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The Space Logistics Company 1 866.204.1707

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1 The Space Logistics Company 1 866.204.1707 hhh @spaceflightinc

2 The Space Logistics Company Spaceflight Overview 2 Spaceflight - The Space Logistics Company - Frequent, cost effective, & routine access to space for deployed & hosted payloads Spaceflight - The Space Logistics Company - Frequent, cost effective, & routine access to space for deployed & hosted payloads Spaceflight specializes in the launch of CubeSats, NanoSats and Microsats and can deploy payloads to low Earth orbit, the Moon and beyond One-stop shop that rapidly manifests, certifies, and integrates payloads on a global network of established and emerging launch and space transportation vehicles

3 The Space Logistics Company 3 1.) Spaceflight Overview Business Model Commercial List Pricing & Launch Schedule Launch Heritage 2.) Spaceflight Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Database Launch Demand Segmentation Launch Supply Segmentation 3.) SHERPA – Hosted Payload and In Space Transportation Capabilities to Solve Rideshare Dilemma Launch Schedule Cluster Missions Small Payload Rideshare Conference

4 The Space Logistics Company Spaceflight Business Model Our Model Arrange launch opportunities for secondary payloads by contracting directly with Launch Service Providers and Secondary Payload Providers. Benefits for Launch Service Providers Spaceflight provides broad access to small satellite market Experienced party as representative of ALL secondary payloads (negotiation with single party) Standardized interface control, documentation, test reports Benefits for Satellite Developers Established relationships with broad launch market Fully arranged launch, from contract to orbital injection Experienced party representing customer as single point of contact Experienced payload integrators with existing dispensers and interfaces 4 Launch Service Provider Primary Payload Provider Secondary Payload Provider (1) Secondary Payload Provider (2) Secondary Payload Provider (3) Secondary Payload Provider (n)...

5 The Space Logistics Company Commercial Mission Pricing Spaceflight commercial pricing based on payload size and mass We arrange launches for secondary payloads ranging from CubeSats to MicroSats Commercial mission pricing from Low Earth Orbit to Low Lunar Orbit Containerized PayloadsMicroSat Class Payload Type1U3U6U12U50 kg180 kg300 kg Length (max) cm10.034.036.6 80100125 Height (max) cm10.0 22.6406080 Width (max) cm10.0 22.6 406080 Mass (max) kg1. Price – Orbital (LEO)$125k$325k$595k$995k$1,750k$4,950k$6,950k Price – Orbital (GTO)$250k$650k$995k$1,950k$3,250k$7,950k$9,960k Price – Orbital (GSO / LLO)$490k$995k$1,990k$3,250k$6,500k$15,900k$19,900k 5 Soyuz 2.1a / Bion-M1 Launch 5 Spaceflight is the ONLY rideshare provider to offer public commercial pricing

6 The Space Logistics Company Launch Schedule 6 Flights to numerous orbits from a multitude of launch locations Containerized PayloadsMicroSat Class Date (CY)OrbitType1U3U6U12U50 kg180 kg300 kg Q2 2014400 km circular, 51.6°US/ISSSOLD OUT Q2 2014720 km circular, SSOEuropeanYYYY Q3 2014L2 Transfer Orbit, 51.4°RussianYYYYY Y Y Q4 2014600-830 km circular, SSORussianSOLD OUT H2 2014400 km circular, 51.6°US/ISSYYYYY H2 2014500 x 27000 km, 63.4°RussianYYYY H1 2015400 km circular, 51.6°US/ISSYYYYY H2 2015600-830 km circular, SSORussianYYYYY H2 2015425x725 km circular, SSOUSCLOSING MARCH 21, 2014 H2 2015GTO/GSO/LLOUSYYYYYYY H2 20151500 x 39000 km, 61°RussianYYYYY H2 2015600-830 km circular, SSORussianYYYYYYY H2 2015400 km circular, 51.6°US/ISSYYYYY H2 2015500 x 27000 km, 63.4°RussianYYYY H1 2016500-600 km circular, SSOUSYYYYYYY H1 2016500-600 km circular, 63.4°USYYYYYYY H1 2016600 km circular, SSOEuropeanYYYYYYY H1 2016GTOUSYYYYYYY H2 20161500 x 39000 km, 61°RussianYYYYY H2 2016600-830 km circular, SSORussianYYYYYYY H1 2017600 km circular, 52°USYYYYYYY H1 2017500-600 km circular, SSOUSYYYYYYY H2 2017500-600 km circular 63.4°USYYYYYYY H2 2017500-600 km circular 44°USYYYYYYY H1 2017600 x 60000 km, 52°USYYYYYYY

