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New hardware and setups New short pulse regime Experimental results TW power Future plans on laser development ATF CO 2 LASER progress Vitaly Yakimenko.

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Presentation on theme: "New hardware and setups New short pulse regime Experimental results TW power Future plans on laser development ATF CO 2 LASER progress Vitaly Yakimenko."— Presentation transcript:

1 New hardware and setups New short pulse regime Experimental results TW power Future plans on laser development ATF CO 2 LASER progress Vitaly Yakimenko Accelerator Test Facility, BNL

2  Until 2004, operated at the 180 ps 50 GW level. The relatively long pulse duration was due to a narrow bandwidth of a preamplifier.  A 10-atm preamplifier acquired at the end of 2003 allowed upgrade to 30 ps 0.5 TW reported at User Meeting  In 2004, we continued upgrade of the front end picosecond pulse generator and achieved 10 ps 1 TW regime  In 2005 New oscillator was installed - better stability  Next steps : 3-ps (1 year) and 1-0.5 ps (3-4 years) upgrades. CO 2 laser status and prospects

3 Completed upgrade of the ATF CO 2 laser to TW peak power

4 Improved stability and reliability Higher repetition rate New oscillator Installed in December 2005

5 regenerative amplifier final amplifier Pulse length 10-180 ps 10 ps (3ps -0.5 ps) Energy 10 mJ 10 J Repetition rate 1 Hz 1 / 20 Hz (limited by power supply) Peak power 3 GW 1 TW (>1 TW) Focal spot (  ) 30  m (~10  m) Laser strength (a 0 ) 0.8 (>3) Demonstrated and prospective CO2 laser performance

6 Nonlinear Thomson scattering experiment

7 Nonlinear orders

8 NOVA Laser Electron interacting with a strong EM wave acquires energy where - dimensionless laser strength parameter. Thus, CO 2 laser ( =10  m) produces 100 times higher particle yield per 1 Joule to compare with presently used solid state lasers ( 1  m) provided that a threshold condition is reached. …..can be replaced with a compact TW, 10 J, 10 Hz CO 2 laser. A PW, kJ solid state laser delivering one shot per several hours….. 1.5 meters Ultra-fast CO2 laser technology opens new prospects for laser-driven ion sources

9 Prospective ion acceleration experiment at ATF

10 User community for the dream beams need to grow C. Joshi, LINAC2004

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