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Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Text Functions 1CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions.

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1 Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Text Functions 1CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions

2 LEFT(text, [num_chars])) Returns the number of characters specified starting from the beginning of the text string Syntax Text: The text that contains the characters you want to extract num_chars: Specifies the number of characters you want to extract starting from the leftmost character. – Default: 1 CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions2

3 RIGHT(text, [num_chars]) Returns the number of characters specified starting from the end of the text string Syntax Text: The text that contains the characters you want to extract num_chars: Specifies the number of characters you want to extract starting from the rightmost character. – Default: 1 CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions3

4 MID(text, start_num, num_chars) Returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you specify, based on the numbers you specify Syntax Text: The text that contains the characters you want to extract Start_num: The position of the first character you want to extract in the text. Num_chars: Specifies the number of characters you want mid to display CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions4

5 CONCATENATE(text1,[text2],…) Joins up to 255 text strings into one text string Syntax Text1: The first text item to be concatenated Text2: The second text item to be concatenated--optional CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions5

6 TRIM(text) Removes all spaces from text except for single spaces between words CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions6

7 LEN(text) Returns the number of characters in a text string. CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions7

8 UPPER(text), LOWER(text) Converts text to uppercase/lowercase CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions8

9 PROPER(text) Capitalizes the first letter of each word CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions9

10 EXACT(text1, text2) Compares two text strings and returns TRUE if they are exactly the same, FALSE otherwise. EXACT is case-sensitive but ignores formatting differences. CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions10

11 REPLACE(old_text,start_num,num_chars,new_text) Replaces part of a text string, based on the number of characters you specify with a different text string. Syntax Old_text: Text which you want to replace some characters Start_num: The position of the character in old_text you want to replace Num_chars: The number of characters in the old_text that you want to replace with the new_text New_text: The text that will replace the characters in the old_text CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions11

12 SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num]) Substitutes new_text for old_text in a text string. Syntax text: Text or reference to a cell containing text for which you want to substitute characters Old_text: The text you want to replace New_text: The text you want to replace old_text with Instance_num: Specifies which occurrence of old_text you want to replace with new_text. If you specify instance_num, only that instance of old_text is replaced. Otherwise, every occurrence of old_text in text is changed to new_text CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions12

13 FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num]) Locates one text string within a second text string and displays the starting position of the first text string from the first character of the second text string. (Case sensitive) Syntax Find_text: The text you want to find Within_text: The text containing the text you want to find Start_num: Specifies the character at which to start the search – Default 1 CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions13

14 Data Validation Controls the type of data or the values input in a cell Reduces input errors Multiple criterion can be applied to a cell CSE 2111 Lecture-Data Validation and Macros 14 Display a message dialog boxRestrict input to a whole number within limits Restrict input to values in a drop down listRestrict input to a decimal number within limits Restrict input to a certain time frame. (either date, time, or both) Restrict text to a specified length Calculate what is allowed based on the value in another cell Use a formula to calculate what is valid

15 Macro A series of commands and functions that are stored in a Microsoft Visual Basic module Automates your keystrokes and actions in Excel Use these when you complete the same tasks repetitively When you create a macro VBA program code is automatically generated CSE 2111 Lecture-Data Validation and Macros 15

16 Record Macro CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions16 Click on Developer Click on Record Macro

17 Macro Walk Through CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions17 Step 1: Delete the information in cells B1 and B2 Step 2: In Cell B1, Input the following Function =CONCATENATE(LEFT(A1,3),”-”, MID(A1,4,3),”-”,MID(A1.7,4)) Step 3: In Cell B2, Input the following Function =LEFT(A1,3) Step 3: See next Slide

18 Macro Walk Through CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions18 Step 4: Display Message: File has been Updated! Click on View Click on Project Explorer Double click on Module1

19 CSE 2111 Lecture-Text Functions19 Type this line at the beginning of the VBA Code Type these two lines at the end of the VBA Code Click on Stop Recording

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