cadastre The Survey of Israel is governmental agency for Mapping, Geodesy, Cadastre and Geoinformatics Research Professional lead Survey of Israel

4 4 The cadastral system in Israel is a register of properties following the Torrence principles. The state guarantees the title (property location, delimitation and ownership). The Survey of Israel is responsible the correctness of the property plan. The Register at the Ministry of Legal Affairs is responsible for ownership registration. Coordinate Based Cadastre (CBC) Evidence for property location will be coordinates stored in the Israeli National Cadastral Database. Coordinates will be determined using Israeli Network of GPS permanent stations with an accuracy of 5 cm Survey of Israel

5 The Cities of Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut established in 1985

6 The Cities of Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut established in 1985

7 The Cities of Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut established in 1985

8 The Survey of Israel is responsible for the Geodetic Infrastructure of Israel, including the Horizontal Control - a network of 22 continuously operating reference stations Vertical control – a network of Benchmarks surveyed with high accuracy and a geoid undulation model

9 9 Accurate geodetic network is the foundation for every construction project

10 Surveying regulation Hierarchy of geodetic control Survey of Israel 10 G G0 (Hor = 3mm, Ver=5mm) G1 (Hor = 6mm, Ver=10mm) G2 (Hor = 15mm, Ver=20mm) S S0 15 mm)) S1 (25mm) S2 (35mm) S3 (50mm) Primary Level - 3D network Secondary Level H H1-H2 2*√L - 3*√L H3 10*√L H4-H6 20*√L - 60*√L Horizontal control Vertical control

11 Hierarchy of geodetic control Survey of Israel 11 ClassControl type Number of points in the network Horizontal accuracy CEP 95 (mm) Vertical accuracy (ellipsoidal height) LEP 95 (mm) G0 National CORS, Primary geodetic control 2135 G1Secondary geodetic control150610 G2Tertiary geodetic control15001520 ClassControl type Surveying method Horizontal accuracy CEP 95 (mm) Vertical accuracy (ellipsoidal height) LEP 95 (mm) S0 Private CORSGNSS 1520 S1 -GNSS 2560 S2 -GNSS or using a total station 35 None S3 Not for boundary points determination GNSS or using a total station 50 None Primary Levels - 3D Secondary Levels - Horizontal

12 Survey of Israel 12 ClassSurveying methodLeveling loop length Maximum closure error (mm) H1 Geometric or trigonometric leveling NA2*√L H2603*√L ClassSurveying method Leveling GNSS Ellipsoidal height accuracy LEP 95 (mm) Leveling segment length [km] Leveling loop length [km] Maximum closure error (mm) H3 Geometric or trigonometric leveling 22410*√LNA H4 Geometric or trigonometric leveling or using GNSS technology 21020*√L10 H5 2530*√L20 H6 1460*√L40 Hierarchy of geodetic control Primary Vertical level Secondary Vertical level

13 Since 1991 the Survey of Israel maps the entire country using 1:40000 aerial photography and field surveys. The National Topographic Database includes Building, Transportation, Street names, Land Cover, Hydrology, Elevation, and many more layers Survey of Israel

14 Geodesy Cadastre Mapping layers Governmental layers Municipal and Public layers Basic data layers from SOI

15 Survey of Israel 15 Horizontal Accuracy levels for mapping Accuracy level RMSE in Easting or Northing (m) CEP 95 (m)Largest scale 10.010.031:50 20.030.061:100 30.060.151:250 40.130.301:500 50.250.601:1,000 60.300.751:1,250 70.631.501:2,500 81.253.001:5,000 92.506.001:10,000 106.2515.001:25,000 1112.5030.001:50,000 Surveying regulation Mapping accuracies

16 Survey of Israel 16 Vertical Accuracy levels for mapping Accuracy levelSpot heightElevation at well- defined point Contour line interval (m) RMSE (m)LEP95 (m)RMSE (m)LEP95 (m) 10.010.02 0.040.05 50.200.400.300.601.00 60.250.500.380.751.25 70.501.000.751.502.50 105.0010.007.5015.0025.00 1110.0020.0015.0030.0050.00 Surveying regulation Mapping accuracies

17 Mobile mapping Laser scanning Satellite sensors UAV mapping Advanced GNSS Digital geodetic leveling Survey Regulation support new mapping technologies and standards Survey of Israel

18 Mobile mapping These system are using direct geo-referecning method to obtain locations of mapped features Multiple mapping sensors (laser-scanners, cameras, ground penetrating radar…) Multiple navigation systems (GNSS, IMU, Odometer) provide proper accuracy


20 Occlusions create cycle slips Multipath further contaminate the signal. GPS Why do you need Inertial measurement unit (IMU)?

21 CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER WORK Survey of Israel 21 GNSS technologies are essential for surveying, mapping, cadastral and geodetic applications From users perspective there is a need to improve these technologies in the following areas: – Improved vertical accuracy – Better support in urban areas to avoid cycle slips (obstruction of satellites) – Improved methods in urban areas to avoid multi-path – Acquiring of fix-position (< than a centimeter) in faster duration


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