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1 Road Pricing: Peñon – Texcoco Mexico Case 18th Annual International EMME/2 Users’ Conference 20-22 October, 2004 Cuidad de México, Mexico Ing. Alfonso.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Road Pricing: Peñon – Texcoco Mexico Case 18th Annual International EMME/2 Users’ Conference 20-22 October, 2004 Cuidad de México, Mexico Ing. Alfonso."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Road Pricing: Peñon – Texcoco Mexico Case 18th Annual International EMME/2 Users’ Conference 20-22 October, 2004 Cuidad de México, Mexico Ing. Alfonso Castro Orihuela Cal y Mayor y Asociados S.C

2 2 Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Mexico (ZMVM) MODEL OF THE METROPOLITAN AREA OF THE VALLEY OF MEXICO (MAVM) Road Peñon - Texcoco

3 3 THE PROJECT Toll-road Airport

4 4 POSSIBLE TRAVELERS Users that would use the highway, without toll. assignment method used is “User equilibrium” implemented in EMME/2. we use the whole network of the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico.

5 5 ROUTE CHOICE Calibrated functions of indirect utility for user's class, we have: Where: i,j = Trips between zone from i to j, m= user´s class or type of vehicle. Then, the choice model is:

6 6 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS The “Toll”, we determine with an average value for every vehicle type of other similar highways. We apply variations of the “Toll”, from 50% to 150%. Again we make the potential travelers of the highway with the different values of “Toll”


8 8 ESTIMATE OF OPTIMUM TOLL DemandTollRevenue D10.5*TollI1=D1*0.5*Toll D20.6*TollI2=D2*0.6*Toll D30.7*TollI3=D3*0.7*Toll D40.8*TollI4=D4*0.8*Toll D50.9*TollI5=D5*0.9*Toll D61.0*TollI6=D6*1.0*Toll D71.1*TollI7=D7*1.1*Toll D81.2*TollI8=D8*1.2*Toll D91.3*TollI9=D9*1.3*Toll D101.4TollI10=D10*1.4*Toll D111.5*TollI11=D11*1.5*Toll

9 9 CONSTRUCTION OF THE FUNCTION OF OPTIMIZATION Variation of Toll0.5*Toll1.5*Toll Variation of Revenue I1 I11 Maximum revenue adjusted curve Good toll


11 11

12 12

13 13 TDPA in several projects in operation (2003)

14 14 CONCLUSIONS This method is applied in Mexico and other countries. It has acceptance for Public Sectors and Private, for toll-road operators and risk appraisers. The forecast obtained in the different studies, have given very reliable results. Method used intensively in urban networks

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