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1 Version 2 23/09/13 Rule Book changes Network Operations National Briefing Team Rules changes – June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Version 2 23/09/13 Rule Book changes Network Operations National Briefing Team Rules changes – June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Version 2 23/09/13 Rule Book changes Network Operations National Briefing Team Rules changes – June 2014

2 Role icons have been provided on all slides to suggest relevance to individual roles who may be affected by the June 2014 Rule Book changes Relevant to all staff (if only for awareness) Electrified lines Proceed on Sight Authority Level Crossings Key to roles & responsibilities ALL  PoSA

3 Saturday, 18 July 2015 3 The purpose of this briefing is to give an overview of the changes to the Rule Book in June 2014 This briefing does not contain ALL changes but those considered to have an effect on the way the workforce carry out their duties. This briefing should be tailored to fit the requirements of individual roles & responsibilities.

4 Saturday, 18 July 2015 4 Summary of changes Since the last tranche of the ‘New Approach to the Rule Book’ was released in December 2013 there is minimal change expected in the near future. Following 12 monthly reviews of each Tranche of the ‘New Approach’ minor changes may be required. June 2014 sees the integration of rules currently contained in the AM Module and the inclusion of OD level crossing instructions ALL

5 National Operating Instructions As information is being stripped out of the RSSB rule book, Network Rail is reviewing all the deletions and many of the items considered by the RSSB as a matter for competence management & training or company instructions will be available in the National Operating Instructions ALL Click on the front cover to view the changes to the NOIs

6 NOIs – December ’13 changes 35 units to align with the Rule Book modules Black lines in the margins will define new entries to NOIs Green text in the margin will indicate that another role is responsible. 19 units – no content (yet) Click here to return to the main brief Click on the screen to go to next NOI slide

7 Scope of the NOIs 1 AC Electrified Lines (AC) 2 DC Electrified Lines (DC) 3 General Safety Responsibilities and Personal Track Safety for Non-Track Workers (G1) 4 Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM-R) 5 Dealing with a Train Accident or Train Evacuation (M1) 6 Train Stopped by Train Failure (M2) 7 Managing Incidents, Floods and Snow (M3) 8 Working of On-Track Machines (OTM) 9 Single Line Working (P1) 10 Working Single and Bi-Directional Lines by Pilotman (P2) 11 Proceed-on-Sight Authority (PoSA) 12 Trains or Shunting Movements Detained, or Vehicles Left, on Running Lines (S4) 13 Passing an End of Authority (EOA) Without a Movement Authority (MA) (S5 – ERTMS) 14 Passing a Signal at Danger (S5) 15 ERTMS Cab Signalling (S6 – ERTMS) 16 Observing and Obeying Fixed Signals, Train Warning Systems, Reporting Signalling Failures and Irregularities (S7) 17 Speeds (SP) 18 Station Duties and Train Dispatch (SS1) 19 Shunting (SS2) 20 Possession of a Running Line for Engineering Work (T3) 21 Duties of a Designated Person (DP) and People Working on Rail Vehicles (T10) 22 General Signalling Regulations (TS1) 23 Track Circuit Block Regulations (TS2) 24 Absolute Block Regulations (TS3) 25 Electric Token Block Regulations (TS4) 26 Tokenless Block Regulations (TS5) 27 No-Signaller Token Regulations (TS7) 28 One-Train Working Regulations (TS8) 29 Level Crossings – Signaller’s Regulations (TS9) 30 ERTMS – Level 2 Train Signalling Regulations (TS10) 31 Failure of, or Work on, Signalling Equipment – Signaller’s Regulations (TS11) 32 Preparation and Movement of Trains: General (TW1) 33 Preparation and Movement of Trains.Defective or Isolated Vehicles and On-Train Equipment (TW5) 34 Wrong-Direction Movements (TW7) 35 Level Crossings – Drivers’ Instructions (TW8) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 General Signalling Regulations (TS1) 2 Track Circuit Block Regulations (TS2) 3 Absolute Block Regulations (TS3) 4 Electric Token Block Regulations (TS4) 5 Tokenless Block Regulations (TS5) 6 No-Signaller Token Regulations (TS7) 7 One-Train Working Regulations (TS8) 8 Level Crossings – Signaller’s Regulations (TS9) 9 General Safety Responsibilities and Personal Track Safety for Non-Track Workers (G1) 10 Managing Incidents, Floods and Snow (M3) 11 Operating Power-Operated Points by Hand (T1b) 12 Possession of the Line for Engineering Work (T3) 13 AC Electrified Lines (AC)

