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20.10.20111 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH Efficient Handling and Processing of PetaByte-Scale Data for the Grid Centers within the FR Cloud 1ST JOINT SYMPOSIUM CEA-IFA HaPPSDaG - PROJECT PRESENTATION - - FIRST YEAR PROGRESS REPORT - M. Dulea National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering 'Horia Hulubei' (IFIN-HH)
20.10.20112 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH Computing support for LHC Project topics Project objectives and work planning Framework agreements General information Project teams and infrastructure First year results OVERVIEW
20.10.20113 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH COMPUTING SUPPORT for LHC - LCG LHC COMPUTING GRID LCG is a wide distributed array of computing resources that provides the computing support required for the storage, processing, simulation and analysis of the data gathered by the four major experiments performed at LHC. It consists of more than 140 computing centres and federations of centres from 35 countries. The resource centres are classified according to their size and functionality as Tier-0 (CC @ CERN), Tier-1 (11 centres), and Tier-2. The centres are interconnected through a high-speed network (GEANT2 in EU). Current and 2012-2014 activity related to LHC.
20.10.20114 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH COMPUTING SUPPORT - FR ATLAS FRENCH CLOUD Grid sites: CC-IN2P3 (Tier-1) Tier-2 centres:... (many) GRIF Grille de Recherche d'Ile de France computing grid in Paris region, joint initiative of CEA/IRFU + labs of CNRS/IN2P3 (6 sites) The sites are interconnected through dedicated 10 Gbps links; connected to the FR NREN: RENATER: Réseau national de télécommunications pour la technologie, l'enseignement et la recherche FR Cloud includes foreign grid centres from China, Japan, Romania
20.10.20115 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH COMPUTING SUPPORT - RO ROMANIAN TIER-2 FEDERATION RO-LCG Grid sites: IFIN-HH, 5 Grid sites (resource centres) ISS - Inst. for Space Sciences (2 sites) UPB - Univ. 'Politehnica' of Bucharest ITIM - NIRD in Molecular & Isotopic Technologies - Cluj UAIC, Alex. Ioan Cuza University - Iasi The sites are connected to the 10 Gbps backbone of the RO NREN - the Romanian Educational and Research Network RoEduNet 4 grid sites currently support ATLAS vo: RO-07-NIPNE, RO-02-NIPNE (IFIN-HH); RO-14-ITIM (Cluj), RO-16-UAIC (Iasi)
20.10.20116 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH PROJECT TOPIC Computing support for LHC experiments = provision of grid resources + services The overall support of LCG deployment and operation is provided from other funds (e.g. CONDEGRID project in RO). HAPPSDAG addressess specific ATLAS issues in order to optimize resource usage
20.10.20117 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH ATLAS ISSUES Generic requirements regarding - data transfer from Tier-1 to the associated Tier-2 sites (CC-IN2P3 => RO-LCG) - transfer of large files from SE to WN for each analysis job; consider many simultaneous jobs - transfer of log and results files from WN to SE; immediate transfer of log file to UI RO specific needs at the beginning of the project Grid cluster - analysis of the causes of the lower performance of RO-LCG sites before Oct. 2010 - elaborate and test technical solutions for performance improvement - ensure better communication and coordination between the RO sites and the FR-cloud partners - general measures for improving Tier1 - Tier2 interaction - elaborate general guidelines regarding the improvement in efficiency of the grid centers which are associated to ATLAS clouds Transfer paths from/to the Storage Element (SE)
15.11.20108 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH Improve communication and coordination between GRIF/IN2P3 and RO sites (RO/FR) Testing & improving quality of the FR - RO data link for large dataset transfers (RO/FR) Implementation of specific measures for increasing ATLAS job load and storage performance on sites (RO) Improving large dataset transfer between FR - RO and data analysis (RO/FR) Contributing to grid monitoring and technical support within FR-cloud (RO) Training regarding grid monitoring and support (FR => RO) Dissemination (RO/FR) Strategic objective: provide means for improvement of the processing and handling of large data sets at the Tier2 centers which participate in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC computing support. (RO - case study) Specific objectives and partner contributions: PROJECT OBJECTIVES
