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YMIR is a Support Action funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme YMIR IMPROVE.

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Presentation on theme: "YMIR is a Support Action funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme YMIR IMPROVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 YMIR is a Support Action funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme YMIR IMPROVE ACCESS TO FINANCE FOR INNOVATIVE SMEs Project No. 248224 WP4:European Venture Academies and Investment Forum Events WP5:Regional Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events Presenter:Val Bejenuta Organisation:Europe Unlimited YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012

2 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Tasks:  T5.4 Organization of webinars  T4.5 Organization of a VA at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T4.4 Organization of an IF at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T5.3 Organization of a VA at FIW, Poznan  T5.2 Organization of an IF at FIW, Poznan  T5.6 Organization of a VA at TME, Lisbon  T5.5 Organization of an IF at TME, Lisbon

3 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Company Selection Criteria 1.Business potential - Potential market of customers for the presented product is attractive and the business model is strong. 2.Team experience - Team has skills and experience to grow the business and is able/willing to work with industry & research. 3.Product / Technology merit - Technology or product solutions developed are state-of-the-art and well advanced compared to the competitors. 4.Competitive position - The intellectual property of the company and its competences and strategic relations are outstanding. 5.Investment or partnering interest - The demand/offer to invest in or partner with the company is well defined and potentially attractive for partners. 6.Project profile quality - Information available from company profile sheet is complete, clear, balanced and convincing. 7.Presentation Quality

4 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Tasks:  T5.4 Organization of webinars  T4.5 Organization of a VA at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T4.4 Organization of an IF at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T5.3 Organization of a VA at FIW, Poznan  T5.2 Organization of an IF at FIW, Poznan  T5.6 Organization of a VA at TME, Lisbon  T5.5 Organization of an IF at TME, Lisbon

5 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Quick Facts:  One webinar run before each Venture Academy  At this moment 3 webinars have been delivered  Next webinar planned for 19 March 2012 (TME)  ≈ 48 SMEs involved  Virtual presentation rooms set-up Webinars

6 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Virtual presentation rooms: Webinars

7 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Format of a webinar:  Main goal: introduction to VAs and IFs  Length: 45-60 minutes  Moderated by an experienced coach  1 SME presents using the same format as at IF  All participants give feedback Webinars

8 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Tasks:  T5.4 Organization of webinars  T4.5 Organization of a VA at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T4.4 Organization of an IF at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T5.3 Organization of a VA at FIW, Poznan  T5.2 Organization of an IF at FIW, Poznan  T5.6 Organization of a VA at TME, Lisbon  T5.5 Organization of an IF at TME, Lisbon

9 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Quick Facts:  Took place at Park Hotel Brussels on 15 June 2011.  12 SMEs  7 coaches.  Special website and registration set-up.  Binder, badges, posters and equipment provided.  Introductory webinar 1 week prior to the Academy. Venture Academy, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

10 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Programme: Venture Academy, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

11 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 12 Presenting SMEs: Venture Academy, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

12 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 7 Coaches: Venture Academy, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

13 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Tasks:  T5.4 Organization of webinars  T4.5 Organization of a VA at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T4.4 Organization of an IF at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T5.3 Organization of a VA at FIW, Poznan  T5.2 Organization of an IF at FIW, Poznan  T5.6 Organization of a VA at TME, Lisbon  T5.5 Organization of an IF at TME, Lisbon

14 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Quick Facts:  Took place at Park Hotel Brussels on 16 June 2011.  19 SMEs  22 investor jury.  Special website and registration set-up.  Binder, badges, posters and equipment provided.  Introductory webinar 1 week prior to the Academy.  Total number of participants 63. Investment Forum, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

15 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Website: Investment Forum, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

16 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Programme: Investment Forum, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

17 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 19 Presenting SMEs: Investment Forum, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

18 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 22 Investor Jury: Investment Forum, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

19 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Presentations: Investment Forum, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

20 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Award Ceremony: Investment Forum, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

21 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Award Winners: Patrick Pirim Brain Vision Systems (FR) Brain Vision Systems (BVS) is a Young Innovative Company (JEI status in France) created in 2006 and specialized in Intelligent Vision Systems. Christina Soviany IDES Technologies (BE) Innovative technology to replace that will help banks, credit card schemes and merchants to reduce their daily card fraud losses Paul van Dijk SATRAX (NL) SATRAX aims to introduce a breakthrough antenna system to target the land mobile, nautical and avionics satellite communication market by meeting future requirements for broadband communications. Investment Forum, 1 st EU DAA, Brussels

