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Published byBelen Partain Modified over 10 years ago
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Project: LIFE11 ENV/IT/113 «BIOREM» «Innovative System for Biochemical Restoration and Monitoring of Degraded Soils» Start: 01/01/2013 End: 31/03/2015 20/01/2014 12 month meeting CEBASCSIS premises, Murcia
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT INTRODUCTION “BIOREM” Objective “Biorem” Project objective is to demonstrate an innovative, integrated methodology for the restoration and biochemical monitoring of degraded soils. The following are actions in which AMEK SCRL was involved during the first year of “Biorem” Project, some still in progress.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT AMEK scrl ACTIVITIES Action B1: Demonstration of the innovative soil monitoring method through a characterization of the initial soil conditions Action B2: Demonstration of the addition of exogenous organic matter to different type of soil Action B3: Demonstration of BIOREM revegetation strategies
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT AMEK scrl ACTIVITIES Action B4: Demonstration of the innovative biochemical monitoring methodology – in progress Action C1 e C2: Monitoring of the integrated soil restoration and monitoring activities and Monitoring and assessment of environmental impact – in progress
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B1 Identification of the demonstration site (360 m 2 ), collecting and sending samples to laboratory.. We have selected site called: “Brusca-Imola” e “Tebano”
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B1 “Brusca-Imola” Site: Altitude: 62 m above sea level Rainfall: 600-800 mm Structure: clayey- silty Organic matter: medium - low Preceding Crops: 2012: Durum wheat 2011: Set -aside 2010: potato 2009: melon
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B1 “ Brusca-Imola” Site: The agronomic qualities are mainly influenced by: high clay content, moderate availability of oxygen, and slope. After heavy rainfall on finely worked soil, crusts resistant of a few cm of thickness are formed in surface, which may hinder the plant germination. In the dry period the soil has cracks, with a surface width up to 5 cm, which go deep. During wet period, the soil aggregates swell, exerting a very high pressures on the contact faces, adverse for a normal development of roots, of herbaceous and trees in general. After a heavy rain, the wide range of humidity between the adhesiveness point and the liquid limit involve long waiting times. In these conditions, to carry out cultivation operations, more than 7-9 waiting days may be needed.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B1 “TEBANO” Site: Altitude: circa 59 m above sea level Rainfall: 600-800 mm Structure: silty loam texture and is mildly alkaline and calcareous Organic matter: medium - low Preceding Crops: 2012: Durum wheat 2011 : Durum wheat 2010 and earlier years: vineyard
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B1 “ TEBANO” Site: This area is characterized by a low content of clay along the profile, that on one hand can increase the risk of crusts formation, especially if there is a low organic matter content, on the other hand it reduces the precautions to adopt for the soil processing. Furthermore the waiting time decreases because the optimum conditions of humidity are restored after prolonged rain: 2-3 days.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B1 GREENHOUSE AT ASTRA- MARIO NERI IMOLA Although not foreseen in the original project, a test is carried out also in a greenhouse, to check the effectiveness of the integrated system Biorem on horticultural crops, able to faster response according to the level of fertility of the soil. Greenhouse has a surface area of 400 m2 (10 m wide, and 40 m long), has automatic lateral openings and burner for emergency heating during winter. It has a medium consistency soil and a moderate fertility, since it was left to set-aside for few years.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B1 SAMPLING Soil sampling for the determination of physical and chemical parameters was made in open field and in greenhouse, before treatment, to define initial soils conditions. Three soil samples were collected to a depth of 0-20 cm, and three soil samples to a depth of 20-40 cm, both in open field and in green house. AMEK sent these samples to partners for the analysis.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B2 SELECTION OF EXOGENOUS ORGANIC MATTER Exogenous organic matter selected is a mixed composted amendment, produced by Romagna Compost. Amendment, before addition to soil, is treated in cheap by a complex enzymatic mixture, VAP, patented by Amek scrl. VAPs were added in order to promote humification and water retention.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B2 AMOUNT AND SPREADING About 25 kg/m2 of compost VAP were spread in open field, according to the project, in order to to have a quantity of organic matter added comparable to that of other Italian and Spanish sites (C organic dry matter 22,08% DM). Compost VAP was manually spread and then it was homogeneously incorporated in the soil, using a rotavor. Frequent spring rains made land preparation (refinement of the seedbed), compost distribution and burial difficult. Delays, than the provided dates, were of about 50-60 days.