20.10.20119 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH PLANNING of WORK Stage 1 (01.10.2010 - 10.12.2010) Analysis of Tier1-Tier2 communication Stage 2 (01.01.2011 - 30.09.2011) Studies and software tools for monitoring and operation of the FR Cloud - RO grid connection and job loading. Testing of data handling and processing. Stage 3 (01.10.2011 - 30.09.2012) Methods and procedures for improving the performance of the RO sites within the FR Cloud
20.10.201110 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH General Cooperation Agreement for Scientific Research between CEA and IFA, signed in December 2009 - Field of cooperation: Technologies for Information and Health - Topic proposed for 2010: Grid Technologies Joint Call for proposals of joint R&D projects (May 2010) - IFIN-HH and IRFU submitted a proposal for a Joint Research and Development Projects Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Scientific Research (AS) between CEA and IFIN-HH, (01.10.2010) - General Coordinators: Gerard Cognet (FR), Ioan Ursu (RO) - leading and coordinating the cooperation activities Project Agreement (CEA, IFIN-HH) FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS
20.10.201111 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH RO Contract n° C1-06/2010, between IFA and IFIN-HH Start date: 01/10/2010 Duration: 24 months Funding of the RO part of the project: 400 000 lei (~ 94.000 €) Funding of the FR part of the project: 133 000 € GENERAL INFORMATION BUDGET 201020112012 RO (lei)CEA (Eur)RO (lei)CEA (Eur)RO (lei)CEA (Eur) Manpower25.3336000120.1334800082.00022000 Travels8.00040003.200140008.00014000 Others (Romanian Engineer staying at Saclay ) 500010000 Others (French guests staying in Romania ) 010.000 Others (equipment)040.000 Others (indirect costs)6.66726.66720.000 Total:40.00015.000200.00072.000160.00046.000
20.10.201112 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH PROJECT TEAMS Project coordinators: Jean-Pierre Meyer (FR), Mihnea Dulea (RO) Technical correspondents: Pierrick Micout (FR), Gabriel Stoicea (RO) FR team (CEA/IRFU) Eric LANÇON Pierrick MICOUT Christine LEROY Frédéric SCHAER Zoulikha GEORGETTE Adelino GOMEZ RO team (IFIN-HH) Serban Constantinescu Mihai Ciubancan Ionut Traian Vasile Camelia Mihaela Visan
INFRASTRUCTURE @ CTI/DPETI 1200 (grid) + 960 (hpc) cores, 270 TB Centre for Informational Technologies (CTI) - IFIN-HH
20.10.201114 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH ANALYSIS of NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE Objective: identify the weak points of the FR-RO data connection and adoption of measures for improving the transfer capacity of large datasets. Network structure: complex, various owners and administrators => more difficult to act Activities (RO+FR) Testing connectivity & transport capacity with various tools Finding routing paths and points of data traffic delay Comparing performances of RO-CERN link with those of RO-IN2P3 SectionCentresAdministratorOwnerLocation IFIN-HH LANRO-02-NIPNE RO-07-NIPNE CTI/DPETIIFIN-HHMagurele IFIN - UPBUPBICOMMIFIN-HHUPB RoEduNetRO-14-ITIM RO-16-UAIC AARNIECMECTSRomania GEANT2In 34 EU states DANTEEU NRENsEUEU RENATERGRIF, IN2P3GIP RENATER France Conclusions: a) performance degradation at RoEduNet / GEANT2 interface b) bottlenecks on some of the RoEduNet routers
20.10.201115 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH IMPROVING POINT-TO-POINT TRAFFIC PERFORMANCES Requires close collaboration with network administrators along the RO-FR path Example: following bandwidth capacity and traffic analysis, a RoEduNet router was found, responsible of bottlneck. AARNIEC's intervention rised the available bandwidth to 700 Mbps (fig. below). Permanent monitoring required
20.10.201116 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH MONITORING TOOLS for DATA TRANSFER and STORAGE PERFORMANCE - 1 Development of software tools for monitoring of SE traffic (in/out) (adding data sent by daemons running on storage servers in a database + web interface for display) Tools developed in IFIN-HH; useful for FR partners too for monitoring RO sites. Traffic from/to WNs and from/to external network Max at 5 Gbps Max at > 3 Gbps
