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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS SEPTEMBER 2013."— Presentation transcript:


2 Page 2 HIGHLIGHTS – Q2 FY14 Major Highlights Gross NPA Ratio at 2.64%, down from 2.91% as at June ’13 Net NPA Ratio at 2.30%, down from 2.48% as at June’13 Record Cash Recovery at ` 1923 crore (Sep’12 –` 1479 crore) Base Rate, lowest in the industry 561 New Branches and 821 ATMs added y.o.y. Number of branches crosses 4200 and ATMs cross the 4000 mark Robust Y.o.Y growth in Credit Segments Priority Credit 30% Agriculture- 32% MSME- 30% MSE- 33% Retail - 36% Housing - 42% Vehicle - 44% Personal - 45%

3 Page 3 HIGHLIGHTS – Q2 FY14 Major Highlights Non-Interest Income Q2- ` 773 crore, up by 27% y.o.y Total business reached ` 6.73 lakh crore, up by 22% y-o-y Global Deposits - ` 391613 crore, up by 16.3% y.o.y Advances (Net) - ` 281104 crore, up by 30.3% y.o.y CD ratio 71.78% (Sep’12 -64.07%) Capital Adequacy Ratio -10.62% (9% norm). Tier I Ratio - 8.52% (6.5% norm) under new Basel III. CASA Ratio at 25.6% ( Sep’12- 25.6%) Operating Profit - ` 1425 crore, up by 11% y.o.y Net Profit at ` 626 Crore Net Interest Margin (NIM) – 2.22%, RoA – 0.58%

4 Page 4 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS- BUSINESS Parameters SEP’12DEC’12MAR’13JUNE’13SEP’13 SEQ (%) y.o.y Growth (%) Deposits 336762323963 3558563819723916132.516.3 Of which High Cost + CD (% to Total Dep) 126753 (38%) 95172 (29%) 71725 (20%) 51253 (13.4%) 54205 (13.8%) 5.8-57.2 Advances 215751218242 24217724989128110412.530.3 Investments 121255118835 121133136063119481-0.9 C-D Ratio 64.0767.37 68.0565.4271.78 +696 bps +831 bps Amt. in ` Crore Note : SEQ- Sequential Quarter – Q2FY14 over Q1FY14

5 Page 5 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS- OVERSEAS BUSINESS Parameters SEPT’12MAR’ 13SEPT’ 13 y.o.y Growth USD Mn ` Crs USD Mn ` Crs USD Mn ` Crs % Deposits 22651197325291374733282083474 Advances 24711298028031503731651981452 Gross Income 603151146757949557 Gross Expenditure 43225804765735558 Gross Profit 1790341992214055 Overseas Business constitute 6% of the Total Business

6 Page 6 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS- PROFITABILITY-Q2 FY14 Parameters Q2 FY13Mar’13Q1 FY14Q2 FY14 SEQ (%) y.o.y Growth (%) Total Income 9204372311050810427-0.7713.29 Total Expenses 792231341861090024.5513.63 Operating Profit 1282589018981425-4.9211.15 Net Profit 6612872792626-20.96-5.29 NIM (%) 2.352.402.212.22--- Amt. in ` Crore

7 Page 7 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS- PROFITABILITY-H1 FY14 Parameters H1 FY13Mar’13H1FY14 y.o.y Growth (%) Total Income 18369372312093513.97 Total Expenses 15694313411761212.22 Operating Profit 26765890332324.18 Net Profit 143628721418-1.25 NIM (%) 2.352.402.22--- Amt. in ` Crore

8 Page 8 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS- PRODUCTIVITY RATIOS Parameters SEPT’12MAR’13SEPT’13 Business Per Employee (` Crore) 13.0814.2014.28 Business Per Branch (` Crore)151.17160.00159.56 Gross Profit Per Employee (` Lakh) 12.8914.2814.49 Net Profit per Employee (` Lakh)6.926.966.18

