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This is called Nesting.</span> <span class='tr'><TITLE> tags are nested in the <HEAD>-</HEAD>tags.</span> <span class='tr'>Text inside <TITLE> tags is displayed on the browser Title Bar.</span> <span class='tr'>The text between the <BODY> tags is displayed inside the browser window.</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/2/HTML+Each+HTML+document+begins+with+a+%3CHTML%3E+and+ends+with+%3C%2FHTML%3E+tags..jpg", "name": "HTML Each HTML document begins with a <HTML> and ends with <\/HTML> tags.", "description": "Each document consists of a HEAD section surrounded by <HEAD> and <\/HEAD> tags and a BODY section with <BODY> and <\/BODY>. HTML tags come in pairs (usually) with the ending tag containing an additional \/ . Some Tags can surround other tags. This is called Nesting. <TITLE> tags are nested in the <HEAD>-<\/HEAD>tags. Text inside <TITLE> tags is displayed on the browser Title Bar. The text between the <BODY> tags is displayed inside the browser window. popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/2/HTML+Each+HTML+document+begins+with+a+%3CHTML%3E+and+ends+with+%3C%2FHTML%3E+tags..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML Each HTML document begins with a <HTML> and ends with </HTML> tags." title="Each document consists of a HEAD section surrounded by <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags and a BODY section with <BODY> and </BODY>. HTML tags come in pairs (usually) with the ending tag containing an additional / . Some Tags can surround other tags. This is called Nesting. <TITLE> tags are nested in the <HEAD>-</HEAD>tags. Text inside <TITLE> tags is displayed on the browser Title Bar. The text between the <BODY> tags is displayed inside the browser window. popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/3/HTML.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML" > 3 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>The <HR> tag without any attributes, draws a full length (100%) rule across the page. To decrease its length to half its value, you should specify "50%" value to the WIDTH attribute. Thus, with <HR width="50%">, we get a shorter horizontal rule:</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/3/HTML.jpg", "name": "HTML", "description": "The <HR> tag without any attributes, draws a full length (100%) rule across the page. To decrease its length to half its value, you should specify 50% value to the WIDTH attribute. Thus, with <HR width= 50% >, we get a shorter horizontal rule: popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/3/HTML.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML" title="The <HR> tag without any attributes, draws a full length (100%) rule across the page. To decrease its length to half its value, you should specify 50% value to the WIDTH attribute. Thus, with <HR width= 50% >, we get a shorter horizontal rule: popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/4/HTML+Tags+usually+surround+some+text..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML Tags usually surround some text." > 4 </a> </span> <strong>HTML Tags usually surround some text.</strong><br><span class='tr'>This text is displayed based on the instructions contained in the tag and its attributes.</span> <span class='tr'>A simple example is the Bold (<B> and </B>) tag.</span> <span class='tr'>When these tags are placed surrounding some text, it becomes bold as:</span> <span class='tr'>(<B>This is bold text</B>)</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/4/HTML+Tags+usually+surround+some+text..jpg", "name": "HTML Tags usually surround some text.", "description": "This text is displayed based on the instructions contained in the tag and its attributes. A simple example is the Bold (<B> and <\/B>) tag. When these tags are placed surrounding some text, it becomes bold as: (<B>This is bold text<\/B>) popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/4/HTML+Tags+usually+surround+some+text..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML Tags usually surround some text." title="This text is displayed based on the instructions contained in the tag and its attributes. A simple example is the Bold (<B> and </B>) tag. When these tags are placed surrounding some text, it becomes bold as: (<B>This is bold text</B>) popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/5/HTML+Headings+help+in+defining+the+format+and+structure+of+the+document..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML Headings help in defining the format and structure of the document." > 5 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>Headings help in defining the format and structure of the document.</span> <span class='tr'>There are six levels of headings in HTML specified by <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5> and <H6> tags.</span> <span class='tr'><H1>I am heading 1</H1> gives:</span> <span class='tr'>I am heading 1</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/5/HTML+Headings+help+in+defining+the+format+and+structure+of+the+document..jpg", "name": "HTML Headings help in defining the format and structure of the document.", "description": "There are six levels of headings in HTML specified by <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5> and <H6> tags. <H1>I am heading 1<\/H1> gives: I am heading 1. popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/5/HTML+Headings+help+in+defining+the+format+and+structure+of+the+document..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML Headings help in defining the format and structure of the document." title="There are six levels of headings in HTML specified by <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5> and <H6> tags. <H1>I am heading 1</H1> gives: I am heading 1. popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/6/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>" > 6 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD></strong><br><span class='tr'><TITLE>My fist HTML </TITLE></span> <span class='tr'></HEAD></span> <span class='tr'><BODY></span> <span class='tr'><H1>I am heading 1</H1></span> <span class='tr'><H2>I am heading 2</H2></span> <span class='tr'><H3>I am heading 3</H3></span> <span class='tr'><H4>I am heading 4</H4></span> <span class='tr'><H5>I am heading 5</H5></span> <span class='tr'><H6>I am heading 6</H6></span> <span class='tr'></BODY></span> <span class='tr'></HTML></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/6/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg", "name": "HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>", "description": "<TITLE>My fist HTML <\/TITLE> <\/HEAD> <BODY> <H1>I am heading 1<\/H1> <H2>I am heading 2<\/H2> <H3>I am heading 3<\/H3> <H4>I am heading 4<\/H4> <H5>I am heading 5<\/H5> <H6>I am heading 6<\/H6> <\/BODY> <\/HTML> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/6/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>" title="<TITLE>My fist HTML </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>I am heading 1</H1> <H2>I am heading 2</H2> <H3>I am heading 3</H3> <H4>I am heading 4</H4> <H5>I am heading 5</H5> <H6>I am heading 6</H6> </BODY> </HTML> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/7/HTML+What+are+HTML+Tag+attributes.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML What are HTML Tag attributes" > 7 </a> </span> <strong>HTML What are HTML Tag attributes</strong><br><span class='tr'>Attributes change the properties of tags and are placed ONLY inside the starting tag.</span> <span class='tr'>Each attribute usually has a value associated.</span> <span class='tr'><TAG ATTRIBUTE="VALUE">some text ... </TAG></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/7/HTML+What+are+HTML+Tag+attributes.jpg", "name": "HTML What are HTML Tag attributes", "description": "Attributes change the properties of tags and are placed ONLY inside the starting tag. Each attribute usually has a value associated. <TAG ATTRIBUTE= VALUE >some text ... <\/TAG> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/7/HTML+What+are+HTML+Tag+attributes.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML What are HTML Tag attributes" title="Attributes change the properties of tags and are placed ONLY inside the starting tag. Each attribute usually has a value associated. <TAG ATTRIBUTE= VALUE >some text ... </TAG> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/8/HTML+popo+The+attribute-value+pair+is+placed+INSIDE+the+starting+tag.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo The attribute-value pair is placed INSIDE the starting tag" > 8 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo The attribute-value pair is placed INSIDE the starting tag</strong><br><span class='tr'>An "equal to" sign separates the attribute from its value.</span> <span class='tr'>All heading tags <H1> to <H6> have attributes.</span> <span class='tr'>The important one are 'ALIGN’</span> <span class='tr'>The 'ALIGN' attribute takes one of the four values:</span> <span class='tr'>LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or JUSTIFY.</span> <span class='tr'><H3 align="left">I am aligned to the left</H3</span> <span class='tr'><H3 align="right">I am aligned to the right</H3></span> <span class='tr'><H3 align="center">I am centrally aligned</H3></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/8/HTML+popo+The+attribute-value+pair+is+placed+INSIDE+the+starting+tag.jpg", "name": "HTML popo The attribute-value pair is placed INSIDE the starting tag", "description": "An equal to sign separates the attribute from its value. All heading tags <H1> to <H6> have attributes. The important one are ALIGN\u2019 The ALIGN attribute takes one of the four values: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or JUSTIFY. <H3 align= left >I am aligned to the left<\/H3. <H3 align= right >I am aligned to the right<\/H3> <H3 align= center >I am centrally aligned<\/H3> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/8/HTML+popo+The+attribute-value+pair+is+placed+INSIDE+the+starting+tag.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo The attribute-value pair is placed INSIDE the starting tag" title="An equal to sign separates the attribute from its value. All heading tags <H1> to <H6> have attributes. The important one are ALIGN’ The ALIGN attribute takes one of the four values: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or JUSTIFY. <H3 align= left >I am aligned to the left</H3. <H3 align= right >I am aligned to the right</H3> <H3 align= center >I am centrally aligned</H3> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/9/HTML.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML" > 9 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>The <BR> tag has no end tag because it doesn't need too. Just the presence of <BR> adds a line break. The opposite of the <BR> tag is the <NOBR> tag. It has an ending </NOBR> tag. Text placed between these tags will be displayed in a single line, which might result in horizontal scrolling if the text too is long. Try this out with the following code.</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/9/HTML.jpg", "name": "HTML", "description": "The <BR> tag has no end tag because it doesn t need too. Just the presence of <BR> adds a line break. The opposite of the <BR> tag is the <NOBR> tag. It has an ending <\/NOBR> tag. Text placed between these tags will be displayed in a single line, which might result in horizontal scrolling if the text too is long. Try this out with the following code. popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/9/HTML.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML" title="The <BR> tag has no end tag because it doesn t need too. Just the presence of <BR> adds a line break. The opposite of the <BR> tag is the <NOBR> tag. It has an ending </NOBR> tag. Text placed between these tags will be displayed in a single line, which might result in horizontal scrolling if the text too is long. Try this out with the following code. popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/10/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>" > 10 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD></strong><br><span class='tr'><TITLE>Testing the BR tag</TITLE></span> <span class='tr'></HEAD></span> <span class='tr'><BODY></span> <span class='tr'><NOBR></span> <span class='tr'>This is a long piece of text consisting of three</span> <span class='tr'>sentences and shows you the functions of the</span> <span class='tr'>NOBR tag. This tag is causes the text between it</span> <span class='tr'>to be displayed in a single line and will result</span> <span class='tr'>in horizontal scrolling in the browser if the text</span> <span class='tr'>is too long and continues and continues and continues</span> <span class='tr'>and continues and continues and continues and continues</span> <span class='tr'>and finally ends here.</span> <span class='tr'></NOBR></span> <span class='tr'></BODY></span> <span class='tr'></HTML></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/10/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg", "name": "HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>", "description": "<TITLE>Testing the BR tag<\/TITLE> <\/HEAD> <BODY> <NOBR> This is a long piece of text consisting of three. sentences and shows you the functions of the. NOBR tag. This tag is causes the text between it. to be displayed in a single line and will result. in horizontal scrolling in the browser if the text. is too long and continues and continues and continues. and continues and continues and continues and continues. and finally ends here. <\/NOBR> <\/BODY> <\/HTML> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/10/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>" title="<TITLE>Testing the BR tag</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <NOBR> This is a long piece of text consisting of three. sentences and shows you the functions of the. NOBR tag. This tag is causes the text between it. to be displayed in a single line and will result. in horizontal scrolling in the browser if the text. is too long and continues and continues and continues. and continues and continues and continues and continues. and finally ends here. </NOBR> </BODY> </HTML> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/11/HTML+popo+Physical+Tags.