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NMSSM qqH 1, H 1 ->a 1 a 1 ->  project A. Nikitenko (CMS)

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Presentation on theme: "NMSSM qqH 1, H 1 ->a 1 a 1 ->  project A. Nikitenko (CMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 NMSSM qqH 1, H 1 ->a 1 a 1 ->  project A. Nikitenko (CMS)

2 “Low fine-tuning” NMSSM points q1q1 q2q2 H1H1 a1a1 a1a1 -- ++ -- h+h+ -- ++ -- h+h+ R. Dermisek and J.F. Gunion See in CPNSH group report hep-ph/0608079 This point is taken for first MC analysis with 4  ->  jj final state. qqH 1, H 1 ->A 1 A 1 ->4  M H1 =105 GeV M A1 =5.3 GeV

3 Muon from  ->  is soft and non isolated: it is inside jet from other  ->hadrons decay => need low p T non isolated di-muon trigger q1q1 q2q2 H1H1 a1a1 a1a1 -- ++ -- h+h+ -- ++ -- h+h+ 1 and 3 prong taus qqH 1, H 1 ->a 1 a 1 ->4  M H1 =105 GeV M A1 =5.3 GeV

4 HLT di-muons triggers (in PTDR Vol.2) and H 1 ->2a 1 ->4  ->  jj Relaxed (non-isolated)  : 10,10 GeV –Signal efficiency: 2 MC  p T > 10 GeV, |  |<2.1 = 0.09 Isolated  : 7, 7 GeV –Signal efficiency: 2 MC  p T > 7 GeV, |  |<2.1 = 0.16 isolation will kill signal ! –Eff. two times higher, but isolation will kill signal ! DAQTDRplot Di-muon HLT rate at 2 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 L3 rate of non isolated di-  trigger at 7 GeV is ~ 2 times higher (10 Hz) than isolated one (~4 Hz). 7 GeV

5 How to reduce rate of non-isolated, low p T di-muon trigger ? Use Same Sign non isolated di-muon trigger at p T threshold ~ 5-7 GeVUse Same Sign non isolated di-muon trigger at p T threshold ~ 5-7 GeV Rate reduction of gg->bb (MSEL=5):Rate reduction of gg->bb (MSEL=5): –R =  (  +  + OR  -  - ) /  (  at p T  > 5 GeV is ~ 4.0 ! evaluated with PYTHIA6.227 is ~ 4.0 ! evaluated with PYTHIA6.227 need confirmation with full simulation need confirmation with full simulation

6 Efficiency of “primary” selections. at particle level signal looks promising q1q1 q2q2 H1H1 a1a1 a1a1 -- ++ -- h+h+ -- ++ -- h+h+  xBr(H 1 ->a 1 a 1 ->4  ->  jj)=215 fb  -  - j + j + +  +  + j - j - topology 107.5 fb cut on p T  p T  > 7 GeVp T  > 10 GeV Cumulative efficiency 2  <2.1 0.160 0.089 N trk. = 1 0.056 0.031 Q  xQ h <0 0.054 0.030  sel., fb 5.8 fb 5.8 fb 3.2 fb 3.2 fb  SM (qqH, m H =105 GeV) = 5.4 pb, Br(H 1 ->a 1 a 1 )=0.926, Br(a 1 ->  )=0.938

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