7 The Space Logistics Company 7 Past Launches Soyuz April 2013 CustomerLaunch ProviderSizePayloadDeployerLaunch Date Planet LabsRoscosmos3UDove 2 ISIPOD 04/19/2013 Total Launched: 1 April 2013 Antares A-One 2013 Dnepr November 2013 Cygnus / ISS January 2014 CustomerLaunch ProviderSizePayloadDeployerLaunch Date Planet LabsOrbital Sciences3UDove 1 ISIPOD 04/19/2013 NASA AmesOrbital Sciences 1U (3x) PhoneSats ISIPOD 04/19/2013 Total Launched:4 CustomerLaunch ProviderSizePayloadDeployerLaunch Date Planet LabsKosmostras3UDove 3 ISIPOD 01/21/2013 Total Launched1 CustomerLaunch ProviderSizePayloadDeployerLaunch Date Planet LabsNanoRacks/ISS 3U (28x) Flock 1NanoRacks01/09/2014 University of Peru NanoRacks/ISS1UUAP-SATNanoRacks01/09/2014 Southern Stars NanoRacks/ISS1USkyCubeNanoRacks01/09/2014 Total Launched30 Launched To Date: 36

8 The Space Logistics Company Under Contract: 8 Launch Demand - Segmentation Spaceflight maintains a customer relationship management (CRM) launch demand database and has gained unique insights into small sat launch and orbit preferences Launch Demand Segmented by: Mission Type ( civil, defense, commercial) Mission Profile (remote sensing, technology demonstration, communication,etc.) Spacecraft form factor (1U, 3U, 6U, etc.) Launch Window, Orbit Preference, Propulsion Type, and more Number of Spacecraft:: 136 Mass of Spacecraft: 1200kg

9 The Space Logistics Company 9 Launch Demand As a percentage of total demand by mass, MicroSats dominate total spacecraft seeking launch *Data Set is from Spaceflight’s Proprietary Market Intelligence Database Spaceflight is tracking missions for 350 spacecraft, roughly 11 metric tons Note: Market visibility limited beyond 2016

10 The Space Logistics Company 10 Launch Demand Total number of satellites is significant due to NanoSat Constellations *Data Set is from Spaceflight’s Proprietary Market Intelligence Database Note: Market visibility limited beyond 2016

11 The Space Logistics Company 11 Launch Supply Launch supply heavily weighted on ISS Logistics and Earth Imaging SSO Finding the perfect mission altitude, inclination, and launch window involves trade offs. Flexibility is key! Launch supply heavily weighted on ISS Logistics and Earth Imaging SSO

12 The Space Logistics Company SHERPA Overview SHERPA Inaugural Flight: Q3 2015 - 450 X 720km 98°10:30 LTDN Up to 1200 kilograms of Secondary Payloads Customers range from CubeSats to 150kg Microsats Customers range from Universities, Commercial, and Government agencies Anticipate one to two flights per year in 2016 and beyond based on market demand 12 SHERPA is a hosted payload and in-space transportation solution that supports orbit raising and maneuvering of secondary payloads

13 The Space Logistics Company Spaceflight Cluster Missions Spaceflight is currently formulating dedicated cluster missions to meet current market demand Supports primary payloads up to 500 kg Options to include multiple SHERPA rings which are capable of multiple restarts to support multiple orbit destinations or constellation deployment Enables Multi-Mission Scenarios: Launch and Deploy in LEO Reboost to Molniya or GTO Public/Private Partnership to Bring Commercial Satellites Beyond LEO 13

14 The Space Logistics Company Summary 14 Spaceflight offers full-service space access solutions for small satellites! We find you the optimal launch Access to nearly all launch service providers across the globe provides many launch options on a number of launch vehicles. Secondary payload aggregration is key to finding the right orbit and at the right price We support your launch campaign Our staff of experienced engineers and legal counsel is at your disposal to ensure your satellite has a seamless launch campaign - from providing design guidance and testing support to navigating regulatory compliance and ITAR. We integrate your satellite to the launch vehicle Spaceflight is launch vehicle and deployment hardware agnostic. We use the best deployment mechanisms that meet your mission requirements. Spaceflight physically mates your satellite to the launch vehicle and conducts tests to ensure safe and successful deployment on orbit.

15 The Space Logistics Company 15 @ SpaceflightInc Phil Brzytwa Business Development Manager GET LAUNCHED Questions?

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