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo Physical Tags" > 11 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo Physical Tags</strong><br><span class='tr'>There are 10 physical tags each requiring a closing tag:</span> <span class='tr'><I> Italics: I am in italics</span> <span class='tr'><B> Bold: I am in bold</span> <span class='tr'><U> Underline: I am underlined</span> <span class='tr'><STRIKE> Strikethrough: I am struck!</span> <span class='tr'><SUP> Superscript: My superscript</span> <span class='tr'><SUB> Subscript: My subscript</span> <span class='tr'><TT> Typewriter: I am in typewriter form</span> <span class='tr'><BIG> Bigger font: I am bigger</span> <span class='tr'><SMALL> Smaller font: I am smaller</span> <span class='tr'><S> Strikethrough alternative: I am also struck!</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/11/HTML+popo+Physical+Tags.jpg", "name": "HTML popo Physical Tags", "description": "There are 10 physical tags each requiring a closing tag: <I> Italics: I am in italics. <B> Bold: I am in bold. <U> Underline: I am underlined. <STRIKE> Strikethrough: I am struck! <SUP> Superscript: My superscript. <SUB> Subscript: My subscript. <TT> Typewriter: I am in typewriter form. <BIG> Bigger font: I am bigger. <SMALL> Smaller font: I am smaller. <S> Strikethrough alternative: I am also struck! popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/11/HTML+popo+Physical+Tags.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo Physical Tags" title="There are 10 physical tags each requiring a closing tag: <I> Italics: I am in italics. <B> Bold: I am in bold. <U> Underline: I am underlined. <STRIKE> Strikethrough: I am struck! <SUP> Superscript: My superscript. <SUB> Subscript: My subscript. <TT> Typewriter: I am in typewriter form. <BIG> Bigger font: I am bigger. <SMALL> Smaller font: I am smaller. <S> Strikethrough alternative: I am also struck! popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/12/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>" > 12 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD></strong><br><span class='tr'><HTML></span> <span class='tr'><HEAD></span> <span class='tr'><TITLE>Physical Tags</TITLE></span> <span class='tr'></HEAD></span> <span class='tr'><BODY></span> <span class='tr'><I>Text in Italics</I></span> <span class='tr'><BR><BR></span> <span class='tr'><B>Text in Bold</B></span> <span class='tr'><U>Underlined Text</U></span> <span class='tr'><STRIKE>Text Struck-through</STRIKE></span> <span class='tr'>Text with <SUP>Superscript</SUP></span> <span class='tr'>Text with <SUB>Subscript</SUB></span> <span class='tr'><TT>Typewriter Text</TT></span> <span class='tr'><BIG>Bigger text</BIG></span> <span class='tr'><SMALL>Smaller text</SMALL></span> <span class='tr'><S>Text Struck-through</S></span> <span class='tr'><U><B>Bold and Underlined</B></U></span> <span class='tr'><I><U><B>Bold, Underlined and in Italics</B></U></I></span> <span class='tr'></BODY></span> <span class='tr'></HTML></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/12/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg", "name": "HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>", "description": "<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Physical Tags<\/TITLE> <\/HEAD> <BODY> <I>Text in Italics<\/I> <BR><BR> <B>Text in Bold<\/B> <U>Underlined Text<\/U> <STRIKE>Text Struck-through<\/STRIKE> Text with <SUP>Superscript<\/SUP> Text with <SUB>Subscript<\/SUB> <TT>Typewriter Text<\/TT> <BIG>Bigger text<\/BIG> <SMALL>Smaller text<\/SMALL> <S>Text Struck-through<\/S> <U><B>Bold and Underlined<\/B><\/U> <I><U><B>Bold, Underlined and in Italics<\/B><\/U><\/I> <\/BODY> <\/HTML> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/12/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>" title="<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Physical Tags</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <I>Text in Italics</I> <BR><BR> <B>Text in Bold</B> <U>Underlined Text</U> <STRIKE>Text Struck-through</STRIKE> Text with <SUP>Superscript</SUP> Text with <SUB>Subscript</SUB> <TT>Typewriter Text</TT> <BIG>Bigger text</BIG> <SMALL>Smaller text</SMALL> <S>Text Struck-through</S> <U><B>Bold and Underlined</B></U> <I><U><B>Bold, Underlined and in Italics</B></U></I> </BODY> </HTML> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/13/HTML+popo+There+are+9+logical+tags+each+requiring+a+closing+tag%3A.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo There are 9 logical tags each requiring a closing tag:" > 13 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo There are 9 logical tags each requiring a closing tag:</strong><br><span class='tr'><STRONG> Strong: I am strong</span> <span class='tr'><EM> Emphasis: I am emphasized</span> <span class='tr'><ABBR> Abbreviation: I am abbreviated</span> <span class='tr'><CITE> Citation: Citation</span> <span class='tr'><CODE> Code: I am programming code</span> <span class='tr'><DFN> Definition: Definition</span> <span class='tr'><KBD> Keyboard: Quite like keyboard strokes</span> <span class='tr'><SAMP> Sample: Sample</span> <span class='tr'><VAR> Programming Variable: Programming Variable</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/13/HTML+popo+There+are+9+logical+tags+each+requiring+a+closing+tag%3A.jpg", "name": "HTML popo There are 9 logical tags each requiring a closing tag:", "description": "<STRONG> Strong: I am strong. <EM> Emphasis: I am emphasized. <ABBR> Abbreviation: I am abbreviated. <CITE> Citation: Citation. <CODE> Code: I am programming code. <DFN> Definition: Definition. <KBD> Keyboard: Quite like keyboard strokes. <SAMP> Sample: Sample. <VAR> Programming Variable: Programming Variable. popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/13/HTML+popo+There+are+9+logical+tags+each+requiring+a+closing+tag%3A.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo There are 9 logical tags each requiring a closing tag:" title="<STRONG> Strong: I am strong. <EM> Emphasis: I am emphasized. <ABBR> Abbreviation: I am abbreviated. <CITE> Citation: Citation. <CODE> Code: I am programming code. <DFN> Definition: Definition. <KBD> Keyboard: Quite like keyboard strokes. <SAMP> Sample: Sample. <VAR> Programming Variable: Programming Variable. popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/14/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>" > 14 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD></strong><br><span class='tr'><TITLE>Logical Tags</TITLE></span> <span class='tr'></HEAD></span> <span class='tr'><BODY></span> <span class='tr'><STRONG>Strong</STRONG></span> <span class='tr'><BR><BR></span> <span class='tr'><EM>Emphasis</EM></span> <span class='tr'><ABBR>Abbreviation</ABBR></span> <span class='tr'><CITE>Citation</CITE></span> <span class='tr'><CODE>Code</CODE></span> <span class='tr'><DFN>Definition</DFN></span> <span class='tr'><KBD>Keyboard</KBD></span> <span class='tr'><SAMP>Sample</SAMP></span> <span class='tr'><VAR>Programming Variable</VAR></span> <span class='tr'></BODY></span> <span class='tr'></HTML></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/14/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg", "name": "HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>", "description": "<TITLE>Logical Tags<\/TITLE> <\/HEAD> <BODY> <STRONG>Strong<\/STRONG> <BR><BR> <EM>Emphasis<\/EM> <ABBR>Abbreviation<\/ABBR> <CITE>Citation<\/CITE> <CODE>Code<\/CODE> <DFN>Definition<\/DFN> <KBD>Keyboard<\/KBD> <SAMP>Sample<\/SAMP> <VAR>Programming Variable<\/VAR> <\/BODY> <\/HTML> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/14/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>" title="<TITLE>Logical Tags</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <STRONG>Strong</STRONG> <BR><BR> <EM>Emphasis</EM> <ABBR>Abbreviation</ABBR> <CITE>Citation</CITE> <CODE>Code</CODE> <DFN>Definition</DFN> <KBD>Keyboard</KBD> <SAMP>Sample</SAMP> <VAR>Programming Variable</VAR> </BODY> </HTML> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/15/HTML.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML" > 15 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>To separate blocks of text in a document you can use the simple but useful <HR> tag, which puts a straight line across the page. There is no ending tag for the horizontal rule. The very inclusion of <HR> introduces the separating line.</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/15/HTML.jpg", "name": "HTML", "description": "To separate blocks of text in a document you can use the simple but useful <HR> tag, which puts a straight line across the page. There is no ending tag for the horizontal rule. The very inclusion of <HR> introduces the separating line. popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/15/HTML.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML" title="To separate blocks of text in a document you can use the simple but useful <HR> tag, which puts a straight line across the page. There is no ending tag for the horizontal rule. The very inclusion of <HR> introduces the separating line. popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/16/HTML+You+can+change+the+length%2C+width%2C+size%2C+color+and+alignment+of+the+horizontal+rule+using+various+attributes..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML You can change the length, width, size, color and alignment of the horizontal rule using various attributes." > 16 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>You can change the length, width, size, color and alignment of the horizontal rule using various attributes.</span> <span class='tr'>WIDTH Attribute</span> <span class='tr'>This attribute defines the length of the rule.</span> <span class='tr'>A value is required for this attribute.</span> <span class='tr'>This value can be expressed in pixel numbers or percentage.</span> <span class='tr'><HR width="50"> presents a rule which is 50 pixels in length</span> <span class='tr'><HR width="70%"> specifies that the length of the rule should be 70% of the page's width as:</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/16/HTML+You+can+change+the+length%2C+width%2C+size%2C+color+and+alignment+of+the+horizontal+rule+using+various+attributes..jpg", "name": "HTML You can change the length, width, size, color and alignment of the horizontal rule using various attributes.", "description": "WIDTH Attribute. This attribute defines the length of the rule. A value is required for this attribute. This value can be expressed in pixel numbers or percentage. <HR width= 50 > presents a rule which is 50 pixels in length. <HR width= 70% > specifies that the length of the rule should be 70% of the page s width as: popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/16/HTML+You+can+change+the+length%2C+width%2C+size%2C+color+and+alignment+of+the+horizontal+rule+using+various+attributes..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML You can change the length, width, size, color and alignment of the horizontal rule using various attributes." title="WIDTH Attribute. This attribute defines the length of the rule. A value is required for this attribute. This value can be expressed in pixel numbers or percentage. <HR width= 50 > presents a rule which is 50 pixels in length. <HR width= 70% > specifies that the length of the rule should be 70% of the page s width as: popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/17/HTML+SIZE+Attribute.+The+SIZE+defines+the+thickness+of+the+horizontal+rule..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML SIZE Attribute. The SIZE defines the thickness of the horizontal rule." > 17 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>SIZE Attribute</span> <span class='tr'>The SIZE defines the thickness of the horizontal rule.</span> <span class='tr'>You can change the thickness by specifying the number of pixels with the value.</span> <span class='tr'><HR SIZE="1">: 1 pixel thick.</span> <span class='tr'><HR SIZE="8">: 8 pixels thick.</span> <span class='tr'><HR SIZE="30">: 30 pixels thick.</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/17/HTML+SIZE+Attribute.+The+SIZE+defines+the+thickness+of+the+horizontal+rule..jpg", "name": "HTML SIZE Attribute. The SIZE defines the thickness of the horizontal rule.", "description": "You can change the thickness by specifying the number of pixels with the value. <HR SIZE= 1 >: 1 pixel thick. <HR SIZE= 8 >: 8 pixels thick. <HR SIZE= 30 >: 30 pixels thick. popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/17/HTML+SIZE+Attribute.+The+SIZE+defines+the+thickness+of+the+horizontal+rule..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML SIZE Attribute. The SIZE defines the thickness of the horizontal rule." title="You can change the thickness by specifying the number of pixels with the value. <HR SIZE= 1 >: 1 pixel thick. <HR SIZE= 8 >: 8 pixels thick. <HR SIZE= 30 >: 30 pixels thick. popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/18/HTML+ALIGN+Attribute.+can+align+horizontal+rules+using+one+of+the+three+values+for+ALIGN+attribute%2C+CENTER+%2C+LEFT+%2C+or+RIGHT+..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML ALIGN Attribute. can align horizontal rules using one of the three values for ALIGN attribute, CENTER , LEFT , or RIGHT ." > 18 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>ALIGN Attribute</span> <span class='tr'>can align horizontal rules using one of the three values for ALIGN attribute, "CENTER", "LEFT", or "RIGHT".</span> <span class='tr'>The default value for this attribute is "CENTER".</span> <span class='tr'><HR align="center" width="50”></span> <span class='tr'><HR align="left" width="50%">:</span> <span class='tr'><HR align="right" width="50%">:</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/18/HTML+ALIGN+Attribute.