9 Page 9 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS- EXPANDING THE REACH Sept’12Mar’13Sept’13Y-o-Y incr Branch Network365537284216561 ATM Strength318435264005821 Debit Card (In Lakh)76.4695.53116.0439.58 4211 domestic Branches 5 overseas branches at London, Leicester, Shanghai, Manama & Hong Kong Rural 125230% Semi-Urban 131331% Urban 81619% Metro 83020%


11 Page 11 SEGMENT WISE DEPOSITS Parameters SEP’12DEC’12MAR’13JUN’13SEP’13 SEQ (%) y.o.y Growth (%) Total Deposits 336762323963 355856381972391613 2.516.3 Current 1306212473148931437415208 5.816.4 Saving 7049468689711687393880070 8.313.6 CASA 8355681161860618831295278 7.914.0 CASA (%)Dom 25.7%25.9%25.1%24.2%25.6% -- Term Deposits 253206242802269795293659296335 0.917.0 - High Cost Deposits 9315675184532233625433111 -8.7-64.5 -CDs 3359719988185021499921094 40.6-37.2 High Cost +CD (%) 38%29%20%13.4%13.8%-- Amt. in ` Crore

12 Page 12 ROBUST GROWTH IN ADVANCES SEGMENT Credit SegmentsSep’12Mar’13 Sep’13 Priority Sector2%17% 30% Agriculture13%28% 32% MSME-17%6% 30% MSE-9%11% 33% Retail-12%-7% 36% Housing-18%-17% 42% Vehicle7%17% 44% Personal Loans-8%13% 45%

13 Page 13 LOANS & ADVANCES SEGMENT Parameters SEP’12DEC’12MAR’13JUN’13SEP’13 SEQ(% ) y.o.y Growth (%) Advances (Net) 215751218242242177249891281104 12.530.3 Total Priority 6815769700789988308588280 6.329.5 Agriculture 3326735365407864329244042 1.732.4 - Direct Agriculture 307373280237984 4019539995-0.530.0 - Indirect Agriculture 253025632802 3097404730.760.0 Other Priority 1109011077118041210012603 4.213.6 MSME 3334432603370163717343464 16.930.4 MSE 2398123257266122787331773 14.033.5 Retail Credit 2220421259230842523130274 20.036.3 Amt. in ` Crore

14 Page 14 ACHIEVEMENT UNDER MANDATED TARGETS – PRIORITY SECTOR Achieved the mandated targets in respect of Agriculture (19.16% against 18% norm) Direct agriculture (17.4% against 13.5% norm) Credit to specified minority communities (17.95% against 15% norm) Weaker Section (12.33% against 10% norm) M&SE (33% y.o.y growth against 20% norm) Number of Micro Enterprises accounts (66% growth against 10% norm) Mandated Targets under Priority Sector

15 Page 15 Performance of Retail Advances Type of Advance SEP’12DEC’12MAR’13JUN’13SEP’13 SEQ(% ) y.o.y Growth (%) Housing loan1295711701131341440618392 27.742.0 Vehicle loan16241769191320912343 12.044.3 Other Pers Loan33003482369443174868 12.845.3 Education loan42844307434344164671 5.99.0 Grand total2220421259230842523130274 20.036.3 Amt. in ` Crore

16 Page 16 EXPOSURE - INFRASTRUCTURE Parameters SEPT’12MAR’13JUN’13SEPT’13 % Share Total Adv SEQ(% ) y.o.y Growth (%) Roads 5667572659235271 1.9-11.0-7.0 Ports 972619613597 0.2-2.6-38.6 Airports 1490150714741155 0.4-21.6-22.5 Power (Generation, Transmission & Distribution) 23768302033251337839 13.316.459.2 Telecom 6359651262896307 2.20.3-0.8 Other Infrastructure 1919208518073431 1.289.978.8 Total Infrastructure 40174466524862054600 19.212.335.9 Amt. in ` Crore

