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Start menu -> all program -> Microsoft Visual SourceSafe-> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Click.

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Presentation on theme: "Start menu -> all program -> Microsoft Visual SourceSafe-> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Click."— Presentation transcript:


2 Start menu -> all program -> Microsoft Visual SourceSafe-> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Click

3 Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 window

4 Click New project

5  Display new project window

6  Click (Select ) Asp.Net Web Application  Add project name

7  Click Browse button and select path  Ex: D:\new website

8 Display Default window

9 Click (left) solution Explorer

10  Select unvented file (Ctrl+ mouse Click). Select then right click in mouse select Delete option

11 How to Create new page  Click (left) solution Explorer  Click Add - > New Item

12 Display Add New Item – Project window  Select Installed Templates-> Visual Basic -> web

13  Select HTML.Page  Name Type index.htm  Click Add button

14  Create index page

15  Type title tag inside of the company name  Then type the meta tag coding

16 Create New folder in project  Click (left) solution Explorer  Click project name(left click in mouse) Add - > New folder

17 Create new folder  Type Style sheets create new folder

18 Create New Style sheets in project  Click (left) solution Explorer  Click project name(left click in mouse) Add - > New folder

19  Select Style Sheet  Name Type Stylesheet.css  Click Add button Display Add New Item – Project window  Select Installed Templates-> Visual Basic -> web

20 Create New Style sheets in project  Click (left) solution Explorer  Click project name(left click in mouse) Add - > New Item

21 Display Add New Item – Project window  Select Installed Templates-> Visual Basic -> web  Select HTML.Page  Name Type Home.htm  Click Add button

22  Create Home page

23  Type title tag inside of the company name or project name  Then type the meta tag coding

24  Then type the style ling tag coding

25  Create one template in Photoshop

26  Click style sheet then following css type body {margin: 0px;background-color:#510509;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}

27  Click home.htm then click the design view

28  Click -> toolbox(lift) -> table (double click)

29  Create table

30  Select table and click F4 and type celpadding and celspacing Zero

31  Click the source view and table width type 1000px and align="center"

32  Click the design view and select the two columns then click right in muse the select Delete -> Delete columns  Delete and columns

33  Select fist row and click F4 and type height type in top banner size  Ex: height :100px;

34  Insert new row  Click (right) muse then select Insert-> Row Below or (ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow)

35  Select second row and click F4 and type height type in image banner size  Ex: height :300px

36  Click fist row then  Click -> toolbox(lift) -> table (double click)  Create inside of the row the click F4 and celpadding and celspacing type Zero

37  Delete row (2) and columns(1)

38  Click the fist columns and click F4 and height and width type ;  Ex: height :100px; widh: 40%

39  Click second columns then  Click F4 and width :60% type then  Click -> toolbox(lift) -> table (double click)  Create inside of the row the click F4 and celpadding and celspacing type Zero  Delete 2 row and 2 columns the click F4 and high: 50px for fist row the click second row high:50px type

40  Click second row then  Click -> toolbox(lift) -> table (double click)  Create inside of the row the click F4 and celpadding and celspacing type Zero  Delete 2 columns the click F4 and high: 50px for fist columns

41  Insert new columns  Click (right) muse then select Insert-> Row Below or (ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow)  The select fist columns and click F4 width is 25% set width in columns (4 columns)

42  Click styles sheet and type menu style{font-family:Arial;font-size:14px;text-align:center;color:White;text-decoration:none; line-height:25px;}.menu:hover{font-family:Arial;font-size:14px;text-align:center;color:#fee490; text-decoration:none; line-height:25px;}

43  Select fist menu columns  Click home.htm and click design view type following coding Ex: Home same coding for further menu ( select separate columns and type about us,profile, contact us)

44  Click design view  Select home menu columns and click F4 type Align : center (all menu select and appall align:cente)


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