+can+align+horizontal+rules+using+one+of+the+three+values+for+ALIGN+attribute%2C+CENTER+%2C+LEFT+%2C+or+RIGHT+..jpg", "name": "HTML ALIGN Attribute. can align horizontal rules using one of the three values for ALIGN attribute, CENTER , LEFT , or RIGHT .", "description": "The default value for this attribute is CENTER . <HR align= center width= 50 > <HR align= left width= 50% >: <HR align= right width= 50% >: popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/18/HTML+ALIGN+Attribute.+can+align+horizontal+rules+using+one+of+the+three+values+for+ALIGN+attribute%2C+CENTER+%2C+LEFT+%2C+or+RIGHT+..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML ALIGN Attribute. can align horizontal rules using one of the three values for ALIGN attribute, CENTER , LEFT , or RIGHT ." title="The default value for this attribute is CENTER . <HR align= center width= 50 > <HR align= left width= 50% >: <HR align= right width= 50% >: popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/19/HTML+COLOR+Attribute.+%3CHR+COLOR%3D+RED+SIZE%3D+10+width%3D+50%25+%3E%3A+Red+colored+rule%2C+10+pixels+in+thickness..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML COLOR Attribute. <HR COLOR= RED SIZE= 10 width= 50% >: Red colored rule, 10 pixels in thickness." > 19 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>COLOR Attribute</span> <span class='tr'><HR COLOR="RED" SIZE="10" width="50%“ >: Red colored rule, 10 pixels in thickness.</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/19/HTML+COLOR+Attribute.+%3CHR+COLOR%3D+RED+SIZE%3D+10+width%3D+50%25+%3E%3A+Red+colored+rule%2C+10+pixels+in+thickness..jpg", "name": "HTML COLOR Attribute. <HR COLOR= RED SIZE= 10 width= 50% >: Red colored rule, 10 pixels in thickness.", "description": "popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/19/HTML+COLOR+Attribute.+%3CHR+COLOR%3D+RED+SIZE%3D+10+width%3D+50%25+%3E%3A+Red+colored+rule%2C+10+pixels+in+thickness..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML COLOR Attribute. <HR COLOR= RED SIZE= 10 width= 50% >: Red colored rule, 10 pixels in thickness." title="popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/20/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>" > 20 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD></strong><br><span class='tr'><TITLE>Horizontal Rules</TITLE></span> <span class='tr'></HEAD></span> <span class='tr'><BODY></span> <span class='tr'>Modify the attributes of these horizontal rules.</span> <span class='tr'><BR><BR></span> <span class='tr'><HR WIDTH="50"></span> <span class='tr'><HR SIZE="3"></span> <span class='tr'><HR ALIGN="RIGHT" WIDTH="50%"></span> <span class='tr'><HR ALIGN="LEFT" COLOR="GREEN" WIDTH="80%"></span> <span class='tr'><HR WIDTH="50%“ SIZE="5"></span> <span class='tr'><HR COLOR="RED" SIZE="10" WIDTH="50%"></span> <span class='tr'></BODY></span> <span class='tr'></HTML></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/20/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg", "name": "HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>", "description": "<TITLE>Horizontal Rules<\/TITLE> <\/HEAD> <BODY> Modify the attributes of these horizontal rules. <BR><BR> <HR WIDTH= 50 > <HR SIZE= 3 > <HR ALIGN= RIGHT WIDTH= 50% > <HR ALIGN= LEFT COLOR= GREEN WIDTH= 80% > <HR WIDTH= 50% SIZE= 5 > <HR COLOR= RED SIZE= 10 WIDTH= 50% > <\/BODY> <\/HTML> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/20/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD>" title="<TITLE>Horizontal Rules</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> Modify the attributes of these horizontal rules. <BR><BR> <HR WIDTH= 50 > <HR SIZE= 3 > <HR ALIGN= RIGHT WIDTH= 50% > <HR ALIGN= LEFT COLOR= GREEN WIDTH= 80% > <HR WIDTH= 50% SIZE= 5 > <HR COLOR= RED SIZE= 10 WIDTH= 50% > </BODY> </HTML> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/21/HTML+popo+Paragraph+tag+%3CP%3E.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo Paragraph tag <P>" > 21 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo Paragraph tag <P></strong><br><span class='tr'>Blocks of text in HTML should be placed in paragraphs.</span> <span class='tr'>Browsers typically insert a blank line before and after a paragraph of text.</span> <span class='tr'> The paragraph tag is <P>. You should always end the paragraph with </P> even though it is not required.</span> <span class='tr'>The important Attribute of this tag is ALIGN which can take one of the four values; "LEFT", "RIGHT", "CENTER", "JUSTIFY".</span> <span class='tr'>LEFT is the default value.</span> <span class='tr'><P> is aligned to the left.</P></span> <span class='tr'><P align="right"> is aligned to the right.</P></span> <span class='tr'><P align="center"> is centrally aligned.</P></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/21/HTML+popo+Paragraph+tag+%3CP%3E.jpg", "name": "HTML popo Paragraph tag <P>", "description": "Blocks of text in HTML should be placed in paragraphs. Browsers typically insert a blank line before and after a paragraph of text. The paragraph tag is <P>. You should always end the paragraph with <\/P> even though it is not required. The important Attribute of this tag is ALIGN which can take one of the four values; LEFT , RIGHT , CENTER , JUSTIFY . LEFT is the default value. <P> is aligned to the left.<\/P> <P align= right > is aligned to the right.<\/P> <P align= center > is centrally aligned.<\/P> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/21/HTML+popo+Paragraph+tag+%3CP%3E.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo Paragraph tag <P>" title="Blocks of text in HTML should be placed in paragraphs. Browsers typically insert a blank line before and after a paragraph of text. The paragraph tag is <P>. You should always end the paragraph with </P> even though it is not required. The important Attribute of this tag is ALIGN which can take one of the four values; LEFT , RIGHT , CENTER , JUSTIFY . LEFT is the default value. <P> is aligned to the left.</P> <P align= right > is aligned to the right.</P> <P align= center > is centrally aligned.</P> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/22/HTML+%3CDIV%3E+tag+HTML+elements+inside+%3CDIV%3E+and+%3C%2FDIV%3E+tags+divides+the+document+into+sections..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML <DIV> tag HTML elements inside <DIV> and </DIV> tags divides the document into sections." > 22 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'><DIV> tag </span> <span class='tr'>HTML elements inside <DIV> and </DIV> tags divides the document into sections.</span> <span class='tr'><DIV align="left"> aligns elements inside it, to the left.</DIV></span> <span class='tr'><DIV align="right"> aligns elements inside it, to the right.</DIV></span> <span class='tr'><DIV align="center"> aligns elements inside it, to the center.</DIV></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/22/HTML+%3CDIV%3E+tag+HTML+elements+inside+%3CDIV%3E+and+%3C%2FDIV%3E+tags+divides+the+document+into+sections..jpg", "name": "HTML <DIV> tag HTML elements inside <DIV> and <\/DIV> tags divides the document into sections.", "description": "<DIV align= left > aligns elements inside it, to the left.<\/DIV> <DIV align= right > aligns elements inside it, to the right.<\/DIV> <DIV align= center > aligns elements inside it, to the center.<\/DIV> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/22/HTML+%3CDIV%3E+tag+HTML+elements+inside+%3CDIV%3E+and+%3C%2FDIV%3E+tags+divides+the+document+into+sections..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML <DIV> tag HTML elements inside <DIV> and </DIV> tags divides the document into sections." title="<DIV align= left > aligns elements inside it, to the left.</DIV> <DIV align= right > aligns elements inside it, to the right.</DIV> <DIV align= center > aligns elements inside it, to the center.</DIV> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/23/HTML+%3CCENTER%3E+tag.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML <CENTER> tag" > 23 </a> </span> <strong>HTML <CENTER> tag</strong><br><span class='tr'><CENTER>Centrally aligns this text</CENTER></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/23/HTML+%3CCENTER%3E+tag.jpg", "name": "HTML <CENTER> tag", "description": "<CENTER>Centrally aligns this text<\/CENTER> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/23/HTML+%3CCENTER%3E+tag.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML <CENTER> tag" title="<CENTER>Centrally aligns this text</CENTER> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/24/HTML+popo+%3CMARQUEE%3E.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo <MARQUEE>" > 24 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo <MARQUEE></strong><br><span class='tr'>The <MARQUEE> tag provides some animated text to the page.</span> <span class='tr'>An easy way to put some colorful animated text on your page.</span> <span class='tr'>It has many attributes:</span> <span class='tr'>BEHAVIOUR = ALTERNATE, SCROLL OR SLIDE</span> <span class='tr'>BGCOLOR = "Blue", "Green" etc.</span> <span class='tr'>DIRECTION = DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT OR UP</span> <span class='tr'>HEIGHT = in pixels or percentage</span> <span class='tr'>LOOP = number or INFINITE</span> <span class='tr'>SCROLLDELAY = in milliseconds</span> <span class='tr'>TITLE = some text</span> <span class='tr'>TRANSPARENCY = 0 to 100 (number)</span> <span class='tr'>WIDTH = in pixels or percentage</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/24/HTML+popo+%3CMARQUEE%3E.jpg", "name": "HTML popo <MARQUEE>", "description": "The <MARQUEE> tag provides some animated text to the page. An easy way to put some colorful animated text on your page. It has many attributes: BEHAVIOUR = ALTERNATE, SCROLL OR SLIDE. BGCOLOR = Blue , Green etc. DIRECTION = DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT OR UP. HEIGHT = in pixels or percentage. LOOP = number or INFINITE. SCROLLDELAY = in milliseconds. TITLE = some text. TRANSPARENCY = 0 to 100 (number) WIDTH = in pixels or percentage. popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/24/HTML+popo+%3CMARQUEE%3E.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo <MARQUEE>" title="The <MARQUEE> tag provides some animated text to the page. An easy way to put some colorful animated text on your page. It has many attributes: BEHAVIOUR = ALTERNATE, SCROLL OR SLIDE. BGCOLOR = Blue , Green etc. DIRECTION = DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT OR UP. HEIGHT = in pixels or percentage. LOOP = number or INFINITE. SCROLLDELAY = in milliseconds. TITLE = some text. TRANSPARENCY = 0 to 100 (number) WIDTH = in pixels or percentage. popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/25/HTML+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML <HTML> <HEAD>" > 25 </a> </span> <strong>HTML <HTML> <HEAD></strong><br><span class='tr'><TITLE>Text Controlling </TITLE></span> <span class='tr'></HEAD></span> <span class='tr'><BODY></span> <span class='tr'><MARQUEE DIRECTION="LEFT" BGCOLOR="BLUE" INFINITE WIDTH="400">Scrolling POPO</MARQUEE></span> <span class='tr'></BODY></span> <span class='tr'></HTML></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/25/HTML+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg", "name": "HTML <HTML> <HEAD>", "description": "<TITLE>Text Controlling <\/TITLE> <\/HEAD> <BODY> <MARQUEE DIRECTION= LEFT BGCOLOR= BLUE INFINITE WIDTH= 400 >Scrolling POPO<\/MARQUEE> <\/BODY> <\/HTML> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/25/HTML+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML <HTML> <HEAD>" title="<TITLE>Text Controlling </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <MARQUEE DIRECTION= LEFT BGCOLOR= BLUE INFINITE WIDTH= 400 >Scrolling POPO</MARQUEE> </BODY> </HTML> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/26/HTML+popo+Font+FACE+attribute.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo Font FACE attribute" > 26 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo Font FACE attribute</strong><br><span class='tr'>Face attribute takes the name of the font you want to use.</span> <span class='tr'><FONT FACE="Times New Roman">This should be displayed in Times New Roman</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT FACE="Arial">This should be displayed in Arial</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT FACE="Verdana">This should be displayed in Verdana</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS">This should be displayed in Comic Sans MS</FONT></span> <span class='tr'>IMPORTANT: If you do not have the font installed in your system, the text will be displayed in the default font of your browser.</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/26/HTML+popo+Font+FACE+attribute.jpg", "name": "HTML popo Font FACE attribute", "description": "Face attribute takes the name of the font you want to use. <FONT FACE= Times New Roman >This should be displayed in Times New Roman<\/FONT> <FONT FACE= Arial >This should be displayed in Arial<\/FONT> <FONT FACE= Verdana >This should be displayed in Verdana<\/FONT> <FONT FACE= Comic Sans MS >This should be displayed in Comic Sans MS<\/FONT> IMPORTANT: If you do not have the font installed in your system, the text will be displayed in the default font of your browser. popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/26/HTML+popo+Font+FACE+attribute.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo Font FACE attribute" title="Face attribute takes the name of the font you want to use. <FONT FACE= Times New Roman >This should be displayed in Times New Roman</FONT> <FONT FACE= Arial >This should be displayed in Arial</FONT> <FONT FACE= Verdana >This should be displayed in Verdana</FONT> <FONT FACE= Comic Sans MS >This should be displayed in Comic Sans MS</FONT> IMPORTANT: If you do not have the font installed in your system, the text will be displayed in the default font of your browser. popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/27/HTML+Font+COLOR+attribute.