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Bei treffpunkt sprachen Zentrum für Sprache, Plurilingualismus und Fachdidaktik.

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Presentation on theme: "Bei treffpunkt sprachen Zentrum für Sprache, Plurilingualismus und Fachdidaktik."— Presentation transcript:

1 bei treffpunkt sprachen Zentrum für Sprache, Plurilingualismus und Fachdidaktik

2 German Courses General Information Each course: has 2 units per week (= 90 minutes), takes place once a week, lasts a whole semester (6 October 2014 – 31 January 2015) is worth 3 ECTS credits, which you receive if you  attend a minimum of 80% of the course  participate actively in class  hand in required home assignments  pass the written mid-term, the written final exam and oral exam Our courses are characterized by communicative language approach and academic progression. Keep this in mind when choosing your courses; you have other obligations in other subjects throughout the semester!

3 German Courses General Information General courses: per semester course you can only take one phase of a level (e.g. A2/1 or A2/2) Specialisation courses: you can combine a general course with a specialisation course for a higher workload; you can also take a specialisation course only.  Sprachkompetenz (B1, B2 or C1): Focus on vocabulary development and speaking  Landes- und Kulturkunde (from B1) : Focus on Austrian language and culture, readings and discussions, vocabulary!  Lese- und Schreibkompetenz (from B2): Focus on writing and reading in academic contexts  Wirtschaftsdeutsch (from B2): Focus on German in work and economic context, e.g. presentations, email communication, CVs and applications, EU, marketing,… More information (incl. course level descriptions, brochure, link to UNIGRAZonline): courses/winter-semester-201415/

4 German Courses Course Levels Example: At level B1, you can combine the course „Intermediate 1 (B1/1)“ with „Language Proficiency 1“ and/or „Culture and Society“.

5 German Courses Steps to course participation Tue 23 Sept, 5 p.m. Placement test ! Not necessary, if you are attending the intensive course! Before Fri 26 Sept, 1 p.m. Check the German course level descriptions and your timetable – course changes are hardly possible due to limited number of places/courses!course level descriptions Before Fri 26 Sept, 12 noonCo-registration (Mitbelegung) at Karl-Franzens-University  Check video at  Co-registration is only done when you have a PIN-code from the Studien- und Prüfungsabteilung in your hands!!  You need to co-register each semester until a deadline!

6 German courses Steps to course participation Fri 26 Sept, 1 p.m. Course registration start via  Go to https://online.uni-graz.at  Search for courses by typing in course number (see brochure) Mon 29 Sept – Wed 1 OctTransfer the course fee after receipt of the payment information to your student e-mail address (check regularly!); also send your confirmation of payment to The latest deadline for paying the course fee is Wednesday, 1 October 2014 ! Don’t forget to pay – otherwise you lose your place! The regular fee is € 60,--! * If you are eligible for the reduced price of € 35,-- due to your programme, this fee is only valid for the first course in the winter term 2014/15! Mon 6 October 2014Course start

7 Tandem Language Buddy Programme Registration: from 22 September 2014 via an online form (see website!)website Additional offer – free of charge! Registration: from 22 September 2014 via an online form (see website!)website Additional offer – free of charge!

8 International Certificates IELTS & ÖSD IELTS Saturday, 6 December 2014 in Graz International English language certificate Organized by British Council Austria: Preparation workshop on 14 November 2014, 1-6 p.m. Exam fee: € 200,-- ÖSD – Österreichisches Sprachdiplom 16 January 2015 in Graz Austrian Language Diploma for levels A1 to C2 Organized by treffpunkt sprachen and ÖSD Co-registration at Karl-Franzens-University is required!!!! Exam fee depending on level: e.g. B2 € 110,-- (2014) Important for all certificates: register at least 1 month in advance!

9 Contact information Mag. Christa Mandl treffpunkt sprachen – Zentrum für Sprache, Plurilingualismus und Fachdidaktik Johann-Fux-Gasse 30/I 8010 Graz Tel. 0316 380-2697 E-Mail: Website: http://treffpunktsprachen.uni-graz.at Office hours: Monday-Friday 10 – 12 a.m. Tuesday2 – 4 p.m. and on appointment! treffpunkt sprachen

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