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The Rice School La Escuela Rice 2014-2015 Open HouseCasa Abierta.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rice School La Escuela Rice 2014-2015 Open HouseCasa Abierta."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rice School La Escuela Rice 2014-2015 Open HouseCasa Abierta

2 Welcome ¡Bienvenidos!

3 Purpose Propósito  General information session on the 8 th grade Sesión para dar información del octavo grado  We will not discuss individual students No vamos a discutir alumnos individuales  Email Mr. Treistman to schedule conferences Mande correo electrónico al señor Treistman para hacer cita

4 Meet The Teachers Conozcan a los maestros del cluster Mr. Treistman  History historia  Team Leader Líder del equipo

5 Meet The Teachers Conozcan a los maestros del cluster Take out your cell phones now……….. Please text message @allcla to 469-203-4585

6 Ms. Thompson and Ms. Williams  English inglés Meet The Teachers Conozcan a las maestras del cluster

7 Ms. Jones  Science ciencia Meet The Teachers Conozcan a las maestras del cluster

8 Take out your cell phones now……….. Please text message @beamazing to 469-293-4022 Meet The Teachers Conozcan a las maestras del cluster

9 Ms. Arrazolo >  Math matemáticas  Algebra álgebra < Mr. Roberts  Math matemáticas Meet The Teachers Conozcan a los maestros del cluster

10 Take out your cell phones now……….. Please text message Meet The Teachers Conozcan a las maestras del cluster  @rice-math8 to 678-792- 3027  @rice-alg to 678-792- 3027

11 Sra. Myers  Spanish I español I Meet The Teachers Conozcan a las maestras del cluster

12  Technology tecnología Meet The Teachers Conozcan a las maestras del cluster

13 Combined years of teaching… 174 years Meet The Teachers Conozcan a los maestros del cluster

14 Meet The Teachers Ms. Hill-Kennedy  GT Coordinator  Instructional Specialist  STEM Success Center a place for students to learn and grow Research projects Tutorials Study groups More…

15 8 th Grade in 2014-2015 El octavo grado en 2014-2015  Math STAAR Mar. 30  Reading STAAR Mar. 31  Social Studies STAAR April 21  Science STAAR April 22  Algebra I EOC May 5-9  Iowa May 4-12  STAAR –matemáticas El 30 de marzo  STAAR – lectura El 31 de marzo  STAAR - ciencia social – El 21 de abril  STAAR - ciencia – El 22 de abril  Algebra I EOC El 5-9 de mayo  Iowa El 4-12 de mayo

16 Promotion Standards for 8th Grade Reglas de Promoción  Report Card-student must pass 3 of 4 classes (Math, History, Sci, & ELA) Informe de calificaciones  Iowa: May Reading & Math  STAAR: April & May Reading and Math Lectura y matemáticas

17 Communication Comunicación  Student Planner  Email the teacher  Set up a conference  Emails to parents  La agenda del estudiante  Mandar una carta electrónica al maestro  Haga cita para conferencia  Correo electrónico para las familiias

18 Cluster Expectations Expectativas del Cluster  Discipline Disciplina  Dress code Uniforme  Cell phones Teléfono celular

19 Cluster Expectations Expectativas del Cluster  Attendance Asistencia  Tardy Tarde  Prepared Estar listo a aprender  Early Release2:30 (latest time) Salir temprano

20 Grading Procedures/Goals Procedimientos de Notas/Metas  Grades are feedback on student performance Las notas dan información del progreso del estudiante  Goal is to improve student performance La meta es mejorar la educación del estudiante Make sure you have a PS Connect account

21 8 th Grade Grading Policy Las reglas de calificación  Policy on grading  Reglamentos de las calificaciones 50% Daily Classwork + Quizzes  Trabajo diario trabajo de clase y pruebas 40% Major Tests + Projects  Trabajo de mayor importancia exámenes y proyectos 10% Homework - tarea

22 Cluster Expectations for Students Expectativas para los estudiantes Class Work  Completes daily work Completa el trabajo diario  Follows set routines Sigue las rutinas  Promotes the right of all students to learn Permite a cada alumno su derecho de aprender

23 Cluster Expectations for Students Expectativas para los estudiantes Homework  Maintains student planner Mantener la agenda  Completes daily homework Completa y entrega la tarea  Studies for tests Prepáresen para exámenes

24 Ideas for Student Success Ideas para el éxito del estudiante  Encourage attendance Promover asistencia  Encourage and model reading at home Promover y ser un ejemplo de lectura en la casa  Check their planner daily Revise la agenda diario  Talk to your student about making good choices Hable con su hijo para que tome buenas decisions  Ask questions about what your student has learned throughout the day…get them to vocalize Pregúntele diariamente sobre las actividades de la escuela

25 Question:  Is Abe Lincoln’s face turned to the right or left on the penny?

26 Right

27 Tutorials as Intervention Tutorias Como Intervención  Scheduled and assigned as student needs arise Planeado para los niños que lo necesiten  Saturdays by invitation only Los sábados por sólo invitación  After school & homeroom Después de la escuela  Mandatory to help student move from struggling to successful Obligatorio para ayudar al estudiante tener éxito

28 8th Grade Specials Eventos especiales del 8° grado  High School Magnet Recruitment – November Records folder Apply to many high schools Teacher recommendation letters High school schedule planning in the spring semester

29 End-of-Year Celebrations Celebraciones del fin del a ñ o  May 15th - Dance 15 de mayo – baile  May - Field Trip mayo – excursión  May 28 th - Awards Ceremony 28 de mayo - ceremonia de reconocimiento

30 Parent/Teacher Meetings Juntas de Padre/Maestro  Purpose Intención  To schedule, email Mr. Treistman Para obtener una junta, mande email al Sr. Treistman  Teacher availability Tues/Wed/Fri @10:15 Disponibilidad de los maestros los martes/jueves/viernes @10:15

31 Meet the Ancillary Teachers Conozcan a las maestras electivas  Downstairs in the hallway by the library, 6:30 – 7:00  Vayan a planta baja cerca de la biblioteca, 6:30 – 7:00

32 NCLB and Title I Schools PURPOSE of Title I In 2001, the federal government passed the NCLB Act which provided identified schools with federal funds for the purpose of supplementing the instructional program of schools to ensure a high quality education for students that would help them meet the state standard (currently STAAR – State of Texas Assessment for Academic Readiness). These “supplemental” federal funds are used to:  Accelerate instruction for struggling students,  Provide professional-development for teachers and paraprofessionals,  Hire highly qualified personnel,  Give additional resources – technology, personnel, materials, instructional programs, software, and  Encourage parent and family involvement.

33 Contact Information The Rice School / La Escuela Rice Ms. Callegari Title I Campus Contact (713) 349 - 1800

34 How to volunteer at Rice Como ser voluntario en la escuela  Parent must be VIP approved and sign in every day Padres deben de ser aprobados por VIP y reportar diariamente en la oficina

35 Our Cluster Parent Coordinator- Fall Festival…Dance…Field Trip…Fund Raising 8 th Grade lead parent Susan Garcia

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