17 Page 17 Parameters SEPT’12MAR’13JUN’13SEPT’13 % Share Total Adv SEQ(% ) y.o.y Growt h (%) -Power Generation 6924132351411417886 6.3026.7158.3 -Power Transmission 1235128020722171 0.84.875.79 -Power Distribution 15609156881632717782 6.38.913.9 Total Power 23768302033251337839 13.316.459.2 Of which SEBs 20297214542376328317 Amt. in ` Crore EXPOSURE - POWER SECTOR & AVIATION Exposure to Aviation 22611907196118620.66-5.0-17.6

18 Page 18 EXPOSURE TO CAPITAL MARKET Parameters SEPT’12Dec’12MAR’13JUN’13 SEPT’1 3 SEQ(% ) y.o.y Growth (%) Outstanding 267325922330 23552310-1.9-13.6 EXPOSURE TO NBFCs HFCs 71044727692557011096392.354.3 Private 721577251110291911443357.0100.0 Public 49215118539854845296-3.47.6 Total 192411757023426203763069250.660.0 EXPOSURE TO COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Outstanding 1369167515631842284854.6108.0 Amt. in ` Crore EXPOSURE TO SENSITIVE SECTORS


20 Page 20 PROFITABILITY- Q2 FY14 Parameters Q2 FY13Mar’13Q1FY14Q2 FY14SEQ (%) y.o.y Growth (%) Total Income 9204372311050810427-0.7713.29 Total Expenses 792231341861090024.5513.63 Operating Profit 1282589018981425-24.9211.15 Provisions 62130181106948-14.2952.66 Net Profit 6612872792626-20.96-5.30 Net Int. Income 195778791991219110.0511.96 Non Int. Income 60831531238773-37.5627.14 Amt. in ` Crore

21 Page 21 PROFITABILITY – H1 FY14 Parameters H1 FY13Mar’13H1FY14 y.o.y Growth (%) Total Income 18369372312093513.97 Total Expenses 15694313411761212.22 Operating Profit 26765890332324.18 Provisions 12403018205465.65 Net Profit 143628721418-1.25 Net Int. Income 38017879418210.02 Non Int. Income 13013153201154.57 Amt. in ` Crore

22 Page 22 BREAK-UP : INCOME – Q2 FY14 Parameters Q2 FY13Mar’13Q1 FY14Q2 FY14SEQ (%) y.o.y Growth (%) Interest on Advances 612124380645069647.9713.77 Interest on Investments 23069112248225974.6312.62 Other Interest Income 16958633893-72.49-44.97 Total Interest Income 859634078927096544.1412.31 Non – Interest Income 60831531238773-37.5627.14 Total Income 9204372311050810427-0.7713.29 Amt. in ` Crore

23 Page 23 BREAK-UP : INCOME – H1 FY14 Parameters H1 FY13Mar’13H1 FY14 y.o.y Growth (%) Interest on Advances 1235024380134148.62 Interest on Investments 43469112507916.87 Other Interest Income 37358643115.55 Total Interest Income 17068340781892410.87 Non – Interest Income 13013153201154.57 Total Income 18369372312093513.97 Amt. in ` Crore

24 Page 24 BREAK-UP : EXPENDITURE – Q2 FY14 Parameters Q2 FY13Mar’13Q1 FY14Q2 FY14SEQ (%) y.o.y Growth (%) Interest Expenses 663926199727874642.5612.43 Interest on Deposits 64132525069486923-0.367.95 Staff Expenses 79132548879335.1817.95 Other Op Exp 492188844460636.4923.17 Total Op Exp 128351421331153915.6319.95 Total Expenses 792231341861090024.5513.63 Amt. in ` Crore

25 Page 25 BREAK-UP : EXPENDITURE – H1 FY14 Parameters H1 FY13Mar’13H1 FY14 y.o.y Growth (%) Interest Expenses 13268261991474211.11 Interest on Deposits 1280925250138718.29 Staff Expenses 15343254182018.64 Other Op Exp 8911888105017.85 Total Op Exp 24255142287018.35 Total Expenses 15694313411761212.22 Amt. in ` Crore

