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Structure determinants for CO 2 transport of human aquaporin5 Xue Qin PI: Walter F Boron Department of Physiology and Biophysics Case Western Reserve University.

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Presentation on theme: "Structure determinants for CO 2 transport of human aquaporin5 Xue Qin PI: Walter F Boron Department of Physiology and Biophysics Case Western Reserve University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structure determinants for CO 2 transport of human aquaporin5 Xue Qin PI: Walter F Boron Department of Physiology and Biophysics Case Western Reserve University Gas Channel Workshop

2 Background Aquaporin 5 is a water channel highly expressed in salivary glands, eye, lung and trachea. Aquaporins are composed of 6 transmembrane domains, with N- and C- terminus on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane.

3 Background H 2 O permeability 2 filter regions is important for H 2 O transport Selectivity filter: ar/R region NPA region CO 2 permeability Not well defined Horsefield et al, 2008 PNAS n n

4 H 2 O permeability--P f CO 2 permeability--  pH S Volumetric assay to measure osmotic water permeability How fast the volume of oocytes change with time Microelectrode to measure pH on the surface of the oocytes Methods

5 Outline I Amino acids at the mouth of the central pore II Amino acids lining the central pore

6 Outline I Amino acids at the mouth of the central pore II Amino acids lining the central pore

7 water pore central pore


9 3

10 D50 T41L43 V52 Protein sequence alignment

11 bAQP1hAQP5

12 H2OH2O T41YT41WT41FT41G 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 P f (cm/s)

13 0 50 100 150 200 hAQP5T41YhAQP5T41WhAQP5T41FhAQP5T41G Relative channel- dependent CO 2 permeability

14 L43 T41

15 T41Y

16 T41W

17 T41F

18 T41G

19 Conclusion I I Amino acids at the mouth of the central pore Changes of  pH S (CO 2 permeability) is more sensitive than P f (H 2 O permeability) T41 is more important than L43. II Amino acids lining the central pore

20 Outline I Amino acids at the mouth of the central pore II Amino acids lining the central pore

21 Amino acids lining the central pore T41 L43 L47 L51 L167 L163 G159

22 Sequence alignment of AQPs TM2 TM5

23 If mutate to Asp (D) T41 L43 L47 L51 L167 D D D D D

24 Channel-dependent  pH S for CO 2 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 hAQP5T41DhAQP5L43DhAQP5L47DhAQP5L51DhAQP5L167D LXXD −  pH S * Pf*Pf* Aspartic Acid (Asp)

25 Channel-dependent P f (cm/s) 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 H2OH2O hAQP5T41DhAQP5L43DhAQP5L47DhAQP5L51DhAQP5L167D LXXD − P f * Aspartic Acid (Asp)

26 If mutate to Arg (R) T41 L43 L47 L51 L167 R R R R R

27 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 hAQP5T41RhAQP5L43RhAQP5L47RhAQP5L51RhAQP5L167R Channel-dependent  pH S for CO 2 LXXR −  pH S * Arginine (Arg) Pf*Pf*

28 Channel-dependent P f (cm/s) 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 H2OH2O hAQP5T41RhAQP5L43RhAQP5L47RhAQP5L51RhAQP5L167R LXXR − P f * Arginine (Arg)

29 If mutate to Thr (T) T41 L43 L47 L51 L167 T T T T T

30 Channel-dependent  pH S for CO 2 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 hAQP5T41 wt AQP5 hAQP5L43ThAQP5L47ThAQP5L51ThAQP5L167T LXXT −  pH S * Threonine (Thr) Pf*Pf*

31 Channel-dependent P f (cm/s) 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 H2OH2O hAQP5T41ThAQP5L43ThAQP5L47ThAQP5L51ThAQP5L167T LXXT − P f * Threonine (Thr) L163T

32 Conclusion II I Amino acids at the mouth of the central pore Changes of  pH S (CO 2 permeability) is more sensitive than P f (H 2 O permeability) T41 is more important than L43. II Amino acids lining the central pore Changes of P f (H 2 O permeability) is more sensitive than  pH S (CO 2 permeability) Of all the amino acids lining the central pore, L51 is most sensitive to determine P f and  pH S.

33 Acknowledgement Collaborator Emad Tajkhorshid Lab Walter F Boron Raif Musa-Aziz Mark D Parker

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