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML Font COLOR attribute" > 27 </a> </span> <strong>HTML Font COLOR attribute</strong><br><span class='tr'>The attribute takes either the hexadecimal color value or just the color name.</span> <span class='tr'>Some common color names are Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, White, Black, Cyan, Magenta, Pink etc.</span> <span class='tr'><FONT COLOR="RED">Red Text</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT COLOR="BLUE">Blue Text</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT COLOR="GREEN">Green Text</FONT></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/27/HTML+Font+COLOR+attribute.jpg", "name": "HTML Font COLOR attribute", "description": "The attribute takes either the hexadecimal color value or just the color name. Some common color names are Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, White, Black, Cyan, Magenta, Pink etc. <FONT COLOR= RED >Red Text<\/FONT> <FONT COLOR= BLUE >Blue Text<\/FONT> <FONT COLOR= GREEN >Green Text<\/FONT> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/27/HTML+Font+COLOR+attribute.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML Font COLOR attribute" title="The attribute takes either the hexadecimal color value or just the color name. Some common color names are Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, White, Black, Cyan, Magenta, Pink etc. <FONT COLOR= RED >Red Text</FONT> <FONT COLOR= BLUE >Blue Text</FONT> <FONT COLOR= GREEN >Green Text</FONT> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/28/HTML+Font+SIZE+attribute+The+size+attribute+takes+a+number+from+1+to+7.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML Font SIZE attribute The size attribute takes a number from 1 to 7" > 28 </a> </span> <strong>HTML Font SIZE attribute The size attribute takes a number from 1 to 7</strong><br><span class='tr'><FONT SIZE="1">Some Text</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT SIZE="2">Some Text</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT SIZE="3">Some Text</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT SIZE="4">Some Text</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT SIZE="5">Some Text</FONT></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/28/HTML+Font+SIZE+attribute+The+size+attribute+takes+a+number+from+1+to+7.jpg", "name": "HTML Font SIZE attribute The size attribute takes a number from 1 to 7", "description": "<FONT SIZE= 1 >Some Text<\/FONT> <FONT SIZE= 2 >Some Text<\/FONT> <FONT SIZE= 3 >Some Text<\/FONT> <FONT SIZE= 4 >Some Text<\/FONT> <FONT SIZE= 5 >Some Text<\/FONT> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/28/HTML+Font+SIZE+attribute+The+size+attribute+takes+a+number+from+1+to+7.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML Font SIZE attribute The size attribute takes a number from 1 to 7" title="<FONT SIZE= 1 >Some Text</FONT> <FONT SIZE= 2 >Some Text</FONT> <FONT SIZE= 3 >Some Text</FONT> <FONT SIZE= 4 >Some Text</FONT> <FONT SIZE= 5 >Some Text</FONT> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/29/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E+%3CTITLE%3EText+%3C%2FTITLE%3E.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Text </TITLE>" > 29 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Text </TITLE></strong><br><span class='tr'><BODY></span> <span class='tr'><FONT FACE="Arial">Text in Arial</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT FACE="Times New Roman">Text in Times New Roman</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT SIZE="4">Size 4 text</FONT></span> <span class='tr'><FONT SIZE="2" COLOR="BLUE">Size 2, blue colored text</FONT></span> <span class='tr'></BODY></span> <span class='tr'></HTML></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/29/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E+%3CTITLE%3EText+%3C%2FTITLE%3E.jpg", "name": "HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Text <\/TITLE>", "description": "<BODY> <FONT FACE= Arial >Text in Arial<\/FONT> <FONT FACE= Times New Roman >Text in Times New Roman<\/FONT> <FONT SIZE= 4 >Size 4 text<\/FONT> <FONT SIZE= 2 COLOR= BLUE >Size 2, blue colored text<\/FONT> <\/BODY> <\/HTML> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/29/HTML+popo+%3CHTML%3E+%3CHEAD%3E+%3CTITLE%3EText+%3C%2FTITLE%3E.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Text </TITLE>" title="<BODY> <FONT FACE= Arial >Text in Arial</FONT> <FONT FACE= Times New Roman >Text in Times New Roman</FONT> <FONT SIZE= 4 >Size 4 text</FONT> <FONT SIZE= 2 COLOR= BLUE >Size 2, blue colored text</FONT> </BODY> </HTML> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/30/HTML+popo+LIST+HTML+Ordered+List.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo LIST HTML Ordered List" > 30 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo LIST HTML Ordered List</strong><br><span class='tr'>If the ranking of items is desired, we employ ordered lists.</span> <span class='tr'>To place individual list items, you use the <LI> tag as</span> <span class='tr'><OL></span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item One</span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item Two</span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item Three</span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item Four</span> <span class='tr'></OL></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/30/HTML+popo+LIST+HTML+Ordered+List.jpg", "name": "HTML popo LIST HTML Ordered List", "description": "If the ranking of items is desired, we employ ordered lists. To place individual list items, you use the <LI> tag as. <OL> <LI>Item One. <LI>Item Two. <LI>Item Three. <LI>Item Four. <\/OL> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/30/HTML+popo+LIST+HTML+Ordered+List.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo LIST HTML Ordered List" title="If the ranking of items is desired, we employ ordered lists. To place individual list items, you use the <LI> tag as. <OL> <LI>Item One. <LI>Item Two. <LI>Item Three. <LI>Item Four. </OL> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/31/HTML+Numbers+are+the+default+bullets+in+ordered+lists+but+you+can+change+this+using+the+TYPE+attribute+of+%3COL%3E+tag..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML Numbers are the default bullets in ordered lists but you can change this using the TYPE attribute of <OL> tag." > 31 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>Numbers are the default bullets in ordered lists but you can change this using the TYPE attribute of <OL> tag.</span> <span class='tr'>This attribute takes one of the five values:</span> <span class='tr'>TYPE="a": Lowercase alphabet</span> <span class='tr'>TYPE="A": Uppercase Alphabet</span> <span class='tr'>TYPE="i": Lowercase Roman Numerals</span> <span class='tr'>TYPE="I": Uppercase Roman Numerals</span> <span class='tr'>TYPE="1": Regular number (default)</span> <span class='tr'>Thus,</span> <span class='tr'><OL TYPE="A"></span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item One</span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item Two</span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item Three</span> <span class='tr'></OL></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/31/HTML+Numbers+are+the+default+bullets+in+ordered+lists+but+you+can+change+this+using+the+TYPE+attribute+of+%3COL%3E+tag..jpg", "name": "HTML Numbers are the default bullets in ordered lists but you can change this using the TYPE attribute of <OL> tag.", "description": "This attribute takes one of the five values: TYPE= a : Lowercase alphabet. TYPE= A : Uppercase Alphabet. TYPE= i : Lowercase Roman Numerals. TYPE= I : Uppercase Roman Numerals. TYPE= 1 : Regular number (default) Thus, <OL TYPE= A > <LI>Item One. <LI>Item Two. <LI>Item Three. <\/OL> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/31/HTML+Numbers+are+the+default+bullets+in+ordered+lists+but+you+can+change+this+using+the+TYPE+attribute+of+%3COL%3E+tag..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML Numbers are the default bullets in ordered lists but you can change this using the TYPE attribute of <OL> tag." title="This attribute takes one of the five values: TYPE= a : Lowercase alphabet. TYPE= A : Uppercase Alphabet. TYPE= i : Lowercase Roman Numerals. TYPE= I : Uppercase Roman Numerals. TYPE= 1 : Regular number (default) Thus, <OL TYPE= A > <LI>Item One. <LI>Item Two. <LI>Item Three. </OL> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/32/HTML+popo+HTML+Unordered+List.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo HTML Unordered List" > 32 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo HTML Unordered List</strong><br><span class='tr'><UL> - </UL> are the starting and ending tags of Unordered lists.</span> <span class='tr'>List items are included using the <LI> tag.</span> <span class='tr'>Unordered lists also support the TYPE attribute that takes disc, circle or square as its value.</span> <span class='tr'><UL></span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item One</span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item Two</span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item Three</span> <span class='tr'><LI>Item Four</span> <span class='tr'></UL></span> <span class='tr'>Using TYPE="square"</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/32/HTML+popo+HTML+Unordered+List.jpg", "name": "HTML popo HTML Unordered List", "description": "<UL> - <\/UL> are the starting and ending tags of Unordered lists. List items are included using the <LI> tag. Unordered lists also support the TYPE attribute that takes disc, circle or square as its value. <UL> <LI>Item One. <LI>Item Two. <LI>Item Three. <LI>Item Four. <\/UL> Using TYPE= square popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/32/HTML+popo+HTML+Unordered+List.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo HTML Unordered List" title="<UL> - </UL> are the starting and ending tags of Unordered lists. List items are included using the <LI> tag. Unordered lists also support the TYPE attribute that takes disc, circle or square as its value. <UL> <LI>Item One. <LI>Item Two. <LI>Item Three. <LI>Item Four. </UL> Using TYPE= square popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/33/HTML+Linking.+Anchor+tags+have+a+starting+%28%3CA%3E%29+and+an+%28%3C%2FA%3E%29+ending+tag..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML Linking. Anchor tags have a starting (<A>) and an (</A>) ending tag." > 33 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>Linking</span> <span class='tr'>Anchor tags have a starting (<A>) and an (</A>) ending tag.</span> <span class='tr'>The HREF attribute is required and takes the URL address of the destination page as value. Without this attribute-value, no links will be created.</span> <span class='tr'>Some text is enclosed between the anchor tags.</span> <span class='tr'>This text serves as the hot spot. When a visitor clicks on this 'hot spot', he or she will be transported to the target page.</span> <span class='tr'><a href= "popo.html" >click to popo page</a></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/33/HTML+Linking.+Anchor+tags+have+a+starting+%28%3CA%3E%29+and+an+%28%3C%2FA%3E%29+ending+tag..jpg", "name": "HTML Linking. Anchor tags have a starting (<A>) and an (<\/A>) ending tag.", "description": "The HREF attribute is required and takes the URL address of the destination page as value. Without this attribute-value, no links will be created. Some text is enclosed between the anchor tags. This text serves as the hot spot. When a visitor clicks on this hot spot , he or she will be transported to the target page. <a href= popo.html >click to popo page<\/a> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/33/HTML+Linking.+Anchor+tags+have+a+starting+%28%3CA%3E%29+and+an+%28%3C%2FA%3E%29+ending+tag..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML Linking. Anchor tags have a starting (<A>) and an (</A>) ending tag." title="The HREF attribute is required and takes the URL address of the destination page as value. Without this attribute-value, no links will be created. Some text is enclosed between the anchor tags. This text serves as the hot spot. When a visitor clicks on this hot spot , he or she will be transported to the target page. <a href= popo.html >click to popo page</a> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/34/HTML+Load+image.+%3CIMG%3E+tag.+The+required+attribute+of+this+tag+is+SRC%2C+which+takes+the+value+of+the+image+file+s+URL..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML Load image. <IMG> tag. The required attribute of this tag is SRC, which takes the value of the image file s URL." > 34 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>Load image</span> <span class='tr'><IMG> tag. The required attribute of this tag is SRC, which takes the value of the image file's URL.</span> <span class='tr'><IMG SRC="ash.jpg"></span> <span class='tr'>Three kinds of images files .gif, .jpg and .png are used on the Internet.</span> <span class='tr'>The <IMG> tag has many attributes</span> <span class='tr'>WIDTH: used for specifying the width of the image</span> <span class='tr'>HEIGHT: specifies height</span> <span class='tr'>BORDER: displays a border around the image</span> <span class='tr'><IMG SRC="hat.gif" width="150" height="100"></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/34/HTML+Load+image.+%3CIMG%3E+tag.+The+required+attribute+of+this+tag+is+SRC%2C+which+takes+the+value+of+the+image+file+s+URL..jpg", "name": "HTML Load image. <IMG> tag. The required attribute of this tag is SRC, which takes the value of the image file s URL.", "description": "<IMG SRC= ash.jpg > Three kinds of images files .gif, .jpg and .png are used on the Internet. The <IMG> tag has many attributes. WIDTH: used for specifying the width of the image. HEIGHT: specifies height. BORDER: displays a border around the image. <IMG SRC= hat.gif width= 150 height= 100 > popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/34/HTML+Load+image.