26 Page 26 BREAK-UP: NON-INTEREST INCOME Parameters H1FY13Mar’13H1FY14 y.o.y Growth (%) Non Int. Income 130131532011 54.57 Of which Com & Exchange367798469 27.79 -Govt. Business347234 - -Bancassurance194315 -21.05 Profit from Exch. Transactions221464296 33.94 Trading Profit159661512 22.01 Rent – Lockers535962 16.98 Dividend Income275728 3.70 Recovery in W/Off A/cs109301165 51.38 Service Charges & Oth. Msc Inc356813479 34.55 Amt. in ` Crore

27 Page 27 BREAK-UP : PROVISIONS- Q2FY14 Provisions for Q2 FY13Q4 FY13Q1 FY14Q2 FY14 NPAs 444346443347 Restructured Assets /Diminution in Fair value 81156193-55 Standard Assets -9190183 Provisions on Investments -120848885 Tax 200220190125 Others 1676102114 Total Provision &Contingency 6219721106799 Amt. in ` Crore

28 Page 28 BREAK-UP : PROVISIONS – H1FY14 Provisions for H1 FY13Mar’13H1 FY14 NPAs 9211861790 Restructured Assets /Diminution in Fair value 161361138 Standard Assets 65256273 Provisions on Investments -326-371173 Tax 400800315 Others 18111216 Total Provision &Contingency 124030181905 Amt. in ` Crore

29 Page 29 EARNINGS PROFILE In % Parameters Q2FY13Q4FY13Q1FY14Q2FY14 NIM 2.352.392.212.22 ROAA0.77 0.750.58 EPS (`) (not Annualized)14.9216.3717.8814.13 Book Value (`)469.86490.56509.48524.94 ROE (Annualized)14.3914.0314.2112.51 Cost-Income Ratio47.5%46.641.2246.34

30 Page 30 TREND IN COST AND YIELD (%) Sep’12Dec’12Mar’13Jun’13Sep’13 Cost of Deposits 7.837.817.727.547.50 Cost of Funds Yield on Advances 11.2011.1211.1310.7410.63 Yield on Funds Yield on Investments 8.13 8.007.99 In %

31 Page 31 Investment classification Parameters SEPT’12 % Share in Total Portfolio MAR’13SEPT’13 % Share in Total Portfolio SLR 10659488.110200310130185.0 Non SLR 1437711.9187001792915.0 Total (Domestic) 120972100120703119229100 Held For Trading 13691.27412370.2 Available For Sale 4355736.0471052972024.4 Held To Maturity 7579862.8726998952375.0 M.DURATION 4.73 yrs--4.73 yrs4.61 yrs-- Total (Global) 121255--121133119481-- Amt. in ` Crore


33 Page 33 ASSET QUALITY Sep’12Dec’12Mar’13June’13Sep’13 Gross NPA56106090626073297475 Gross NPA Ratio (%) 2.582.772.572.912.64 Net NPA45695134527862096459 Net NPA Ratio (%) 2.122.352.182.482.30 Cash Recovery (cumulative) 1479247740068881923 Cash Recovery of ` 1035 crore during the Quarter Amt. in ` Crore

34 Page 34 GROSS NPA MOVEMENT- Quarterly Parameters SEPT’12Dec’12 MAR’13JUN’13SEPT’13 Gross NPAs: Opening Balance 44975610609062607329 Additions: Fresh Slippages 19221314108626881520 Sub Total 64186924717689488849 Less: Reduction (a+b+c+d) 80983491616201374 a. Recovery for Movement (excluding recovery in Written-off a/cs, recovery in Current Year slippage & Unapplied interest) 269148459339505 b. Upgradation 39163731020386 c. ECGC Settled/Int Sus. 2.156(-)12- (-)5 d. Write off (Including Additional Prudential Write-off) 147617396260488 Gross NPA-Closing Balance 56106090626073297475 Amt. in ` Crore

