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"United in diversity". Function The European Union is an economical and political partnership between 27 countries, which altogether, cover up almost.

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Presentation on theme: ""United in diversity". Function The European Union is an economical and political partnership between 27 countries, which altogether, cover up almost."— Presentation transcript:

1 "United in diversity"

2 Function The European Union is an economical and political partnership between 27 countries, which altogether, cover up almost the whole european continent. Its function is to allow a closer relationship between member states, enabling certain privileges within its member states such as free movement and free trade.

3 Objective The European Union has the main objectives of promoting peace, promoting the Union´s values (respect, liberty, democracy, equality), and promoting the well being of people among all member states. This may be accomplished with the help of more detailed objectives.

4 About the EU  The European Union also promotes: The transparency of governing institutions. The promotion of peace and the well-being of the Union´s citizens Sustainable development based on balanced economic growth and social justice A social market economy - highly competitive and aiming at full employment and social progress

5 Topics Topic A: Abolishment of the Schengen Territorial Treaty. Topic B: Approach on the Eighth Millennium Development goal and the investment on the global partnership for global development.

6 The Schengen Territorial treaty is an agreement established in the European Union legal framework. The treaty consists in a space where the free movement of people between the Schengen member states is guaranteed. When a country accepts to be part of the Schengen Area, has to adopt all Schengen rules and eliminate their internal border controls, creating a unique border. Nevertheless this Treaty has also lead to unconformities in member and non member States of The Schengen Area, causing the proposal of abolishing it. Topic A

7 Subtopics A Subtopic A1: Increase of unauthorized immigrants, criminals and potential terrorists in the Schengen Area. Subtopic A2: Reinstallation of internal border controls in Schengen member States without a previous permission from the European Commission or a general consensus between all EU members.

8 In 1990, world leaders and heads of state of all member nations compromised to accomplish the Eight Millennium Development Goals by the year 2015. The Eight Millennium Development Goals have the objective of changing global development mostly socially, environmentally and economically. Topic B

9 Through the years, the approach to this goal has increased, as there are developed countries which have reached and exceeded their particular goal on aiding developing countries in their basic needs. Right now, 3 years away from the deadline, most reports of the UN about the goals approach point out that achieving the MDG’s on time depends on the progress and fulfillment of the Eighth Millennium Development Goal: Developing a Global Partnership for Development. Topic B

10 Subtopics B Subtopic B1: EU as the biggest donor of aids in the last few years. Subtopic B2: Cut of donations from European Countries.

11 Links movement_of_persons_asylum_immigration/l33020_en.htm movement_of_persons_asylum_immigration/l33020_en.htm double-standards/ double-standards/ Topic A:

12 Links Topic B:

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