8 Unit 1 - AC Electrified Lines (AC) 1 Blocking lines to electric trains - general instructions 1.9 Dual voltage (AC / DC) electrified lines 2 Traction unit stopped in a neutral section- 2.1 General instructions 3 PANCHEX monitoring system

9 Unit 3 - General Safety Responsibilities and Personal Track Safety for Non-Track Workers (G1) 1.2.1 Reporting for duty – (D&A) 3.2.1 Temporary securing of points 5.1 Reaching a clear understanding

10 Unit 7 - Managing Incidents, Floods and Snow (M3) 5.1.2 Lines completely blocked by snow

11 Unit 17 – Speeds (SP) 1. Reporting of a train speeding 2. How Emergency Speed Restrictions (ESRs) are set up 3. Equipment used for an Emergency Speed Restriction

12 Unit 20 – (T3) 1. Taking a possession around one or more trains 6. Giving up the possession

13 Unit 22 – (TS1 – GSRs) 1. Working at signal boxes 3. Signal box equipment 13. Safety of personnel 16. Accidents and incidents: reporting procedures 19. Stop and examine train 20. Examining the line

14 Units 23 - 29(Train Signalling modules) Unit 23 (TCB) – 4. Obstruction of the line Unit 24 (AB) –1. Definitions Unit 27 (TS7 – No-Signaller Token) –3. Method of signalling –9. Transferring tokens Unit 28 (TS8 – One-Train Working Regulations) –8 Working by pilotman and modified working 8.1 Token lost Unit 29 (TS9 – Level Crossings – Signallers’ Regulations) –2.1 Telephone failure or inaudible communications –10. Police officer attending during a failure of level crossing equipment

15 Unit 31 – (TS11) TS11 – Failure of, or Work on, Signalling Equipment – Signaller’s Regulations –3 Resetting and restoration of axle counters

16 Unit 32 (TW1) & Unit 33 (TW5) Unit 32 (TW1 - Preparation and Movement of Trains: General) –1. When propelling movements can be made Unit 33 (TW5 - Preparation and Movement of Trains. Defective or Isolated Vehicles and On-Train Equipment) –1. Special arrangements for entering service –2. Hot axle boxes and activation of lineside hot axle box detectors –3. Selective door opening –4. Tilt Authorisation and Speed Supervision Systems (TASS) –5. Vehicles with locked wheels, wheel flats, shifting tyres or dragging brakes

17 Changes arising from the abolition of the Amendments (AM) Module ALL

18 AM Module withdrawal impact From June 2014 you will no longer be issued with an AM Module ‘Why? What does this mean? How will this affect you?’ Consequence - Although there will be nothing new from the AM module the purpose is to check general awareness of the content which will be moved into the relevant modules. 12 modules affected - reissued ALL

19 Saturday, 18 July 2015 19 AM Module - Amendments Click on a module title page for details T10 – Duties of a DP & people working on rail vehicles TW8 –Level crossings- drivers’ instructions No signaller role relevance ALL

20  AC & DC Modules References to TW1 Preparation and Movement of Trains amended due to module title change [new change AM17 Dec ‘13]

21 ALL G1 Module Platform staff to receive a copy of G1 Module ‘How does this benefit you?’ Replaced - 1.10 Detonators ‘ What is it? Why has it been reintroduced? 2 metres = ? Error identified and corrected New section 5.6 Signaller instructing a driver ‘How do you give a driver instructions?’ [AM16 June ’13] [AM 13 Dec ’11] [New change AM 17 Dec ’13]

22 ALL OTM Module Section 2.2 Entering service with a defective track circuit actuator (TCA) moved to TW5 Following sections renumbered [new change AM 17 Dec ’13]

23 PoSA Section 7 Working of signals provided with PoSA routes –You are no longer required to stop and advise a driver at each successive signal during a multiple failure [AM 15 Dec ’12]

24 ALL Clarification of Section 2.2 Taking possession around one or more engineering trains Diagrams T3.1 Standard detonator protection & T3.4 Indication of work sites enhanced 2.6 When detonator protection is in place –Issue of an authority number withdrawn [AM 15 Dec ’12] T3 Module

25 ALL T3 Module Clarification of Section 2.2 Taking possession around one or more engineering trains Briefer to Insert diagram to aid briefing or illustrate on white board etc.