+%3CIMG%3E+tag.+The+required+attribute+of+this+tag+is+SRC%2C+which+takes+the+value+of+the+image+file+s+URL..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML Load image. <IMG> tag. The required attribute of this tag is SRC, which takes the value of the image file s URL." title="<IMG SRC= ash.jpg > Three kinds of images files .gif, .jpg and .png are used on the Internet. The <IMG> tag has many attributes. WIDTH: used for specifying the width of the image. HEIGHT: specifies height. BORDER: displays a border around the image. <IMG SRC= hat.gif width= 150 height= 100 > popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/35/HTML+popo+Tables+Tables+are+defined+with+the+%3Ctable%3E+tag..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo Tables Tables are defined with the <table> tag." > 35 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo Tables Tables are defined with the <table> tag.</strong><br><span class='tr'>A table is divided into rows (with the <tr> tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with the <td> tag).</span> <span class='tr'>The letters td stands for "table data," which is the content of a data cell.</span> <span class='tr'>A data cell can contain text, images, lists, paragraphs, forms, horizontal rules, tables, etc.</span> <span class='tr'><table border="1"></span> <span class='tr'><tr></span> <span class='tr'><td>row 1, cell 1</td></span> <span class='tr'><td>row 1, cell 2</td></span> <span class='tr'></tr></span> <span class='tr'><td>row 2, cell 1</td></span> <span class='tr'><td>row 2, cell 2</td></span> <span class='tr'></table></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/35/HTML+popo+Tables+Tables+are+defined+with+the+%3Ctable%3E+tag..jpg", "name": "HTML popo Tables Tables are defined with the <table> tag.", "description": "A table is divided into rows (with the <tr> tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with the <td> tag). The letters td stands for table data, which is the content of a data cell. A data cell can contain text, images, lists, paragraphs, forms, horizontal rules, tables, etc. <table border= 1 > <tr> <td>row 1, cell 1<\/td> <td>row 1, cell 2<\/td> <\/tr> <td>row 2, cell 1<\/td> <td>row 2, cell 2<\/td> <\/table> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/35/HTML+popo+Tables+Tables+are+defined+with+the+%3Ctable%3E+tag..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo Tables Tables are defined with the <table> tag." title="A table is divided into rows (with the <tr> tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with the <td> tag). The letters td stands for table data, which is the content of a data cell. A data cell can contain text, images, lists, paragraphs, forms, horizontal rules, tables, etc. <table border= 1 > <tr> <td>row 1, cell 1</td> <td>row 1, cell 2</td> </tr> <td>row 2, cell 1</td> <td>row 2, cell 2</td> </table> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/36/HTML+popo+Headings+in+a+Table.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML popo Headings in a Table" > 36 </a> </span> <strong>HTML popo Headings in a Table</strong><br><span class='tr'>Headings in a table are defined with the <th> tag.</span> <span class='tr'><table border="1"></span> <span class='tr'><tr></span> <span class='tr'><th>Heading</th></span> <span class='tr'><th>Another Heading</th></span> <span class='tr'></tr></span> <span class='tr'><td>row 1, cell 1</td></span> <span class='tr'><td>row 1, cell 2</td></span> <span class='tr'><td>row 2, cell 1</td></span> <span class='tr'><td>row 2, cell 2</td></span> <span class='tr'></table></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/36/HTML+popo+Headings+in+a+Table.jpg", "name": "HTML popo Headings in a Table", "description": "Headings in a table are defined with the <th> tag. <table border= 1 > <tr> <th>Heading<\/th> <th>Another Heading<\/th> <\/tr> <td>row 1, cell 1<\/td> <td>row 1, cell 2<\/td> <td>row 2, cell 1<\/td> <td>row 2, cell 2<\/td> <\/table> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/36/HTML+popo+Headings+in+a+Table.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML popo Headings in a Table" title="Headings in a table are defined with the <th> tag. <table border= 1 > <tr> <th>Heading</th> <th>Another Heading</th> </tr> <td>row 1, cell 1</td> <td>row 1, cell 2</td> <td>row 2, cell 1</td> <td>row 2, cell 2</td> </table> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/37/HTML+HTML+Anchor+Tag..jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML HTML Anchor Tag." > 37 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>HTML Anchor Tag</span> <span class='tr'>The HTML anchor element is used to create a link to a resource (another web page, a file, etc.) or to a specific place within a web page. The anchor tag is written like this:</span> <span class='tr'><a></span> <span class='tr'>The HREF Attribute</span> <span class='tr'><a href= page</a></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/37/HTML+HTML+Anchor+Tag..jpg", "name": "HTML HTML Anchor Tag.", "description": "The HTML anchor element is used to create a link to a resource (another web page, a file, etc.) or to a specific place within a web page. The anchor tag is written like this: <a> The HREF Attribute. <a href= page<\/a> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/37/HTML+HTML+Anchor+Tag..jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML HTML Anchor Tag." title="The HTML anchor element is used to create a link to a resource (another web page, a file, etc.) or to a specific place within a web page. The anchor tag is written like this: <a> The HREF Attribute. <a href= page</a> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/38/HTML+For+example%2C+suppose+you+want+to+link+to+a+page+you+ve+saved+with+the+name+of+MyPage.html.+You+d+code+it+like+this%3A.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML For example, suppose you want to link to a page you ve saved with the name of MyPage.html. You d code it like this:" > 38 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>For example, suppose you want to link to a page you've saved with the name of MyPage.html. You'd code it like this:</span> <span class='tr'><a href="MyPage.html">My Page</a></span> <span class='tr'>The NAME Attribute</span> <span class='tr'>The name attribute allows an anchor tag to be used to point to a specific place on a web page.</span> <span class='tr'>You might link from the bottom of a long page to the top of the page</span> <span class='tr'>The syntax for using the name attribute is like this:</span> <span class='tr'><a name="top"></a> or...</span> <span class='tr'><a name="top">Some text</a></span> <span class='tr'>You can leave out the text between the "a" tags or use them to surround some text.</span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/38/HTML+For+example%2C+suppose+you+want+to+link+to+a+page+you+ve+saved+with+the+name+of+MyPage.html.+You+d+code+it+like+this%3A.jpg", "name": "HTML For example, suppose you want to link to a page you ve saved with the name of MyPage.html. You d code it like this:", "description": "<a href= MyPage.html >My Page<\/a> The NAME Attribute. The name attribute allows an anchor tag to be used to point to a specific place on a web page. You might link from the bottom of a long page to the top of the page. The syntax for using the name attribute is like this: <a name= top ><\/a> or... <a name= top >Some text<\/a> You can leave out the text between the a tags or use them to surround some text. popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/38/HTML+For+example%2C+suppose+you+want+to+link+to+a+page+you+ve+saved+with+the+name+of+MyPage.html.+You+d+code+it+like+this%3A.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML For example, suppose you want to link to a page you ve saved with the name of MyPage.html. You d code it like this:" title="<a href= MyPage.html >My Page</a> The NAME Attribute. The name attribute allows an anchor tag to be used to point to a specific place on a web page. You might link from the bottom of a long page to the top of the page. The syntax for using the name attribute is like this: <a name= top ></a> or... <a name= top >Some text</a> You can leave out the text between the a tags or use them to surround some text. popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/39/HTML+to+link+to+that+named+anchor.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML to link to that named anchor" > 39 </a> </span> <strong>HTML to link to that named anchor</strong><br><span class='tr'><a href="#top">go top</a></span> <span class='tr'>As you can see, it's simply a hash mark (#) in front of the actual anchor name.</span> <span class='tr'>The hash mark tells the browser the link is on the current page.</span> <span class='tr'>You can also link to a named anchor on another page.</span> <span class='tr'>The syntax for that is:</span> <span class='tr'><a href="AnotherPage.html#name">Link Text</a></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/39/HTML+to+link+to+that+named+anchor.jpg", "name": "HTML to link to that named anchor", "description": "<a href= #top >go top<\/a> As you can see, it s simply a hash mark (#) in front of the actual anchor name. The hash mark tells the browser the link is on the current page. You can also link to a named anchor on another page. The syntax for that is: <a href= AnotherPage.html#name >Link Text<\/a> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/39/HTML+to+link+to+that+named+anchor.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML to link to that named anchor" title="<a href= #top >go top</a> As you can see, it s simply a hash mark (#) in front of the actual anchor name. The hash mark tells the browser the link is on the current page. You can also link to a named anchor on another page. The syntax for that is: <a href= AnotherPage.html#name >Link Text</a> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/40/HTML+The+TARGET+Attribute.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML The TARGET Attribute" > 40 </a> </span> <strong>HTML The TARGET Attribute</strong><br><span class='tr'>The target attribute allows you to determine where the link will open.</span> <span class='tr'>With a framed site, it allows you to target a link to a specific frame.</span> <span class='tr'><a href=" target="_blank">Link Text</a></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/40/HTML+The+TARGET+Attribute.jpg", "name": "HTML The TARGET Attribute", "description": "The target attribute allows you to determine where the link will open. With a framed site, it allows you to target a link to a specific frame. <a href= target= _blank >Link Text<\/a> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/40/HTML+The+TARGET+Attribute.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML The TARGET Attribute" title="The target attribute allows you to determine where the link will open. With a framed site, it allows you to target a link to a specific frame. <a href= target= _blank >Link Text</a> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/41/HTML.jpg" target="_blank" title="HTML" > 41 </a> </span> <span>HTML</span> <span class='tr'>HTML Comments Comments can be hidden in your HTML source code. You can also hide a whole block of code or content by marking it out using an HTML comment. A comment is written like this: <!-- This is a comment. --></span> <span class='tr'>popo</span> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/41/HTML.jpg", "name": "HTML", "description": "HTML Comments Comments can be hidden in your HTML source code. You can also hide a whole block of code or content by marking it out using an HTML comment. A comment is written like this: <!-- This is a comment. --> popo.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//slideplayer.com./slide/3384655/17/images/41/HTML.jpg" width="800" align="left" alt="HTML" title="HTML Comments Comments can be hidden in your HTML source code. You can also hide a whole block of code or content by marking it out using an HTML comment. A comment is written like this: <!-- This is a comment. --> popo."> </noscript> <br /></p> </div> <hr class="uk-article-divider"> <div class="uk-article"> <style>@media(max-width:500px) {#place_16>ins[data-ad-slot="4403948519"]{ display:none !important;}} #place_16 > ins[data-ad-slot="5318274008"]{display:none;} @media (max-width: 500px) { #place_16 > ins[data-ad-slot="5318274008"]{display:inline-block;} } </style><div id="place_16" class="ads uk-text-center"> <script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6133583279631137" data-ad-slot="4312927714" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> <script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="width:300px;height:250px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6133583279631137" data-ad-slot="5318274008" ></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script></div> <div class="uk-article uk-margin-top"> <a href="javascript:;" id="download_pres_btn" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#download-modal" class="uk-margin">Download ppt "HTML popo."</a> <!-- <a href="javascript:document.getElementById('download_form_2').submit();" class="uk-margin">--><!--</a>--> </div> <div id="bottom-line" class="uk-margin"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-small-1-1 uk-width-medium-4-4 uk-width-large-3-10 right-sidebar"> <div class="similar-sidebar uk-margin-bottom uk-margin-top uk-panel uk-panel-box uk-panel-box-secondary uk-margin"> <h3 class="tm-text-dark"> <span class="uk-icon-list uk-margin-small-right"></span>Similar presentations </h3> <hr class="uk-article-divider"> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/1/240911/big_thumb.jpg" title="Introduction to Web Design Lecture number:. 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Modelling websites in HTML.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/5/1513675/big_thumb.jpg" title="Session 2 Introduction to HyperText Markup Language 4 (HTML 4) Matakuliah: M0114/Web Based Programming Tahun: 2005 Versi: 5.