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Anthony Oxley – Head of Pharmacy The Driver for Implementing EPMA? Mental Health, Learning Disability and Community Health Services. Prince2 Project JAC.

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2 Anthony Oxley – Head of Pharmacy The Driver for Implementing EPMA? Mental Health, Learning Disability and Community Health Services. Prince2 Project JAC User

3 Clozapine Escalations and Detox Regimes Computer Literacy Day Hospitals Mental Health Act Short Term Leave

4 Recording T2 and T3 Forms Screening Prescriptions Access to information Future Development – JAC Roadmap

5 Screen all admissions MMT module on ePrescribing Checking patients own drugs (POD’s) Clinical Interventions Primary Care/Secondary Interface

6 Monitoring Antipsychotics Formulary Management – Quetiapine XL Antimicrobial Policy Drug Histories for Prescribing and Administration eDischarge Performance (24hr) Lithium Patients

7 Inpatient Rollout – 48 Wards complete 75 Outpatient Clinics Electronic Discharge Deployment to unit belonging to another NHS Provider Project Completion June 2013 Trust Wide

8 Anthony Oxley - Head of Pharmacy Andrew Moonesinghe – Pharmacy Services Manager

9 Anita Kilroy-Findley - Tissue Viability Nurse : ‘ePrescribing has enabled me to stop the abuse of antimicrobial dressings and will contribute to a significant cost saving on silver dressings in particular’ ************************************************************************* Nicky Callow – Senior Dietician : ‘ePrescribing makes it easier to check on whether patients are taking Oral Nutritional Supplements. If necessary I can change what they are having without either having a 12 mile round trip or needing to track down a doctor to get the prescription altered' ************************************************************************* Zayad Saumtally – Ward Manager: ‘ePrescribing has reduced the medication round time as we do not have to flick through medication cards to check what medications are due at what time, has reduced the likelihood of medication error and e prescribing does act as a reminder for when depot medications are due i.e. its not missed!’ ************************************************************************* Dr Mangesh Marudkar - Consultant Psychiatrist : ‘The e-Prescribing system is excellent. It is easy to use and not only does it help practitioners feel more confident in their prescribing but also makes the dispensing quicker. This computerised method is a much better way to manage medicines and improve patient safety and I’m delighted this is being extended to all areas of the Trust’ *************************************************************************

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