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Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems
Embedded System Design: Traditional vs. Modern Style Maziar Goudarzi

2 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems
Today Program Embedded System Design Process Traditional approach Analysis & discussion Modern approaches Course final project 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

3 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems
Traditional Approach output CPU analog input analog Logic mem embedded computer 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

4 Bottom View of Arvand Robots
Design Example steering motors (not shown) Robot Control Unit (RCU) of Arvand soccer-playing robots motion wheels Touch sensors Infra-Red Sensors castor wheel Bottom View of Arvand Robots 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

5 Design Example (cont’d)
Things to handle Motors PWM for motion motors DC control for steering Touch sensors Read-in and refresh values Infra-Red sensors Reset, then read them Communication to the main motherboard RS-232 serial link motion wheels castor wheel 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

6 Design Example (cont’d)
Implementation steps Choose HW or SW implementation per operation Design the analog IO parts Design the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Pass the PCB files to manufacturing firms HW: Develop the FPGA contents Program the FPGA configuration EEPROM SW: Develop the 8051 program Program the 8051 instruction memory (EEPROM) Integrate HW, SW, and the PCB Test Limited test in isolation (as far as possible) Test in action (on the robot) 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

7 Design Example (cont’d)
Traditional System Design Process Time Tasks PCB design SW design FPGA design System design Fabrication Test PCB test SW test Simulation 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

8 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems
Analysis Development Isolated (SW, HW, Analog electronics) Consistency check: designers Debug Before PCB is available Isolated (SW, HW, Analog) After PCB is available Remove the EEPROM/8051 Change the configuration/program Re-insert the EEPROM/8051 What if PCB initial design (or analog parts) was wrong? 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

9 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems
Analysis (cont’d) Some other problems Tools used Protel, OrCAD for PCB Altera MAX+Plus II for FPGA 8051 command-line compiler and debugger Tool interoperability issues 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

10 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems
Solution Try to do as much of the tests as early as possible in the design cycle Step 1: Combine HW and SW simulation Step 2: Add analog parts as well Analog Mixed-Signal (AMS) simulation Step 3: Entire design of the PCB? 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

11 Modern Design Style (HW+SW)
Co-Design Process Tasks System-Level Partitioning SW design SW test System design Shared Design PCB test HW design Time 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

12 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems
Modern Design Style Various approaches Application-Specific Instruction Processor (ASIP) Platform-based design Communication-based design Component-based (core-based) design etc. 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

13 The approach to be evaluated here
Tasks Compile SW System Design Data type refinement Parallelize Integrate & Test Design interface Synthesize HW Time C++ SystemC Xilinx tools 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

14 Ideas for course project
Alternative 1: App. case study Select an embedded application Design an executable specification for it Step by step manually refine it to HW-SW implementation Report performance, area, power & compare with full-SW & write a paper (optional) Suggestions Data compressor/decompressor Voice codec A game JPEG, JPEG2000 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

15 Ideas for course project (cont’d)
Alternative 2: Methodology case study Select a system design language and methodology Implement an application using them Give a presentation Suggestions: Handle-C & Celoxica “DK Design Suite” SpecC & the associated tools from UCI Tensilica’s processor generator (XTensa processor) 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

16 Ideas for course project (cont’d)
Alternative 3: Case study in ODYSSEY Select an application Develop an OO C++ program for that Implement it as HW-SW system using ODYSSEY tools and flows Suggestions The same applications as in alternative 1 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

17 Ideas for course project (cont’d)
Alternative 4: Implement algorithms Select one of the co-synthesis algorithms (to be taught during the course) Develop a program that implements the algorithm for ODYSSEY 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

18 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems
Summary Problems inherent in traditional style of designing embedded systems The general solution A modern approach followed in this course and to be used in its final project 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

19 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems
Other Notes Reading assignments on the course web-page Announce by the end of next week (1 page) Your team members (at most 3 persons) Your selection for course project Rough schedule Other deadlines for the project Report 1: Sun. Aban 15th 2-3 pages: List of your collected material Summary of what you’ve done + demo of the C++ app. Your plan for next phases and role of each person Report 2 + Oral presentation: Sun. Azar 13th 4-5 pages: 15 min. oral presentation Summary of what you’ve done + experimental results (as far as available) What’s remained? Plan to finish it. 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

20 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems
Tool Presentation Short presentation of the tools to be used in the course project (now, in the lab.) Xilinx EDK: Naser MohammadZadeh Synopsys SystemC Compiler: Morteza NajafVand 2005 Design & Co-design of Embedded Systems

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