>" alt="Session 2 Introduction to HyperText Markup Language 4 (HTML 4) Matakuliah: M0114/Web Based Programming Tahun: 2005 Versi: 5."> <a href="/slide/1513675/" title="Session 2 Introduction to HyperText Markup Language 4 (HTML 4) Matakuliah: M0114/Web Based Programming Tahun: 2005 Versi: 5.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>Session 2 Introduction to HyperText Markup Language 4 (HTML 4) Matakuliah: M0114/Web Based Programming Tahun: 2005 Versi: 5.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/8/2335282/big_thumb.jpg" title="HTML popo.>" alt="HTML popo."> <a href="/slide/2335282/" title="HTML popo.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>HTML popo.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/9/2500187/big_thumb.jpg" title="CREATED BY : VIRAL M.KORADIYA. Anchor elements are defined by the element. The element accepts several attributes, but either the Name or HREF attribute.>" alt="CREATED BY : VIRAL M.KORADIYA. Anchor elements are defined by the element. The element accepts several attributes, but either the Name or HREF attribute."> <a href="/slide/2500187/" title="CREATED BY : VIRAL M.KORADIYA. Anchor elements are defined by the element. The element accepts several attributes, but either the Name or HREF attribute.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>CREATED BY : VIRAL M.KORADIYA. Anchor elements are defined by the element. The element accepts several attributes, but either the Name or HREF attribute.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/9/2598114/big_thumb.jpg" title="Internet Services and Web Authoring (CSET 226) Lecture # 5 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 1.>" alt="Internet Services and Web Authoring (CSET 226) Lecture # 5 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 1."> <a href="/slide/2598114/" title="Internet Services and Web Authoring (CSET 226) Lecture # 5 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 1.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>Internet Services and Web Authoring (CSET 226) Lecture # 5 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 1.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/17/3384222/big_thumb.jpg" title="HTML: HyperText Markup Language Hello World Welcome to the world!>" alt="HTML: HyperText Markup Language Hello World Welcome to the world!"> <a href="/slide/3384222/" title="HTML: HyperText Markup Language Hello World Welcome to the world!>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>HTML: HyperText Markup Language Hello World Welcome to the world!</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/12/3385498/big_thumb.jpg" title="INTRODUCTION TO HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE 1. Outline  Introduction  Markup Languages  Editing HTML  Common Tags  Headers  Text Styling  Linking.>" alt="INTRODUCTION TO HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE 1. Outline  Introduction  Markup Languages  Editing HTML  Common Tags  Headers  Text Styling  Linking."> <a href="/slide/3385498/" title="INTRODUCTION TO HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE 1. Outline  Introduction  Markup Languages  Editing HTML  Common Tags  Headers  Text Styling  Linking.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>INTRODUCTION TO HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE 1. Outline  Introduction  Markup Languages  Editing HTML  Common Tags  Headers  Text Styling  Linking.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/12/3427748/big_thumb.jpg" title="Cascading Style Sheets. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is a simple styling language which allows attaching style to HTML elements. CSS is a.>" alt="Cascading Style Sheets. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is a simple styling language which allows attaching style to HTML elements. CSS is a."> <a href="/slide/3427748/" title="Cascading Style Sheets. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is a simple styling language which allows attaching style to HTML elements. CSS is a.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>Cascading Style Sheets. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is a simple styling language which allows attaching style to HTML elements. CSS is a.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/14/4455689/big_thumb.jpg" title="Chapter 4 Marking Up With Html: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer.>" alt="Chapter 4 Marking Up With Html: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer."> <a href="/slide/4455689/" title="Chapter 4 Marking Up With Html: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>Chapter 4 Marking Up With Html: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/15/4786543/big_thumb.jpg" title="1 Outline 9.1Introduction 9.2Markup Languages 9.3Editing HTML 9.4Common Tags 9.5Headers 9.6Text Styling 9.7Linking 9.8Images 9.9Formatting Text With 9.10Special.>" alt="1 Outline 9.1Introduction 9.2Markup Languages 9.3Editing HTML 9.4Common Tags 9.5Headers 9.6Text Styling 9.7Linking 9.8Images 9.9Formatting Text With 9.10Special."> <a href="/slide/4786543/" title="1 Outline 9.1Introduction 9.2Markup Languages 9.3Editing HTML 9.4Common Tags 9.5Headers 9.6Text Styling 9.7Linking 9.8Images 9.9Formatting Text With 9.10Special.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>1 Outline 9.1Introduction 9.2Markup Languages 9.3Editing HTML 9.4Common Tags 9.5Headers 9.6Text Styling 9.7Linking 9.8Images 9.9Formatting Text With 9.10Special.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/15/4793922/big_thumb.jpg" title=" 2001 Deitel & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Outline 9.1Introduction 9.2Markup Languages 9.3Editing HTML 9.4Common Tags 9.5Headers 9.6Text Styling.>" alt=" 2001 Deitel & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Outline 9.1Introduction 9.2Markup Languages 9.3Editing HTML 9.4Common Tags 9.5Headers 9.6Text Styling."> <a href="/slide/4793922/" title=" 2001 Deitel & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Outline 9.1Introduction 9.2Markup Languages 9.3Editing HTML 9.4Common Tags 9.5Headers 9.6Text Styling.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p> 2001 Deitel & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Outline 9.1Introduction 9.2Markup Languages 9.3Editing HTML 9.4Common Tags 9.5Headers 9.6Text Styling.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/16/5156102/big_thumb.jpg" title=" 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Introduction to HTML.>" alt=" 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Introduction to HTML."> <a href="/slide/5156102/" title=" 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Introduction to HTML.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p> 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Introduction to HTML.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/16/5223136/big_thumb.jpg" title="Marking Up With Html: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer>" alt="Marking Up With Html: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer"> <a href="/slide/5223136/" title="Marking Up With Html: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>Marking Up With Html: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/19/5837671/big_thumb.jpg" title="HTML: PART ONE. Creating an HTML Document  It is a good idea to plan out a web page before you start coding  Draw a planning sketch or create a sample.>" alt="HTML: PART ONE. Creating an HTML Document  It is a good idea to plan out a web page before you start coding  Draw a planning sketch or create a sample."> <a href="/slide/5837671/" title="HTML: PART ONE. Creating an HTML Document  It is a good idea to plan out a web page before you start coding  Draw a planning sketch or create a sample.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>HTML: PART ONE. Creating an HTML Document  It is a good idea to plan out a web page before you start coding  Draw a planning sketch or create a sample.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/19/5837673/big_thumb.jpg" title="HTML. Goals How to use the Komodo editor HTML coding and testing Basic HTML tags List and Images Tables and Links At least 2 pages and navigation>" alt="HTML. Goals How to use the Komodo editor HTML coding and testing Basic HTML tags List and Images Tables and Links At least 2 pages and navigation"> <a href="/slide/5837673/" title="HTML. Goals How to use the Komodo editor HTML coding and testing Basic HTML tags List and Images Tables and Links At least 2 pages and navigation>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>HTML. Goals How to use the Komodo editor HTML coding and testing Basic HTML tags List and Images Tables and Links At least 2 pages and navigation</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/19/5910064/big_thumb.jpg" title="Basic HTML tags Beginning Web Site Design Stanford University Continuing Studies CS 03>" alt="Basic HTML tags Beginning Web Site Design Stanford University Continuing Studies CS 03"> <a href="/slide/5910064/" title="Basic HTML tags Beginning Web Site Design Stanford University Continuing Studies CS 03>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>Basic HTML tags Beginning Web Site Design Stanford University Continuing Studies CS 03</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/20/6026467/big_thumb.jpg" title="HTML Tags. Objectives Know the commonly used HTML tags Create a simple webpage using the HTML tags that will be discussed.>" alt="HTML Tags. Objectives Know the commonly used HTML tags Create a simple webpage using the HTML tags that will be discussed."> <a href="/slide/6026467/" title="HTML Tags. Objectives Know the commonly used HTML tags Create a simple webpage using the HTML tags that will be discussed.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>HTML Tags. Objectives Know the commonly used HTML tags Create a simple webpage using the HTML tags that will be discussed.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/18/6176157/big_thumb.jpg" title="ULI101: XHTML Basics (Part III) Introduction to XHTML / Continued … Block-Level vs. Inline Elements (tags) Manipulating Text,  , Text Characteristics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>" alt="ULI101: XHTML Basics (Part III) Introduction to XHTML / Continued … Block-Level vs. Inline Elements (tags) Manipulating Text,  , Text Characteristics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"> <a href="/slide/6176157/" title="ULI101: XHTML Basics (Part III) Introduction to XHTML / Continued … Block-Level vs. Inline Elements (tags) Manipulating Text,  , Text Characteristics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>ULI101: XHTML Basics (Part III) Introduction to XHTML / Continued … Block-Level vs. Inline Elements (tags) Manipulating Text, &nbsp, Text Characteristics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/20/6216889/big_thumb.jpg" title="CpSc 462/662: Database Management Systems (DBMS) (TEXNH Approach) HTML Basics James Wang.>" alt="CpSc 462/662: Database Management Systems (DBMS) (TEXNH Approach) HTML Basics James Wang."> <a href="/slide/6216889/" title="CpSc 462/662: Database Management Systems (DBMS) (TEXNH Approach) HTML Basics James Wang.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>CpSc 462/662: Database Management Systems (DBMS) (TEXNH Approach) HTML Basics James Wang.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-item"> <div class="similar-wrapper"> <div class="uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom"> <img src="/20/6221681/big_thumb.jpg" title="CS105 Introduction to Computer Concepts HTML>" alt="CS105 Introduction to Computer Concepts HTML"> <a href="/slide/6221681/" title="CS105 Introduction to Computer Concepts HTML>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>CS105 Introduction to Computer Concepts HTML</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <script> var moreSimilarSlides =[" <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/20\/6222036\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Presenting Information on WWW using HTML. Presenting Information on the Web with HTML How Web sites are organized and implemented A brief introduction.>\" alt=\"Presenting Information on WWW using HTML. Presenting Information on the Web with HTML How Web sites are organized and implemented A brief introduction.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/6222036\/\" title=\"Presenting Information on WWW using HTML. Presenting Information on the Web with HTML How Web sites are organized and implemented A brief introduction.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Presenting Information on WWW using HTML. Presenting Information on the Web with HTML How Web sites are organized and implemented A brief introduction.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/22\/6335735\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Chapter 4 Fluency with Information Technology L. Snyder Marking Up With HTML: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer.>\" alt=\"Chapter 4 Fluency with Information Technology L. Snyder Marking Up With HTML: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/6335735\/\" title=\"Chapter 4 Fluency with Information Technology L. Snyder Marking Up With HTML: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Chapter 4 Fluency with Information Technology L. Snyder Marking Up With HTML: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/22\/6335842\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Copyright \u00a9 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Fluency with Information Technology Third Edition by Lawrence Snyder Chapter.>\" alt=\"Copyright \u00a9 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Fluency with Information Technology Third Edition by Lawrence Snyder Chapter.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/6335842\/\" title=\"Copyright \u00a9 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Fluency with Information Technology Third Edition by Lawrence Snyder Chapter.