35 Page 35 NPA COMPOSITION Parameters Sep’12Dec’12MAR’13JUN’13SEPT’13 Gross Advances 217420219820243936251970283024 Sub-Standard 35534189427951784770 Doubtful 20091850193221252705 Loss 48515026nil Provision Coverage Ratio (%) 63.0261.5061.3558.1857.77 Amt. in ` Crore

36 Page 36 SECTOR Q2 FY13 Q3 FY13 Q4 FY13 Q1 FY14 Q2 FY14 % of Slippage Micro & Small Ent.2844052831210278 18 Agriculture227(33)18359826519613 Other Priority Sector171(52)1044401841168 Total Priority Sector 682320570224872759039 Medium Industries491176631848584 Large Industries7062481851304142570046 Other Non-Priority 206622199160938215210 Total Non-Priority 9619874503231185591060 Total (Domestic) 16431307101954792582150099 Overseas 279760340106201 Total (Global) 192213141079581926881520100 SECTOR-WISE NPA SLIPPAGES Amt. in ` Crore

37 Page 37 SECTOR- WISE NPA OUTSTANDING SECTOR Sep’12Dec’12Mar’13Jun’13Sep’13 Micro & Small Enterprises 12761592153214401625 Agriculture88397688510001018 Other Priority Segments433503371460368 Medium Enterprises203340345324402 Large Industries14621611152121413146 Other Non-Priority Segments1353106816061964916 Total56106090626073297475 Amt. in ` Crore

38 Page 38 Particulars Sep’12Dec’12Mar’13Jun’13Sep’13 Gross Advances 217420219820243936251970283024 Gross NPA 56106090626073297475 Gross NPA % 2.58%2.77%2.572.912.64 Priority Sector Advances 6815769700789988308588280 PS as % to Gross Advances 31.331.732.433.031.2 Total PS NPA 25923071278829003011 Total PS NPA% 3.804.413.533.53.4 Share of PS NPA to Gross NPA 46.250.444.539.640.3 Agriculture NPA 88397788510001018 Agriculture NPA% 2.652.762.172.31 MSE NPA 12761592153214401625 MSE NPA % 5.366.845.805.205.11 Other Priority NPA 433503371460368 Other Priority NPA % 3.904.543.143.802.92 SECTORAL CONTRIBUTION OF NPA Amt. in ` Crore

39 Page 39 RESTRUCTURED ASSETS Amt. in ` Crore Standard RestructuredTotal Restructured Of Which Standard NPAs A/CAmtA/CAmtA/CAmt A/C Restructured in FY 2009-10 181513121127827688485 A/C Restructured in FY 2010-11 120416663645452 A/C Restructured in FY 2011-12 1746398614623518284468 A/C Restructured in FY 2012-13 384511030362710184218845 Total cumulative outstanding Liability as at 31.03.2013 2018018113130811590170992212 A/C Restructured in Q1 FY2013-14 134168312513659318 A/C Restructured in Q2 FY2013-14 347599934169735926 Total cumulative outstanding Liability as at 30.09.2013 24252206311276018053114922578

40 Page 40 RESTRUCTURED ASSETS SR. NO DETAILS OF RESTRUCTURED ACCOUNTS No. of A/Cs Amount 1 Cr. & Above No. of Accounts Amount 1 Total Restructured Assets as on 30.09.2013 242522063169718900 2 Out of Which increase in Q2 FY14 347599921851 3 % of Restructured Advances/Portfolio to Total Loans & Advances (as on 30.09.2013) --7.26-- 4 -Of which Slippage into NPA -(% of Restructured Accounts) --2578 (12.49%) -- Amt. in ` Crore

41 Page 41 RESTRUCTURED ASSETS UNDER CDR POSITION AS ONA/CAmount SEPT-2012 677212 MARCH-2013 787237 SEPT-2013 9112932 Amt. in ` Crore

