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Macmillan English Language Teacher Training Flying High Saudi Arabia 2 Shagra 9 – 10th February, 2013 Taif13th February, 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Macmillan English Language Teacher Training Flying High Saudi Arabia 2 Shagra 9 – 10th February, 2013 Taif13th February, 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Macmillan English Language Teacher Training Flying High Saudi Arabia 2 Shagra 9 – 10th February, 2013 Taif13th February, Wendy Arnold Jonathan Hadley

2 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Starting the lesson Does the teacher get the students’ attention at the start of the lesson? Does the teacher introduce the lesson clearly?

4 Classroom management Does the teacher interact with the whole class? Are the instructions clear and logically ordered?

5 Teaching for success Does the teacher prepare the students so they can achieve the activities? How do they do this?

6 Delivery of lesson Is the lesson well-paced? Is new language presented clearly? Are examples relevant to students’ knowledge and interests? Is there a range of activities? Do students participate actively in the lesson?

7 Finishing the lesson Does the teacher summarise the lesson clearly? Are the lesson objectives achieved?

8 A brief review of: Flying High for Saudi Arabia Components Approach

9 Flying High for Saudi Arabia 1-6
Course components of Flying High for Saudi Arabia 1-6 Teacher’s Book Student’s Book Workbook CD-ROM Website: 9

10 Flying High for Saudi Arabia

11 Intermediate [B1] to Advanced
6 levels Intermediate [B1] to Advanced [B2+]

12 Grade 10: Levels 1 and 2 Grade 11: Levels 3 and 4 Grade 12: Levels 5 and 6

13 8 units Student’s Book Four lessons Workbook Three lessons

14 Useful websites PASSWORD: ELDP [Please don’t give to students!]

15 Flying High 2013: Approach More adult than Lift Off
Raised level of linguistic complexity New FHSA = level B1 (CEFR) New FHSA get students exam-ready = level B2+ (CEFR)

16 Flying High 2013: Approach Integrated skills
Lessons tend to start with speaking Topic-based No continuing characters Grammar and vocabulary strands More advanced pronunciation work 'look‘ and ‘feel’ for older students

17 Starts with speaking focus Pronunciation focus

18 Other skills integrated Vocabulary building skills Pair and group work

19 Grammar and vocabulary support

20 Focus on Saudi Arabia NEW lesson 4: “Saudi Supplement”
Enrich course with Saudi culture More flexible lessons Help mixed ability classes - Extra support for weaker students - Stretch more able students - Group and individual work

21 Focus on Saudi Arabia in every unit

22 Progress Tests After every 4 units Grammar focus Vocabulary focus
3 skills (Reading, Listening, Writing)

23 Grammar focus

24 Vocabulary focus Skills assessment

25 Skills assessment

26 Learner Training activities

27 Help with Spelling

28 Understanding the teaching approach
Differentiation in materials: To help teachers deal with less and more able learners within their classes - C = core materials, these need to be taught in order to cover all the syllabus D = desirable materials, these could be taught in order to consolidate learning E = extension materials, these may be used for fast finishers or if the teachers finds they have a free lesson

29 Reviewing

30 Discussion points: Comparing
Was the approach in the lesson different to the Teacher’s Book or the same as the Teacher’s Book? 2 Was the teaching approach practical for your class? Why? Why not? 3 What, if anything, would you change from the Teacher’s Book when you teach your class? Why?

31 The Teacher’s Book is YOUR lesson plan It contains: aims language materials exercise notes homework core materials desirable materials extension materials

32 Questions and Answers

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