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Sludge Thickening & Dewatering

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Presentation on theme: "Sludge Thickening & Dewatering"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sludge Thickening & Dewatering
Marius Botha

2 Overview Bateman Bellmer Products Turbodrain as a thickener
Winklepress Cascade Case Studies

3 Bateman Engineering Globally
Offices in: India, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Netherlands, Russia Delkor offices across the globe

4 Group Structure

5 Market leader with more than 4
Market leader with more than references in the field of Separation Technology

6 Overview Products Machines: TurboDrainTM WinklePressTM Cascade STM
dewatering screen for sludge thickening TDC, TDH, TDH-L belt press for sludge dewatering WPN G, WPN K, WPN I, WPH TurboDrainTM & WinklePressTM

7 The BELLMER TurboDrain ™

8 TURBODRAIN™ Revolving belt Chicanes Odout hood (Optional) Ramp
Thickened sludge discharge Drive Discharge Chute (Optional) Patented feed and maturing chamber Feed for flocculated suspension Clear Filtrate Spray Water

9 TURBODRAIN versus final clarification or DAF
Sometimes a picture is worth more than 1000 words Final clarification or DAF ± 40 kW ± 8 kW TDN building Volume: 9000 m³ Volume: 180 m³

Practically solids-free filtrate

Polyelectroylte consumption (g/kg DS) CUSTOMER Machine Throughput of Plant Dry Solids loading Power Consumption m3/h kg/h kW (total) Technocell Dekor (Gunzach) 2 off TDR 3 120 975 5.2 ITC Ltd (India) 1 off TDR 4 150 350 4.4 Technocell Dekor (Canada) 3 off TDR 5 180 11250 18 Technocell Dekor (Titisee-Neustadt) 2 off TDR TDR 4 210 5250 8.9 Cartiere di Guarcino (Italy) 2 off TDR 4 280 2240 8.8 Polyelectrolyte consumption (g/kg DS) Filtrate Quality (mg/l) <50

12 The BELLMER WinklePress™

13 BELLMER Winklepress WPN-K unique dewatering sections

14 BELLMER Cascade S

15 BELLMER Cascade S Turbodrain reduces the hydraulic throughput
1. sludge feed 2. filtrate outlet 3. waste water outlet Turbodrain reduces the hydraulic throughput transfer chute 2. 3. 1. spreader box Winklepress WPN Winklepress dewaters the sludge to highest dry solids dropping of the dewatered sludge filtrate waste water

16 Comparison WPN vs. Centrifuge
Cake dry solids content: 28 % Polymer consumption (6-8 kg/t DS) Low energy comsumption (4-5 kW) Low maintenance costs Clear filtrate: ~ 500 mg/l Cake dry solids content: 28 % Polymer consumption (13-15 kg/t DS) Low energy comsumption (40-50 kW) High maintenance costs - fast running machine Dirty filtrate: ~ 2000 mg/l

17 Savings by Using a Winklepress instead of a Centrifuge
Operation costs: Filtrate quality – 1500 mg/l Energy kWh/a Polymer kg/a Costs €/a Costs €/a Costs €/a (for 0,15 €/kWh) (for 2,0 €/kg Polymer and t/a biosludge) Location Centrifuge EUR/t Winklepress Difference Utrecht 386 327 59 Nieuwegein 345 41

18 Conclusion Saving 80% Saving 90% Power Consumption: TurboDrain™ vs DAF
± 8kW ± 40kW Saving 80% WinklePress™ vs Centrifuge ± 5kW ± 50kW Saving 90%

19 Reference Metsä Tissue Raubach Savings
Tissue production t/a Increase of the end dry content from 36 % to 60 % ! Solids t/a Clean Water m³/a CO t/a Costs €/a Water for 500 people/a (for 200km)

20 Mobile Testing Unit


22 Proudly associated with in

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