42 Page 42 SECTOR – WISE RESTRUCTURED ACCOUNTS SECTOR No. of AccountsAmount Power457758 Roads17639 Ports289 Mining3933 Aviation51044 Telecommunication 21319 Infrastructure others466701 Other services1829324 Iron & steel2032555 Other industries47351679 Textile5962030 Amt. in ` Crore

43 Page 43 SECTOR No. of AccountsAmount Engineering 421429 Comm. Real Estate 187707 Pharmaceuticals 25114 Cement 9692 Hardware 19363 Shipping 4010 Edible Oil 400.06 Agriculture 8681403 Education 200795 Housing 3083206 Chemicals 3647 Others 14851292 TOTAL2425220631 SECTOR – WISE RESTRUCTURED ACCOUNTS Contd… Amt. in ` Crore

44 Page 44 AMOUNT RESTRUCTURED DURING Q2 FY14 No. of AccountsAmount Agriculture 213584 MSME 49171 Housing 31239 Large Advances 39664 Others 498141 Total 3475999 Amt. in ` Crore

45 Page 45 SECTOR WISE RESTRUCTURED ADVANCES OUTSTANDING AS AT SEPT 2013 No. of AccountsAmount Agriculture6298424 MSME8934609 Housing4666230 Large Advances55610911 Others37988457 Total2425220631 Amt. in ` Crore

46 Page 46 CAPITAL ADEQUACY – NEW BASEL III NORMS Capital Adequacy Ratio CRAR of 10.62% at SEPT 2013 Vs. 9% norm Tier I ratio at 8.52% Vs. 6.5% norm Tier II ratio at 2.10% Govt. holding at 67.7% Paid-up Capital at `443 crore Comfortable CRAR, Sufficient headroom for raising further capital Govt. to infuse ` 500 crore capital by way of preferential allotment in H2 FY14

47 Page 47 CAPITAL ADEQUACY – BASEL III BASEL II BASEL III ParticularsMar'13 Jun’13SEPT’13 Risk-weighted Assets243348 260699273066 Tier I Capital237792326023273 Tier I Ratio% 9.77% CET: 8.51% AT I: 0.41% Tier I: 8.92% CET: 8.14 % AT I: 0.38% Tier I: 8.52 % Tier II Capital6385 57625724 Tier II Ratio%2.63%2.212.10 Total Capital301642902228997 CRAR%12.40%11.13%10.62% Amt. in ` Crore

48 Page 48 SHAREHOLDING PATTERN As on SEP 30, 2013 Govt.67.7% FIIs11.9% Insurance Companies 7.7% Residents Individuals 5.4% Banks1.0% Others6.3%

49 Page 49 FINANCIAL INCLUSION Holistic Approach to Financial Inclusion 136 branches opened in unbanked villages in FY14, taking the tally of branches in unbanked villages to 411. In more than 2000 population villages category, the Bank covered all the allotted 1624 villages in 24 states, under two models, viz., Brick and Mortar Branch Model- 297 villages and Business Correspondent Model- 1327 villages. In less than 2000 population villages category, the Bank covered 1369 villages out of the 8425 villages allotted, under two models, viz., Brick and Mortar Branch Model- 114 villages and Business Correspondent Model- 1255 villages. Of the 542 USBs opened in more than 2000 population category, 18 have been upgraded to branches.

50 Page 50 FINANCIAL INCLUSION Holistic Approach to Financial Inclusion Basic Savings Bank (BSB) accounts increased to 74.08 lakh, with outstanding deposit balance of 1293 crore. In built OD facility provided to 2.16 lakh BSB a/c holders to the extent of 78 crore. 52 Financial Literacy Centres (FLCs) operational as at Sep’ 2013. Exposure under SHG is 1365 crore under 83576 SHG a/cs. Exposure under GCC is 724 crore under 3.39 lakh accounts. In the 121 DBT Districts, our branches received details of 102972 beneficiaries from District Administration and opened 102387 accounts (99.43%). Aadhaar seeding have done in 72048 accounts (99.56%) out of the 72360 beneficiaries. Lead District Waynad reached 82% Aadhaar seeding under DBTL and is No. 1 District among 20 Districts in Phase 1.