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B2 PREPARATION OF SITES - OPEN FIELD In June 2013 started preparation sites activities. In open field, sites was subdivided into 4 sub-plots consisting of 3 plots. The size of each was about 30 m 2, with 2.5 m wide strips between sub-plots to reduce any edge effect and to allow an easy access. At each site, we obtained 12 plots, 30 m2 surface each.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B2 PREPARATION OF SITES - OPEN FIELD The 4 sub-plot, tagged properly, as organized as follows: 1) One control sub-plot, where no remediation treatment was carried out (not organic matter and no remediation); 2) One sub-plot which was treated with the addition of organic matter only (compost-PAV). 3) One sub-plot which will be subjected to controlled revegetation; 4) One sub-plot in which both addition of organic matter and controlled revegetation was demonstrated, applying the BIOREM methodology to the full.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Field preparation and compost VAP distribution “BRUSCA-IMOLA”
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Compost VAP silting using a rotary “BRUSCA-IMOLA”
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Field preparation and compost VAP distribution TEBANO
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Compost VAP silting using a rotary TEBANO
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B2 PREPARATION OF SITES - GREENHOUSE In April 2013 greenhouse was subdivided into 2 parts: one treated with compost, and the other one not composted. Overall about 20 kg of compost-PAV per m 2 were spread; the quantities used were because it was feared that the horticultural could show toxicity symptoms. The spreading was done manually, trying to homogenize the product as much as possible on the surface.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Compost VAP spreading GREENHOUSE
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Compost VAP silting using a rotary GREENHOUSE
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Drip irrigation system installing and mulch spreading in the greenhouse
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B3 RIVEGETATION Both for Italian and Spanish areas the following plant species were selected: PINO HALEPENSIS E PISTACIA LENTISCUS L.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B3 RIVEGETAZIONE Pistachio and pine trees were planted in open field after 15 th October because earlier it wasn’t possible to proceed with the transplant for abundant and heavy rain falls. Vegetative material was transplanted on and between the rows at a distance of one meter, alternating between a pine tree with a pistachio. At the time of planting the pine trees is presented in optimal plant health, while the pistachio plants appeared more suffering, In case of death, will be replaced. In total were transplanted at each site 90 trees and 90 pine trees pistachio.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Transplantation in open field
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Transplantation in open field
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B3 COLTIVAZIONE IN SERRA Plants in the green house were transplanted in June 2013 using a gear facilitator. For the tests melon plants, bell pepper and courgette were planted. 1) The hybrid Capital (Clause company) was chosen for the melon test. This Extended Shelf Life hybrid is characterized by slightly flattened spherical fruits, peel and slice the raid without grooving orange flesh.; 2) For the pepper test, the hybrid chosen was Gemini (Nunhems company), it is characterized of a prismatic green- yellow fruit. 3)Regarding courgette, the hybrid Velvia was chosen (Syngenta company), it is characterized of intense green color fruits.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Plants transplanting in the greenhouse (pepper, melon and courgette)
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Action B4 SAMPLING Immediately after the application of the remediation strategies. Composite soil samples will be randomly collected at 2 depths (cm 0-20 and cm 20-40) from 3 different homogeneous areas within each sub-plot. Inside each sub-lot, 3 withdrawals will be made to obtain a representative sample of the entire surface. The day after, they were sent for chemical and physical analysis..
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Azione C1 e C2 MONITORING Sites are constantly monitored and monthly report is sent to the Project Coordinator.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT GREENHOUSE: results From the second week of September, because of high humidity and moderate temperature inside the greenhouse, melon and zucchini plants were attacked by powdery mildew fungal disease. Infected plants display white powdery spots on the leaves and stems. The disease is progressing, causing foliar desiccation.
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Pepper development monitoring
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Melon development monitoring
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Courgette development monitoring
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Results CompostNo Compost Comm. Prod. Medium comm. weigh Waste Prod. Total Prod. Comm. Prod. Medium comm. weigh Waste Prod. Total Prod. kgg e/o kgkg Kgg e/o kgkg Pepper41,3250,2241,6282,9440,2146,5136,6876,89 Melon67,561,931,8869,4464,0223,367,32 Courgette109,580,2622,17131,7577,510,314,1491,65
Life 11 ENV/IT/113 BIOREM PROJECT Nora Rappoli Enrico Zerbini Thanks for your attention !!!!
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