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Michael Altebrando Kevin Doran Stephanie Nacios Tania Thawley

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Presentation on theme: "Michael Altebrando Kevin Doran Stephanie Nacios Tania Thawley"— Presentation transcript:

1 Michael Altebrando ( Kevin Doran ( Stephanie Nacios ( Tania Thawley ( 12/09/08 Terpslist – UMD’s Online Classifieds

2 The Problem - Sustainability Sustainability basically means that resources of any type are used in a way that those resources can be replenished at an equal or greater rate than they are being consumed. College campuses have much room for improvement in the ways of sustainability. With many students packed in a very small area, waste and consumption are both very high. College students in particular are notorious for being very wasteful but short on funds.

3 Current Approaches Sites like craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, Freecycle, and Swaptree all provide outlets for their users to sell or barter goods and in ways promote sustainability by doing so. These sites however have very broad emphases which limit certain user bases from partaking in the sites’ services.

4 The Idea - Terpslist The idea behind Terpslist is to give both students and faculty of the University of Maryland an outlet to reduce wastefulness in a financially efficient way. We aimed to limit the locale of the user base and provide the security and assurance that the University’s in place authentication can provide. Both students and faculty will be able to use the site to exchange goods and information to promote sustainability while also focusing on doing it for the least amount of money possible.

5 The Resolution From a sustainability perspective, Terpslist aims to reduce the at times massive amounts of waste on college campuses through reusing as much of it as possible. By providing an outlet for students and faculty to sell items, large amounts of would-be waste are reused. If saving money on goods wasn’t enough for users, Terpslist also provides “green tips” which suggest ways of being more sustainable in day to day life which very often saves money.

6 Login Screen

7 Home Page

8 Browse Listings Page

9 Preview Listing Page

10 Contact User Page

11 Successful Contact

12 Search Listings Page

13 Preview Listing Page

14 Submit Listing Page

15 Submission Error Page

16 Feedback Page

17 Thank You Page

18 Help Overview Page

19 Submit Listing Help

20 Search Help Page

21 Feedback Help Page

22 Contact User Help

23 Navigation Help

24 Usability Test Method Tested 9 subjects with pre-test, tasks and post-test. Almost even number of men/women Watched subjects while they completed the tasks and made observations on what was difficult or frustrating for them.


26 Task List 1. Login using your university ID and password. 2. You no longer need or want the brown chair from your room. Since the chair is in good condition, you would like to sell it for $20. Post the item, making sure to include an item description, price and alternate email address (use for this task). 3. Now that you have made room by getting rid of your chair, it is time to search for a new couch. Choose to search the site by keyword. Browse all of the couches available and choose the green one that is offered for free. Contact the user who posted the item and let them know you are interested in their couch. 4. Next you would like to browse the site for any items that you may need but can't think of specifically. Browse until you locate an add for a used coffee maker that interests you (the first coffee maker located is fine for this task). Contact the user who posted the and let them know you are interested. 5. While on Terpslist you think of a new feature you think would be a nice addition to the website. Send your new idea to the Terpslist website using the Feedback form 6. Now that you have taken care of your shopping needs, it is time to logout.


28 Breakdowns of Averages by Individual Question 1 and 3 lowest - (1) Able to complete tasks with ease (3) Easily able to search for and find specific item

29 Questions by Gender No significant difference

30 Usability Test Results

31 Final Presentation In the end we chose the design that most closely resembled the University of Maryland website. To keep the emphasis of our site on sustainability, we feature the rotating “Green Tips” section at the bottom of our website

32 Remaining work Add “Browse by Category” feature Expand the functionality for contacting a poster Small cosmetic changes Another round of usability testing

33 Taking it Live Register and host a domain Possibly through UMD Improve security Implement a non-volatile database Expand functionality to handle concurrent / parallel requests

34 Future Work Possibilities Terpslist could be adapted for other campuses Additional functionality Possibly incorporate ads for other green events / services Advice for Future Developers: Know your target audience Test before you deploy Adhere to the Eight Golden Rules

35 Acknowledgements Dr. Ben Shneiderman, for his interest and expert guidance Nir Peer, for his flash instruction Our Class, for all their wonderful feedback Our Friends, for their willingness to be test subjects

36 Question & Answer We would now like to take a few minutes to answer questions

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