51 Page 51 NEW PRODUCTS/PROCESSES 5 new Retail Schemes launched - Loans against Property, Home Loan Plus, Housing Loan to High Networth Individuals, Special Housing Loan Scheme to NRIs and Housing loan to agriculturalists. 2 MSE Schemes launched- Canara MSE Pragati and Canara MSE Unnati for financing Micro and Small Enterprises with attractive lending terms. MoU with M/s ICRA Ltd, CARE Ltd and ONICRA Ltd entered for SME rating of SME entrepreneurs. Facility of Online submission of Applications for opening of SB Account introduced. Balance Enquiry through Missed Call introduced. Hot listing of Debit cards through SMS. New Products /Scheme s

52 Page 52 EXPANDED CLIENTELE BASE 5.16 Crore Strong Clientele Base SEPT’12Mar’13SEPT’13 Y-o-Y Increase Clientele Base443.18470.44516.4773.29 No. of Deposit A/Cs394.64417.22456.5461.9 No. of Borrowal A/Cs48.5453.2259.9311.39 73.29 lakhs Clientele added Y-o-Y (In Lakhs)

53 Page 53 MAJOR EVENTS Inauguration of Thirumayam Branch, Education Loan and Rural Utsav by the Hon’ble Union Finance Minister, Shri P Chidambaram

54 Page 54 AWARDS Golden Peacock Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance 2013. C&MD was conferred Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Gold Samman Award during the Global Achievers’ Conclave organized by NRI Welfare Society of India at House of Lords, London. FIPS Excellence Award 2013 under DBT Category for the project- "Direct Benefit Transfer LPG (DBTL) 100% implementation in Waynad District". ‘SKOCH AWARD’ under Corporate Social Responsibility.

55 Page 55 AWARDS Unity International Foundation conferred "Outstanding Banker of the Decade" Award GreenTech Life Time Award for “Excellence in Banking”. Asia Pacific HRM Congress 2013 instituted by Institute of Public Enterprises conferred "CEO of the Year" and "CEO with HR Orientation”. ‘Hindi Rajbhasha Samrakshak Ratna’ award in Dasham Hindi Mahakumbh Evam Saahitya Conference organized by Parivartan Jan Kalyaan Samiti, New Delhi.

56 Page 56 GOALS FOR FUTURE Aims to reach an aggregate business figure of more than 7 lakh crore, with deposit growth of 17%+ and advances growth of 21%+. To take the number of branches to 4500 and number of ATMs to 4500 this year and 5500 branches and 10000 ATMs by Mar’2015. Open 3 branches at Johannesburg (South Africa, License already received), DIFC (Dubai) and Frankfurt (Germany) this year and remaining 11 branches at Sao Paulo (Brazil), Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania), Tokyo (Japan), Abuja (Nigeria), Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Qatar Financial Centre (Qatar), New York (USA), Sydney(Australia), Ontario (Canada), Wellington (New Zealand) and Singapore by Mar’2015. PLAN S

57 Page 57 GOALS FOR FUTURE Thrust on Retail Business- CASA, recovery, fee income, retail credit. Technology and business process reengineering. Thrust on improving operational financial ratios, such as, NIM, RoA, RoE and Cost-to-Income The Bank has launched Project ‘Shikhar’ aimed at rejuvenating the Bank by focusing on several themes like energizing branches and customer service, increasing sales from branches, growing a robust asset base and revamping the operating model. Global Management Consulting firm viz., M/s Boston Consulting Group (India) Private Limited (BCG) is assisting the Bank in this transformation journey. PLAN S

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