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Español 8 lunes el 9 de enero Turn in Exam Review Packet (due unless absent Friday) Exam Review Time: –Practice Verbal Q & A with a classmate (un compañero)

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Presentation on theme: "Español 8 lunes el 9 de enero Turn in Exam Review Packet (due unless absent Friday) Exam Review Time: –Practice Verbal Q & A with a classmate (un compañero)"— Presentation transcript:

1 español 8 lunes el 9 de enero Turn in Exam Review Packet (due unless absent Friday) Exam Review Time: –Practice Verbal Q & A with a classmate (un compañero) –Correct old tests/quizzes with a classmate Begin verbal exam Q & A Tarea/HW: -Study for Exam! See study sheet for details. Mid Term Exam Jan. 11-13th

2 español 7 lunes el 9 de enero Complete Unit 9 packet Tarea/HW: -Study Unit 5 vocabulary terms Quiz Wednesday over terms #1-44

3 español 8 martes el 10 de enero Correct Review Packet (day 1) Continue Verbal Questions Free exam review time Tarea/HW: - Study! Written portion tomorrow (Wed.) Mid Term Exam Jan. 11-13th

4 español 7 martes el 10 de enero Unit 5 vocabulary review (verbal) Correct tarea/HW: Hambre y Sed Hands on vocabulary props. Tarea/HW: - Study Unit 5 vocabulary terms Quiz Wednesday over terms #1-44

5 español 8 miércoles el 11 de enero Mid Term Day 1 Written portion (30 minutes) Finish correcting review packet Free exam review time –Go over vocab, review old tests etc. for Ch. 1-3 Tarea/HW: - Review for mid-term exam (Ch. 1-3) Mid Term Exam Jan. 11-13th

6 español 7 miércoles el 11 de enero Unit 5 Quiz 1: terms #1-44 CANCELLED –Quiz tomorrow (Thursday/jueves) Flamenco power point & notes Vocabulary practice quiz & review Tarea/HW: * Write out terms #1-44 in Spanish 1X with English meaning 1X (due tomorrow)

7 español 8 jueves el 12 de enero Mid Term Day 2 Multiple Choice #1-51 PENCIL AND ERASER NEEDED! *Plus something to do if you finish early! Tarea/HW: -Keep studying

8 español 7 jueves el 12 de enero Unit 5 Quiz terms #1-44 Gusta vs. Gustan –Gustar WS #1 Tarea/HW: -Finish WS -Study your vocabulary for Unit 5: Food and notes

9 español 8 viernes el 13 de enero Mid Term Day 3 (last day ) Multiple Choice #52-100 PENCIL AND ERASER NEEDED! *Plus something to do SILENTLY if you finish early! *You must stay in your seat. Tarea/HW: -Study for other exams

10 español 7 viernes el 13 de enero Verbal vocabulary practice (Q & A) Gustar Practica WS Tarea/HW: -Keep studying Unit 5 vocab, charts and notes -Begin to review old body vocab too *Common Assessment next week over: -Unit 5 Food vocab, notes etc. -Unit 4 Body etc. Wednesday 1/18/12

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