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Published byShea Shepperd Modified over 10 years ago
Open XML Developer Workshop PresentationML
Open XML Developer Workshop Disclaimer The information contained in this slide deck represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This slide deck is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this slide deck may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this slide deck. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this slide deck does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred. © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, 2007 Microsoft Office System,.NET Framework 3.0, Visual Studio, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Open XML Developer Workshop PresentationML Document Architecture View Properties Presentation Properties Presentation Properties Code Themes Fonts Notes Masters Slides Handout Masters Handout Masters Slide Masters Notes Slides Slide Layouts Presentation
Open XML Developer Workshop Presentation Element Start part: presentation.xml Relationships part: presentation.xml.rels DEMO Sizing info Slides Slide Masters Notes Masters Handout Masters
Open XML Developer Workshop A TYPICAL SLIDE
Open XML Developer Workshop Typical slide with common types of content: Sample Slide Shape Chart Textbox
Open XML Developer Workshop Slide part <p:sld xmlns:p=“…/presentationml/2006/main” xmlns:a=“…/drawingml/2006/main” …> … … … Shape Chart Textbox
Open XML Developer Workshop Shape Chart Textbox DEMO Chart Part (chart1.xml) Data source
Open XML Developer Workshop TABLES
Open XML Developer Workshop Tables in PresentationML Slide part contains table definition In a graphicFrame element All DrawingML is in the slide – no separate “table part” Table position Table definition Header-row formatting: YES Banded-row formatting: YES TableStyleID = GUID
Open XML Developer Workshop Table Definition: Layout EMUs: 914400/inch, 12700/pt... … … … Column widths = 2.75” Header row height =.95” Row 2/3 height = 1.64”
Open XML Developer Workshop Table Definition: Content DEMO... Heading #1... Heading #2...... Heading #3... column 1, row 2... column 2, row 2...... column 3, row 2... column 1, row 3... column 2, row 3...... column 3, row 3... - table cell - text body - required, but may be empty Para/Run/Text, as in WordprocessingML
Open XML Developer Workshop Table Styles – tableStyles.xml Implicit relationship from presentation Styles identified by GUID
Open XML Developer Workshop Table Styles – table part styles 13 table part styles may be defined within each style: wholeTbl – formatting for the entire table band1H – 1 st /3 rd /5 th /etc row banding format (when enabled) band2H – 2 nd /4 th /6 th /etc row banding format (when enabled) band1V – 1 st /3 rd /5 th /etc column banding format (when enabled) band2V –2 nd /4 th /6 th /etc column banding format (when enabled) lastCol – last-column formatting (when enabled) firstCol – first-column formatting (when enabled) lastRow – last-row formatting (when enabled) firstRow – first-row formatting (when enabled) seCell – southeast column format (when last-row/last-col enabled) swCell – southwest column format (when 1 st -col/last-row enabled) neCell – northeast column format (when last t -col/1st-row enabled) nwCell – northwest column format (when 1st t -col/1st-row enabled) And #14 … table background style (not actually a table part) DEMO
Open XML Developer Workshop MASTERS
Open XML Developer Workshop Slide Master Defines common properties for a set of layouts Layouts inherit properties from Slide Master Slide inherits properties from Slide Layout Slides may override Slide Master property settings
Open XML Developer Workshop Other Masters Notes Master: specifies master properties for slide notes page Handout Master: specifies formatting for handout pages
Open XML Developer Workshop SLIDE LAYOUTS
Open XML Developer Workshop Masters and Layouts One master has many layouts that inherit from it list the relationship IDs for the layouts slideMaster1.xml slideMaster1.xml.rels
Open XML Developer Workshop Anatomy of a Slide Layout Placeholder Formatting Body Placeholder Click to add sales summary Background Object Headers and Footers (date, footer, slide #) Headers and Footers (date, footer, slide #) Title Placeholder Subtitle Placeholder (TBD) Background Fill
Open XML Developer Workshop Layout Types Title Text Two Column Text Table Text and Chart Chart and Text Diagram Chart Text and ClipArt ClipArt and Text Title Only Blank Text and Object Object and Text Object Only Object Text and Media Media and Text Object over Text Text over Object Text and Two Objects Two Objects and Text Two Objects over Text Four Objects Vertical Text ClipArt and Vertical Text Vertical Title and Text Vertical Title and Text over Chart Two Objects Object and Two Objects Two Objects and Object
Open XML Developer Workshop Master Text Styles Defined in slideMaster1.xml Inherited by layouts Text-style sections: Title Body Notes Other
Open XML Developer Workshop NOTES
Open XML Developer Workshop Slide Notes Adding notes to slides programmatically requires several steps: 1.You must define a Notes Master 2.You must define the layout of printed Notes pages 3.Should include placeholders for slide image and slide # For these reasons, you’ll want to use embedded resources for the slide notes and notes master parts
Open XML Developer Workshop Slide Notes part One slide notes part for each slide that has notes Slide notes part has two relationships To the slide with which it is associated To the Notes Master, for layout information Slide notes part is essentially a slide element containing a slide definition Inside, which is inside the root note
Open XML Developer Workshop Slide Notes part: slideNotes1.xml
Open XML Developer Workshop COMMENTS
Open XML Developer Workshop Comments Can only be added to slides ( not masters or layouts ) Special shapes with simple text, no formatting options Each slide with comments has a comment part May contain any number of comments Slide has an implicit relationship to its comment part Each comment is attached to a comment author Comment authors are stored in the CAL (comment author list) The package has a relationship to the CAL
Open XML Developer Workshop Comment Part: comment1.xml The comment part defines position and content Author information is referenced by a Author ID (as defined in the CAL) Author Time stamp Index Position Text
Open XML Developer Workshop CAL: commentAuthors.xml One comment author list per presentation lastIdx value must be maintained for each author clrIdx allows color-coding of each author’s comments Only one author per unique name+initials Author ID Full name Initials Last index Color index
Open XML Developer Workshop SLIDE TRANSITIONS
Open XML Developer Workshop Slide Transition Animation effect when changing slides 22 predefined slide transitions available
Open XML Developer Workshop Slide Transition Example...... Slide Transition
Open XML Developer Workshop ANIMATIONS
Open XML Developer Workshop Timelines Dictates the order of animations Done through Time Nodes Can have nested Time Nodes 3 types of time Nodes Timeline StartEnd Sequence Timeline StartEnd Parallel Timeline StartEnd Exclusive Stopped
Open XML Developer Workshop A B1 B2 C Timeline Example
Open XML Developer Workshop Main Sequence Time Container A B1 B2 Time Container C Timeline 03 Timeline Example
Open XML Developer Workshop......// Square A...// Square B1...// Square B2...// Square C...... Timeline Example
Open XML Developer Workshop Animation Effects Six pre-defined animations effects – may be combined Animate Behavior Animate Color Animate Effect Animate Motion Animate Rotation Animate Scale
Open XML Developer Workshop Animation Example Light Bulb // Animation Scale // Animation Properties // Target Element // Effect...// Animation Effect
Open XML Developer Workshop Conditions Allow granular control of animations
Open XML Developer Workshop Conditions Example // Start Condition List // Condition...
Open XML Developer Workshop
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