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Copyright \u00a9 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Fluency with Information Technology Third Edition by Lawrence Snyder Chapter.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/22\/6347569\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Chapter 2: The Client Side: HTML CIS 275\u2014Web Application Development for Business I.>\" alt=\"Chapter 2: The Client Side: HTML CIS 275\u2014Web Application Development for Business I.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/6347569\/\" title=\"Chapter 2: The Client Side: HTML CIS 275\u2014Web Application Development for Business I.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Chapter 2: The Client Side: HTML CIS 275\u2014Web Application Development for Business I.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/23\/6879165\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"HTML HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language\u201c. Technically, HTML is not a programming language, but rather a markup language. Used to create web pages.>\" alt=\"HTML HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language\u201c. Technically, HTML is not a programming language, but rather a markup language. Used to create web pages.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/6879165\/\" title=\"HTML HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language\u201c. Technically, HTML is not a programming language, but rather a markup language. Used to create web pages.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>HTML HTML stands for "Hyper Text Mark-up Language\u201c. Technically, HTML is not a programming language, but rather a markup language. Used to create web pages.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7020987\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"HTML (HyperText Markup Language)>\" alt=\"HTML (HyperText Markup Language)\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7020987\/\" title=\"HTML (HyperText Markup Language)>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>HTML (HyperText Markup Language)<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7389570\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Dr. Nuha El-KhaliliInternet Programming (102 340) HTML Hyper Text Markup Language The language of web pages Maintained by the W3C>\" alt=\"Dr. Nuha El-KhaliliInternet Programming (102 340) HTML Hyper Text Markup Language The language of web pages Maintained by the W3C\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7389570\/\" title=\"Dr. Nuha El-KhaliliInternet Programming (102 340) HTML Hyper Text Markup Language The language of web pages Maintained by the W3C>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Dr. Nuha El-KhaliliInternet Programming ( ) HTML Hyper Text Markup Language The language of web pages Maintained by the W3C<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7389584\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Chapter 4: Hypertext Markup Language Primer TECH1010-02 Prof. Jeff Cheng.>\" alt=\"Chapter 4: Hypertext Markup Language Primer TECH1010-02 Prof. Jeff Cheng.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7389584\/\" title=\"Chapter 4: Hypertext Markup Language Primer TECH1010-02 Prof. Jeff Cheng.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Chapter 4: Hypertext Markup Language Primer TECH Prof. Jeff Cheng.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7389601\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Understanding HTML Code>\" alt=\"Understanding HTML Code\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7389601\/\" title=\"Understanding HTML Code>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Understanding HTML Code<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7389659\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"\uf0a7 HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. The coding language used to create documents for the World Wide Web \uf0a7 HTML is composed of tags. HTML tags.>\" alt=\"\uf0a7 HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. The coding language used to create documents for the World Wide Web \uf0a7 HTML is composed of tags. HTML tags.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7389659\/\" title=\"\uf0a7 HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. The coding language used to create documents for the World Wide Web \uf0a7 HTML is composed of tags. HTML tags.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>\uf0a7 HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. The coding language used to create documents for the World Wide Web \uf0a7 HTML is composed of tags. HTML tags.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7400008\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"1 CSC 121 Computers and Scientific Thinking David Reed Creighton University HTML and Web Pages.>\" alt=\"1 CSC 121 Computers and Scientific Thinking David Reed Creighton University HTML and Web Pages.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7400008\/\" title=\"1 CSC 121 Computers and Scientific Thinking David Reed Creighton University HTML and Web Pages.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>1 CSC 121 Computers and Scientific Thinking David Reed Creighton University HTML and Web Pages.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7400009\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"More Basic HTML. Add spacing (single & double space) Save Refresh Add horizontal rule Add comments Add styles Add headings Add features Add alignments.>\" alt=\"More Basic HTML. Add spacing (single & double space) Save Refresh Add horizontal rule Add comments Add styles Add headings Add features Add alignments.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7400009\/\" title=\"More Basic HTML. Add spacing (single & double space) Save Refresh Add horizontal rule Add comments Add styles Add headings Add features Add alignments.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>More Basic HTML. Add spacing (single & double space) Save Refresh Add horizontal rule Add comments Add styles Add headings Add features Add alignments.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7400054\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"DHTML AND JAVASCRIPT Genetic Computer School 2008 2-1 LESSON 2 HTML TAGS G H E F.>\" alt=\"DHTML AND JAVASCRIPT Genetic Computer School 2008 2-1 LESSON 2 HTML TAGS G H E F.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7400054\/\" title=\"DHTML AND JAVASCRIPT Genetic Computer School 2008 2-1 LESSON 2 HTML TAGS G H E F.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>DHTML AND JAVASCRIPT Genetic Computer School LESSON 2 HTML TAGS G H E F.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7400066\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"1 HTML \u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f \u0627\u062d\u0645\u062f\u06cc \u0646\u06cc\u0627 2 Of 43 What is HTML? \uf0a7 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language \uf0a7 HTML is not a programming language, it.>\" alt=\"1 HTML \u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f \u0627\u062d\u0645\u062f\u06cc \u0646\u06cc\u0627 2 Of 43 What is HTML? \uf0a7 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language \uf0a7 HTML is not a programming language, it.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7400066\/\" title=\"1 HTML \u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f \u0627\u062d\u0645\u062f\u06cc \u0646\u06cc\u0627 2 Of 43 What is HTML? \uf0a7 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language \uf0a7 HTML is not a programming language, it.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>1 HTML \u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f \u0627\u062d\u0645\u062f\u06cc \u0646\u06cc\u0627 2 Of 43 What is HTML? \uf0a7 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language \uf0a7 HTML is not a programming language, it.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7400140\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"15.2 More Basic HTML. More Basic HTML Add spacing (single & double space) Save Refresh Add horizontal rule Add comments Add styles Add headings Add features.>\" alt=\"15.2 More Basic HTML. More Basic HTML Add spacing (single & double space) Save Refresh Add horizontal rule Add comments Add styles Add headings Add features.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7400140\/\" title=\"15.2 More Basic HTML. More Basic HTML Add spacing (single & double space) Save Refresh Add horizontal rule Add comments Add styles Add headings Add features.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>15.2 More Basic HTML. More Basic HTML Add spacing (single & double space) Save Refresh Add horizontal rule Add comments Add styles Add headings Add features.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/24\/7453022\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Getting Started with HTML Please use speaker notes for additional information!>\" alt=\"Getting Started with HTML Please use speaker notes for additional information!\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7453022\/\" title=\"Getting Started with HTML Please use speaker notes for additional information!>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Getting Started with HTML Please use speaker notes for additional information!<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/25\/7767689\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"CS105 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER CONCEPTS HTML Instructor: Cuong (Charlie) Pham.>\" alt=\"CS105 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER CONCEPTS HTML Instructor: Cuong (Charlie) Pham.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/7767689\/\" title=\"CS105 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER CONCEPTS HTML Instructor: Cuong (Charlie) Pham.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>CS105 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER CONCEPTS HTML Instructor: Cuong (Charlie) Pham.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/33\/8193470\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"4 Chapter Four Introduction to HTML. 4 Chapter Objectives Learn basic HTML commands Discover how to display graphic image objects in Web pages Create.>\" alt=\"4 Chapter Four Introduction to HTML. 4 Chapter Objectives Learn basic HTML commands Discover how to display graphic image objects in Web pages Create.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8193470\/\" title=\"4 Chapter Four Introduction to HTML. 4 Chapter Objectives Learn basic HTML commands Discover how to display graphic image objects in Web pages Create.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>4 Chapter Four Introduction to HTML. 4 Chapter Objectives Learn basic HTML commands Discover how to display graphic image objects in Web pages Create.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/25\/8193492\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Introduction to HTML Xiangming Mu 9\/23\/2004. 2 Learning Objectives Understand basic HTML tags and their attributes Learn to create a simple HTML page.>\" alt=\"Introduction to HTML Xiangming Mu 9\/23\/2004. 2 Learning Objectives Understand basic HTML tags and their attributes Learn to create a simple HTML page.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8193492\/\" title=\"Introduction to HTML Xiangming Mu 9\/23\/2004. 2 Learning Objectives Understand basic HTML tags and their attributes Learn to create a simple HTML page.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Introduction to HTML Xiangming Mu 9\/23\/ Learning Objectives Understand basic HTML tags and their attributes Learn to create a simple HTML page.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/33\/8218838\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Chapter 2 Web Page Design Mr. Gironda. Elements of a Web Page These are things that most web pages use.>\" alt=\"Chapter 2 Web Page Design Mr. Gironda. Elements of a Web Page These are things that most web pages use.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8218838\/\" title=\"Chapter 2 Web Page Design Mr. Gironda. Elements of a Web Page These are things that most web pages use.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Chapter 2 Web Page Design Mr. Gironda. Elements of a Web Page These are things that most web pages use.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/26\/8771514\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"HTML Basics Computers. What is an HTML file? *HTML is a format that tells a computer how to display a web page. The documents themselves are plain text.>\" alt=\"HTML Basics Computers. What is an HTML file? *HTML is a format that tells a computer how to display a web page. The documents themselves are plain text.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8771514\/\" title=\"HTML Basics Computers. What is an HTML file? *HTML is a format that tells a computer how to display a web page. The documents themselves are plain text.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>HTML Basics Computers. What is an HTML file? *HTML is a format that tells a computer how to display a web page. The documents themselves are plain text.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/27\/8978585\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"CSE 409 \u2013 Advanced Internet Technology 1 DISCUSSION OF BASIC HTML TAGS.>\" alt=\"CSE 409 \u2013 Advanced Internet Technology 1 DISCUSSION OF BASIC HTML TAGS.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8978585\/\" title=\"CSE 409 \u2013 Advanced Internet Technology 1 DISCUSSION OF BASIC HTML TAGS.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>CSE 409 \u2013 Advanced Internet Technology 1 DISCUSSION OF BASIC HTML TAGS.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/27\/9173399\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"HTML Basics. HTML Coding HTML Hypertext markup language The code used to create web pages.