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Housekeeping Assignments ITEP/PD

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Presentation on theme: "Housekeeping Assignments ITEP/PD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Housekeeping Assignments ITEP/PD
Content/Language Objectives Portfolio Notes from group discussion F4-F6 (100%) ITEP/PD

2 The SIOP Model of Sheltered Instruction
Lesson Preparation Review & Assessment Building Background SIOP MODEL Compre-hensible Input Lesson Delivery Strategies Practice Application Memorize: L B C / S I P/ LA nonsense sentence: little boys can sip (in) LA Interaction Little Boys Can SIP in LA

3 Content Objectives Identify students should be able to and
Verbs: Language Objectives Support students’ . Verbs: what know language development do.

4 Language Receptive Productive Listening Reading Speaking Writing

5 Teachers F3 Content Concepts
Use Ministry of Education Prescription (Common Core State Standards) Develop a scheme (curriculum map) Weekly/Daily lesson plans Teachers YOU are the one who decides when and how to modify the content concepts!!! How are you going to modify the content concepts to help close the gap between what they know and what they need to learn? Feature 4: Supplementary Materials Used to a High Degree Feature 5:Adaptation of Content Feature 6: Meaningful Activities

6 Objectives Content Objectives I will use supplementary materials, an adaptation of content, or a meaningful activity that will assist students in reaching the classroom objective. Language Objective I will complete a reflection paper describing the supplementary materials, adaptation of text, or meaningful activity, and the effects it had on the lesson.

7 F4 Supplementary Materials
Hands on Manipulatives Realia Pictures Visuals Multimedia Tiorika, Tebakaro, Founuku, Tongoi, Rebwa, Bwereia, Marinoa

8 F4 Supplementary Materials
Demonstrations: Charts, models, handouts, projector power points, graphs, videos Related Literature: Handouts, internet, library books Activity: Search projects on digestive system on the internet Hi-lo Readers: Handouts, library books, dictionary chart of vocabulary, charts, pictures Activity: Read the note in class Adapted Text: Text books, posters, teacher summary Activity: Drawing diagram/picture of digestive system Teaka, Paula, Temokua, Titeebwa, Tanouea

9 F5 Adaptation of text Graphic Organizers: Diagrams that help students to grasp the difficult concept Outlines: A form for note taking that the teacher prepared with outlines, e.g. the scaffolded outline See text pg. 35 Figure 2.4 Level Study Guides: These guides are designed specifically for divers students’ needs Highlighted text: Highlight the key concepts and the vocabularies, topics that need to be discussed before reading Taped texts: Using the tape – students are required to listen and follow reading Ntonga, Bouri, Eutee, Bwebwennang

10 F5 Adaptation of text To find ways to make the text and resource materials accessible for students so that the content concepts are left intact. Adapted text: Involves rewriting selected sections of text that contain key concepts and information. Rewritten text should be: Contain a topic sentence Direct and relevant Short, simple and organized into small sequential steps Read by a colleague Jigsaw text reading Involves cooperative learning activity Assign each group as “expert” on different sections of the text to be read Sharing to others – orally taking turns Discuss and review what was read Important key vocabularies/concetps Teacher must choose students group members Emely, Babai, Pepeieta, Takire

11 F5 Adaptation of text Marginal Notes
Print marginal notes directly in the margin of the text book pages Includes hints for understanding the content, key concepts, etc. Provides hints for reading a passage Reduces ambiguity as well as the reading difficulty of the text Native language text Clarifies key concetps Research Materials Share information (groupwork) Authentic materials such as newspaper Oral skills Broadcasts Podcasts Audio books.

12 F6 Meaningful activities
Provide lesson to promote language development in all skills to enable Els to Master Content objectives Oral, written language practices Lesson contents connect old and new concepts Activity must relate to content Learning must be situational not abstract. Activity must be authentic, meaningful experiences English Learners need to learn the same content disregarding their English proficiency. Boutara, Mary, Ioram, Tioeta

13 F6 Meaningful activities
Poster Presentation Composing a song Illustrating the story (groupwork) Rena, Teea, Marian, Taraia, Ataruru

14 Activity Divide into department groups, e.g. English, science, math, history, TVET, etc. Discuss upcoming concepts to be taught. Determine how you can modify the content concepts to help close the gap between what they know and what they need to learn by using: Supplementary Materials: Write a paragraph describing the materials used and how they were used to modify the concepts. Adaptation of Content: Create a graphic organizer, outline, study guide, adapted text, etc. Meaningful Activities: Write a paragraph describing the activity and how it was used to modify the concepts. You may complete this assignment individually or as a group. Assignment = 20 points.

15 Reflection (individually)
Name Date Ed 326 Reflection Component: Feature: Describe how the feature was implemented in the classroom?  How do you feel about the implementation of this feature? What worked? Why? What didn’t work? Why? What will you do differently next time?

16 Objectives Content Objectives I will use supplementary materials, an adaptation of content, or a meaningful activities that will assist students in reaching the classroom objective. Language Objective I will write a reflection paper describing the supplementary materials, adaptation of text, or meaningful activity, and the effects it had on the lesson.

17 Remember ITEP/PD Assignments
Content/Language Objectives (10 pts) Portfolio (50 pts) Reflection of using F4-F6 in classroom (10 pts) ITEP/PD

18 Have a wonderful Easter weekend!!! Next week
We will begin using the observation protocol to critique teaching scenarios of Lesson Preparation in the classroom. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!!!

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