22 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Tasks:  T5.4 Organization of webinars  T4.5 Organization of a VA at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T4.4 Organization of an IF at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T5.3 Organization of a VA at FIW, Poznan  T5.2 Organization of an IF at FIW, Poznan  T5.6 Organization of a VA at TME, Lisbon  T5.5 Organization of an IF at TME, Lisbon

23 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Quick Facts:  Took place at Poznan University of Technology on 27 October 2012.  10 SMEs  6 coaches.  Special website and registration set-up.  Binder, badges, posters and equipment provided. Venture Academy, FIW Poznan

24 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Programme: Venture Academy, FIW Poznan

25 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Presentations: Venture Academy, FIW Poznan

26 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Tasks:  T5.4 Organization of webinars  T4.5 Organization of a VA at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T4.4 Organization of an IF at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T5.3 Organization of a VA at FIW, Poznan  T5.2 Organization of an IF at FIW, Poznan  T5.6 Organization of a VA at TME, Lisbon  T5.5 Organization of an IF at TME, Lisbon

27 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Quick Facts:  Took place at Poznan University of Technology on 28 October 2012.  12 SMEs  7 Investor Jury.  Special website and registration set-up.  Binder, badges, posters and equipment provided.  Total number of participants 32. Investment Forum, FIW Poznan

28 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Website: Investment Forum, FIW Poznan

29 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Website (cont.): Investment Forum, FIW Poznan

30 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Programme: Investment Forum, FIW Poznan

31 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 12 Presenting SMEs: Investment Forum, FIW Poznan

32 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 7 Investor Jury: Investment Forum, FIW Poznan

33 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Award Winners: Arek Skuza iTraff Technology (PL) iTraff Technology designed photo recognition technology. It released its first product called SaveUp which is for spontaneous, fast mobile shopping of music, movies and books. Michal Lipiecki bs4 (PL) bs4 focuses on the development of web based CRM application called "bs4 intranet". This powerful and flexible software is currently used in about 300 small/mid-sized companies. Martin Kopac UCS (SI) UCS has been established to offer footwear manufacturing and retail companies sophisticated solutions for providing the best fitting footwear to their customers Investment Forum, FIW Poznan

34 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Photos: Investment Forum, FIW Poznan

35 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Tasks:  T5.4 Organization of webinars  T4.5 Organization of a VA at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T4.4 Organization of an IF at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T5.3 Organization of a VA at FIW, Poznan  T5.2 Organization of an IF at FIW, Poznan  T5.6 Organization of a VA at TME, Lisbon  T5.5 Organization of an IF at TME, Lisbon

36 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Quick Facts:  Will take place at Centro de Congressos, Lisbon on 25 March 2012.  9 SMEs registered now, 5 more to be confirmed.  5 coaches registered now, 3 more to be confirmed.  Special website and registration set-up.  Binder, badges, posters and equipment to beprovided. Venture Academy, TME Lisbon

37 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Programme: Venture Academy, TME Lisbon

38 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 9 Presenting SMEs (ongoing): Venture Academy, TME Lisbon

39 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Tasks:  T5.4 Organization of webinars  T4.5 Organization of a VA at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T4.4 Organization of an IF at EU’s 1 st DAA, Brussels  T5.3 Organization of a VA at FIW, Poznan  T5.2 Organization of an IF at FIW, Poznan  T5.6 Organization of a VA at TME, Lisbon  T5.5 Organization of an IF at TME, Lisbon

40 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Quick Facts:  Will take place at Centro de Congressos, Lisbon on 26 March 2012  31 ICT Finance MarketPlace SMEs registered (closed)  51 investor jury registered (ongoing)  Special website and registration set-up  Binder, badges, posters and equipment provided  Introductory webinar 1 week prior to the Academy Investment Forum, TME Lisbon

41 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Website: Investment Forum, TME Lisbon

42 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Programme: Investment Forum, TME Lisbon

43 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 31 Presenting SMEs: Investment Forum, TME Lisbon

44 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 51 Investor Jury: Investment Forum, TME Lisbon

45 WP4 & WP5:Venture Academy and Investment Forum Events YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Investors: Investment Forum, TME Lisbon

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