26 ALL T3 Module Diagrams T3.1 Standard detonator protection T3.4 Indication of work sites enhanced

27 ALL TS2 & TS3 Modules Section 2 Principle - Deletion of fringe box working in both modules –‘Is this information still relevant?’ –‘Where can you find a reference to fringe box working?’ [new change AM 17 Dec ’13]

28 TS9 Module 2.8 Road traffic at level crossings within the clearing point moved from TS1 [AM 15 Dec ’12] Clarification of 3.1 Opening and closing the signal box [AM 16 June ’13] –‘Can you close a signal box during a T3 with an AHBC not under local control?’ Post review- clarification of 6.9 Appointing an attendant at RC or CCTV crossings [AM 16 June ’13] –‘Do you need an attendant during SLW?’

29 TW7 Module Post review- 2.1 Making sure the line is safe –Terminology changed to remove conflicting crossing names Post review – 4.2 new section for drivers instructions when moving over CCTV and RC crossings –‘Where are the signallers’ instructions?’ [new change AM 17 Dec ’13]

30 Changes arising from the introduction of the instructions relating to Obstacle Detector (OD) Level crossings

31 OD level crossings - impact Introduction of OD LC instructions to Rule Book Which modules will this affect? The majority of changes are only to incorporate the introduction of OD LCs

32 OD LC related changes Many title and reference changes made to accommodate new OD LC ‘Manned LC’ renamed ‘controlled LC’ throughout TW7 - OD LC inclusion to new section in 4.2 TW8 2.2 carrying out signaller’s instructions – reworded to accommodate OD LCs PoSA Proceed-on-sight authority HB 18 Duties of a level crossing attendant TS9 Level Crossings-Signallers’ instructions

33 TS9 Module New section 7 OD Level crossings The majority of instructions relating to the new OD LCs will be contained in this section. These instructions will replicate most of the OD LC SBSIs currently in use. Therefore the majority of SBSI instructions will be removed from June 2014 Only location specific instructions will be contained in the SBSIs No Change to method of working

34 PoSA Module PoSA – change of terminology - ‘road signals indicator’  ‘red road lights indicator’ ‘road signals indicator is not illuminated’  ‘red road signals are not working’ New section 10 ‘Using PoSA signals where an OD LC is in the route

35 Handbook 18 Section 1 Arriving at the crossing – New requirement for the crossing attendant NOT to open the door of a local crossing clear unit at an OD crossing until the signaller gives permission ‘Why?’ New section 4 Level crossing attendant –To introduce the new OD LC

36 Other changes Handbook 8 IWA, COSS or PC blocking a line & TS1 13.2 IWA, COSS or PC blocking a line –TS1 13.2.2 Agreeing the arrangements TS1 13.2 IWA, COSS or PC blocking a line –TS1 13.2.4 Use of EPRs as additional protection TS2 3.3 Permissive working Handbooks 6 & 7 Sighting charts added ALL

37 TS1 13.2.2 & Handbook 8 1.2 Clarification of change TS1 13.2.2 & Handbook 8 1.2 - Agreeing the arrangements Current text (TS1 issue 7 Dec ’12 & Handbook 8 issue 2) - “ which signals will be kept at danger to protect the activity” New text (TS1 issue 8 June ’14 & Handbook 8 issue 3)- “which signal will be the protecting signal” Following industry consultation it has been agreed to maintain the current wording in TS1 issue 7 (Dec ’12) Instructions relating to the cancellation of the proposed issue 8 wording will be published in the PON ALL

38 TS1 13.2.4 Additional protection 13.2.4 Additional protection You must agree with the IWA,COSS or PC which of the following additional protection methods will be used. Applying engineering possession reminders (EPR) ALL

39 TS2 3.3 Permissive Working 3.3.2 Types of permissive working -Platform lines Inclusion of following text - “Any class of train formed only of MPV vehicles when operating as a railhead treatment or inspection train” (issue 3 June ‘14) In addition to this change it has been agreed nationally via a deviation that all MPVs may work under permissive platform arrangements except: An MPV carrying out any activity which makes it OOG An MPV hauling any freight vehicles These arrangements will be published in the PON until the rule book module is next up dated ALL

40 Handbooks 6 & 7 Sighting charts ALL

41 Saturday, 18 July 2015 41 Attendance to this briefing does not remove your personal responsibility to ensure that you are fully conversant with any rules changes affecting your role This briefing is intended to alert you to some of the proposed rules changes that might change the way you carry out your duties This briefing will be available via Academy for you to access at any time Any questions? ALL

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