>\" alt=\"HTML Basics. HTML Coding HTML Hypertext markup language The code used to create web pages.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9173399\/\" title=\"HTML Basics. HTML Coding HTML Hypertext markup language The code used to create web pages.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>HTML Basics. HTML Coding HTML Hypertext markup language The code used to create web pages.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/27\/9224194\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Basic HTML. So, what exactly is HTML? HTML stands for: HTML stands for: Hypertext Markup Language. It is a purpose built markup language for the delivery.>\" alt=\"Basic HTML. So, what exactly is HTML? HTML stands for: HTML stands for: Hypertext Markup Language. It is a purpose built markup language for the delivery.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9224194\/\" title=\"Basic HTML. So, what exactly is HTML? HTML stands for: HTML stands for: Hypertext Markup Language. It is a purpose built markup language for the delivery.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Basic HTML. So, what exactly is HTML? HTML stands for: HTML stands for: Hypertext Markup Language. It is a purpose built markup language for the delivery.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/28\/9376448\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"WEEK -1 ACM 262 ACM 262 Course Notes. HTML What is HTML? HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML.>\" alt=\"WEEK -1 ACM 262 ACM 262 Course Notes. HTML What is HTML? HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9376448\/\" title=\"WEEK -1 ACM 262 ACM 262 Course Notes. HTML What is HTML? HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>WEEK -1 ACM 262 ACM 262 Course Notes. HTML What is HTML? HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/29\/9448858\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"HTML CS 105. Page Structure HTML elements control the details of how a page gets displayed. Every HTML document has the following basic structure: \u2026 \u2026>\" alt=\"HTML CS 105. Page Structure HTML elements control the details of how a page gets displayed. Every HTML document has the following basic structure: \u2026 \u2026\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9448858\/\" title=\"HTML CS 105. Page Structure HTML elements control the details of how a page gets displayed. Every HTML document has the following basic structure: \u2026 \u2026>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>HTML CS 105. Page Structure HTML elements control the details of how a page gets displayed. Every HTML document has the following basic structure: \u2026 \u2026<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/30\/9545781\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Basic HTML Programming Technology Education Ellsworth Community Middle School Communication Systems.>\" alt=\"Basic HTML Programming Technology Education Ellsworth Community Middle School Communication Systems.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9545781\/\" title=\"Basic HTML Programming Technology Education Ellsworth Community Middle School Communication Systems.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Basic HTML Programming Technology Education Ellsworth Community Middle School Communication Systems.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/31\/9615364\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"What is HTML? HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup.>\" alt=\"What is HTML? HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9615364\/\" title=\"What is HTML? HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>What is HTML? HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/31\/9786223\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Department of Computer Science, Florida State University CGS 3066: Web Programming and Design Spring 2016 1.>\" alt=\"Department of Computer Science, Florida State University CGS 3066: Web Programming and Design Spring 2016 1.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9786223\/\" title=\"Department of Computer Science, Florida State University CGS 3066: Web Programming and Design Spring 2016 1.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Department of Computer Science, Florida State University CGS 3066: Web Programming and Design Spring<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/9889467\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"1 Introduction to HTML. 2 Definitions \uf0a7 W W W \u2013 World Wide Web. \uf0a7 HTML \u2013 HyperText Markup Language \u2013 The Language of Web Pages on the World Wide Web.>\" alt=\"1 Introduction to HTML. 2 Definitions \uf0a7 W W W \u2013 World Wide Web. \uf0a7 HTML \u2013 HyperText Markup Language \u2013 The Language of Web Pages on the World Wide Web.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9889467\/\" title=\"1 Introduction to HTML. 2 Definitions \uf0a7 W W W \u2013 World Wide Web. \uf0a7 HTML \u2013 HyperText Markup Language \u2013 The Language of Web Pages on the World Wide Web.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>1 Introduction to HTML. 2 Definitions \uf0a7 W W W \u2013 World Wide Web. \uf0a7 HTML \u2013 HyperText Markup Language \u2013 The Language of Web Pages on the World Wide Web.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/9889479\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Department of Computer Science, Florida State University CGS 3066: Web Programming and Design Spring 2016 1.>\" alt=\"Department of Computer Science, Florida State University CGS 3066: Web Programming and Design Spring 2016 1.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9889479\/\" title=\"Department of Computer Science, Florida State University CGS 3066: Web Programming and Design Spring 2016 1.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Department of Computer Science, Florida State University CGS 3066: Web Programming and Design Spring<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/10001241\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"HTML. INDEX Introduction to HTML Creating Web Pages Commands And Tags Web Page.>\" alt=\"HTML. INDEX Introduction to HTML Creating Web Pages Commands And Tags Web Page.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10001241\/\" title=\"HTML. INDEX Introduction to HTML Creating Web Pages Commands And Tags Web Page.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>HTML. INDEX Introduction to HTML Creating Web Pages Commands And Tags Web Page.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/33\/10113789\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"1 HTML. 2 Full forms WWW \u2013 world Wide Web HTTP \u2013 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTML \u2013 Hyper Text Markup Language.>\" alt=\"1 HTML. 2 Full forms WWW \u2013 world Wide Web HTTP \u2013 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTML \u2013 Hyper Text Markup Language.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10113789\/\" title=\"1 HTML. 2 Full forms WWW \u2013 world Wide Web HTTP \u2013 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTML \u2013 Hyper Text Markup Language.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>1 HTML. 2 Full forms WWW \u2013 world Wide Web HTTP \u2013 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTML \u2013 Hyper Text Markup Language.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/35\/10399660\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"1 Foundation of HTML Web Page Design. 2 Safe Web Fonts: Used by most computers regardless of environment or platform \uf0a1 Times New Roman \uf0a1 Arial \uf0a1 Courier.>\" alt=\"1 Foundation of HTML Web Page Design. 2 Safe Web Fonts: Used by most computers regardless of environment or platform \uf0a1 Times New Roman \uf0a1 Arial \uf0a1 Courier.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10399660\/\" title=\"1 Foundation of HTML Web Page Design. 2 Safe Web Fonts: Used by most computers regardless of environment or platform \uf0a1 Times New Roman \uf0a1 Arial \uf0a1 Courier.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>1 Foundation of HTML Web Page Design. 2 Safe Web Fonts: Used by most computers regardless of environment or platform \uf0a1 Times New Roman \uf0a1 Arial \uf0a1 Courier.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/35\/10414300\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Chapter 4 HTML Tags. HTML is written in something called tags. Tags come in pairs, an opening one and a closing one. The first pair of tags we'll write.>\" alt=\"Chapter 4 HTML Tags. HTML is written in something called tags. Tags come in pairs, an opening one and a closing one. The first pair of tags we'll write.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10414300\/\" title=\"Chapter 4 HTML Tags. HTML is written in something called tags. Tags come in pairs, an opening one and a closing one. The first pair of tags we'll write.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Chapter 4 HTML Tags. HTML is written in something called tags. Tags come in pairs, an opening one and a closing one. The first pair of tags we'll write.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/36\/10600261\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"HTML AN INTRODUCTION TO WEB PAGE PROGRAMMING. INTRODUCTION TO HTML With HTML you can create your own Web site. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.>\" alt=\"HTML AN INTRODUCTION TO WEB PAGE PROGRAMMING. INTRODUCTION TO HTML With HTML you can create your own Web site. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10600261\/\" title=\"HTML AN INTRODUCTION TO WEB PAGE PROGRAMMING. INTRODUCTION TO HTML With HTML you can create your own Web site. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>HTML AN INTRODUCTION TO WEB PAGE PROGRAMMING. INTRODUCTION TO HTML With HTML you can create your own Web site. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/47\/11749973\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Lesson 5. XHTML Tags, Attributes and Structure XHTML Basic Structure head and body titles Paragraph headings comments Document Presentation Manipulating.>\" alt=\"Lesson 5. XHTML Tags, Attributes and Structure XHTML Basic Structure head and body titles Paragraph headings comments Document Presentation Manipulating.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/11749973\/\" title=\"Lesson 5. XHTML Tags, Attributes and Structure XHTML Basic Structure head and body titles Paragraph headings comments Document Presentation Manipulating.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Lesson 5. XHTML Tags, Attributes and Structure XHTML Basic Structure head and body titles Paragraph headings comments Document Presentation Manipulating.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/76\/12641564\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"HTML Basics.>\" alt=\"HTML Basics.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/12641564\/\" title=\"HTML Basics.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>HTML Basics.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/78\/12889436\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"LAB Work 01 MBA 61062: E-Commerce>\" alt=\"LAB Work 01 MBA 61062: E-Commerce\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/12889436\/\" title=\"LAB Work 01 MBA 61062: E-Commerce>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>LAB Work 01 MBA 61062: E-Commerce<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/79\/12959011\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Marking Up with XHTML Tags describe how a web page should look>\" alt=\"Marking Up with XHTML Tags describe how a web page should look\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/12959011\/\" title=\"Marking Up with XHTML Tags describe how a web page should look>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Marking Up with XHTML Tags describe how a web page should look<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/86\/14037393\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"HTML (HyperText Markup Language)>\" alt=\"HTML (HyperText Markup Language)\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/14037393\/\" title=\"HTML (HyperText Markup Language)>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>HTML (HyperText Markup Language)<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/89\/14251916\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Programming for webpages>\" alt=\"Programming for webpages\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/14251916\/\" title=\"Programming for webpages>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Programming for webpages<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/90\/14698457\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Computers and Scientific Thinking David Reed, Creighton University>\" alt=\"Computers and Scientific Thinking David Reed, Creighton University\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/14698457\/\" title=\"Computers and Scientific Thinking David Reed, Creighton University>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Computers and Scientific Thinking David Reed, Creighton University<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/91\/15010462\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Marking Up with XHTML Tags describe how a web page should look>\" alt=\"Marking Up with XHTML Tags describe how a web page should look\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/15010462\/\" title=\"Marking Up with XHTML Tags describe how a web page should look>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Marking Up with XHTML Tags describe how a web page should look<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/91\/15017156\/big_thumb.jpg\" 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