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Oxygen Administration. BLOOD GASES  To measure the lungs ability to exchange O2 and carbon dioxide efficiently.  Test arterial blood for concentrations.

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1 Oxygen Administration

2 BLOOD GASES  To measure the lungs ability to exchange O2 and carbon dioxide efficiently.  Test arterial blood for concentrations of O2, CO2, bicarbonate, acidity, saturation of hemoglobin with O2 (SaO2).  Hypoxemia – O2 level not meeting pts needs.  Hypercapnea – CO2 build up in blood

3 PULSE OXIMETRY  Used to monitor SaO2 (O2 saturation of hemoglobin)  Used for patients with sudden change in O2 saturation  Attached to fingertip or earlobe  Normal SaO2 95-100%. <85 indicates tissues are not receiving adequate O2.

4 OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION AAAA medication; must be prescribed CCCCan be toxic or depress ventilation. MMMMild – reversible tracheobronchitis SSSSevere – irreversible parenchymal lung injury

5 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)  Excessive O2 in blood depresses respiratory drive & pt stops breathing  Chemoreceptors no longer respond to CO2 stimulus

6 Oxygen Delivery  Infection thrives in O2 environment.  One mask, cannula to one person  Wall outlets; Tanks  LPM – liters per minute

7 Nasal Cannula  Used for patients with normal breathing rate and depth  21%-60% concentration of O2 delivered with cannula  21% of air composed of O2. May need to be increased with respiratory distress.  1-4 LPM for adults or ¼-1/2 for children; higher rates are drying  ALWAYS have O2 running BEFORE placing on patient!

8 FACE MASK SSSShort term 33330-50% concentration but varies because mask doesn’t fit tight RRRRate no less than 5 LPM; needed to flush CO2 NNNNonrebreathing mask PPPPartial rebreathing mask VVVVenturi mask AAAAerosol mask

9 Other Delivery Systems  Mechanical ventilator (Respirator)  Breathing techniques  Oxygen tent  When need for humidity and higher concentration  Chest Radiographs – keep tubing out of image


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