20.10.201117 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH MONITORING TOOLS for DATA TRANSFER and STORAGE PERFORMANCE - 2 Traffic on gateway (in/out); SE extern throughput Monitoring groups of running or pending jobs
20.10.201118 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH MONITORING TOOLS for DATA TRANSFER and STORAGE PERFORMANCE - 3 Accounting of running or pending jobs on CE or CREAM-CE
20.10.201119 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH IMPROVEMENT of SITE MONITORING and TECHNICAL SUPPORT Implementation of its own SAM (Service Availability Monitoring) system, that uses IFIN-HH grid infrastructure and a new monitoring vo - ifops. Results published using Nagios. Early notification of technical staff leads to improvement of availability of grid services Monitoring of CREAM-CE,
20.10.201120 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH IMPROVEMENT and TESTS of SE-WN THROUGHPUT Adding more resources (WNs) doesn't always mean better results. Scalability is required Improvement of file transfer speed from SE to WN, required by analysis jobs (4-6 files 2-4 GB) Replacing the transfer to disk servers through Network File System (NFS) protocole by new DPM (Disk Pool Manager) disk storage servers. Higher transfer speed => no job exceeds the time limit => no cancellation Tests of the new configuration Time representation of the transfer speed (in Mbps) for 70 quasi-simultaneous jobs
20.10.201121 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH GLOBAL IMPROVEMENT of EFFICIENCY Mean efficiency of ATLAS job execution in 2011: 91% Monthly number of ATLAS jobs and number of ATLAS events processed in RO-LCG
20.10.201122 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH TRAINING REGARDING MONITORING AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT 20.06.11 - 04.07.11: training stage of C. Visan at CEA/IRFU, preparing later participation to monitoring and support activities for FR Cloud sites. Topics: - CEA/IRFU monitoring methods at site, VO, project levels; EGI/WLCG and LHC monitoring (Christine Leroy, Pierrick Micout ) - grid site usage (Georgette Zoulikha) - NAGIOS installing/configuration on virtual machines (Frederic Schaer) - job submission through Pathena (PanDA Athena), at LAL-Orsay (Laurent Duflot) - CACTI site monitoring (Victor Mendoza, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)) - instructions for site and job monitoring in ADCoS (ATLAS Distributed Computing Operations Shift) and for support team of FR Cloud (Squad). (Sabine Crepe)
20.10.201123 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH MOBILITY Kick-off meeting (15-16.11 2010, Saclay) Participation at the RO-LCG 2010 Conference, Bucharest (Christine Leroy, Sabine Crepe - IN2P3) Participation of Gabriel Stoicea to the spring meeting of LCG-France (30-31.05.2011) Training - monitoring and support (20.06.11 - 04.07.11, Saclay), C.M. Visan
20.10.201124 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH BENEFITS CEA/IRFU The results of the project contribute to global improvement of FR Cloud efficiency Elaboration, in collaboration, of general guidelines for interaction between grid centres in ATLAS clouds, and Using FR-RO interaction as a representative case study for sharing best practices with smaller sites IFIN-HH General efficiency improvement of the activity of the RO sites Better integration and visibility in the framework of the computing support for ATLAS collaboration High-level training of RO technical staff
20.10.201125 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH PROSPECTS Further development of methods and procedures for improving the performance of the RO sites within the FR Cloud General guidelines regarding the improvement in efficiency of the grid centers which are associated to ATLAS clouds HAPPSDAG workshop and technical meeting in Bucharest (28-30.11.2011) Participation of IFIN-HH to site and job monitoring in ADC shifts (ATLAS Distributed Computing) or in the monitoring team of FR Cloud. Dissemination of results
20.10.201126 Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! Questions?
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