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R12 New Features in QTC Track NCOAUG 22-Feb-08 Ravi Sagaram.

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Presentation on theme: "R12 New Features in QTC Track NCOAUG 22-Feb-08 Ravi Sagaram."— Presentation transcript:

1 R12 New Features in QTC Track NCOAUG 22-Feb-08 Ravi Sagaram

2 Agenda Introduction Discuss Key New Features Questions and Answers

3 Key Features Cascading Attributes from Header to Lines Customer Acceptance Deferred COGS and Revenue Exception Management Multi Org Access Sales Agreements Actual Ship Date Parallel Pick Release

4 Cascading Attributes Overview Cascade Modified Attributes from Order Header to Lines Advantages –Reduces Manual Update of Multiple Lines –Reduces Multiple Key Strokes –Increases Productivity –Increases Accuracy

5 Cascading Attributes Usage

6 Cascading Attributes Setups Setup the Profile Option ‘OM: Sales Order Form: Cascade Header Changes to Line’

7 Cascading Attributes Setups Enable the Cascading Attributes. Setup  Quick Codes  Order Management  Type – ‘OM_HEADER_TO_LINE_CASCADE’

8 Customer Acceptance Overview  In high tech industries like Telecom, the order process may not end with the shipping of the goods and services to the customer.  In many cases, the goods that are shipped might have to be installed, tested, and accepted before invoicing and revenue recognition.  There is no feature in R11 to record Customer Acceptance.

9 Customer Acceptance Overview  R12 Provides a new feature ‘Revenue Contingency’ which can be used for pre billing or post billing customer acceptance.  In Pre-billing acceptance, the line gets invoiced, closed and revenue recognized after the acceptance.  In post Billing acceptance, the line gets closed and revenue recognized after the acceptance.

10 Customer Acceptance Overview Process diagram

11 Customer Acceptance Overview Invoice Pending Acceptance is New in R12 – Can be used as Pre billing Acceptance

12 Customer Acceptance Close Line – Pending Acceptance is the new feature in R12– Can be used as Post Billing Acceptance

13 Customer Acceptance Setups  Enable OM System Parameter ‘Enable Fulfillment Acceptance’ Setup  System Parameters  Define  ENABLE_FULFILLMENT_ACCEPTANCE

14 Customer Acceptance Setups (Contd..)  Define a Deferral reason ‘Customer Acceptance’ in the Revenue Management. Specify the removal event. There are 5 removal events  Define an assignment rule to assign the deferral reason to a parameter like receivables transaction type, customer, customer site, item etc.  Enable the folder fields for Customer Acceptance in Order Lines.

15 Customer Acceptance Setups (Contd..) Deferral ReasonSpecify one of the following 5 removal events to the deferral reason Create an assignment rule to associate the deferral reason to a parameter InstallationContingency ExpirationBill to customer UT Customer Acceptance Customer AcceptanceInvoice Type Pre-billing acceptance Invoicingitem Customer creditworthiness PaymentShip to customer DeliveryProof of deliveryAccounting Rule

16 Customer Acceptance Usage 1)Customer Acceptance is recorded by user in the OM in the order header or order lines. 2)It is not possible to record acceptance for partial quantity. Either accept or reject full qty. 3)The acceptance can be recorded explicitly by the user or implicitly by time out feature (like 30 days from shipping etc.) 4)Once the acceptance is recorded, the line will progress to invoicing and close in the case of pre-billing or just close after post billing.

17 Customer Acceptance Usage A sales order with pre-billing customer acceptance

18 Customer Acceptance Usage

19 Customer Acceptance Usage Use Additional Line Information or Order Information to record customer Acceptance

20 Customer Acceptance Usage

21 Deferred COGS Overview Accounting Standards stipulate that COGS and Revenue are recognized in the same accounting period. In R12, a new feature was provided to invoke deferred COGS instead of COGS upon shipment. When revenue is recognized upon customer acceptance or a deferral reason, then an accounting transaction is created to hit the COGS account. COGS will be recognized to the same percentage as the revenue.

22 Deferred COGS Setups Setup deferred COGS account in inventory organization Setup  Organizations  Inventory  Other Accounts tab

23 Deferred COGS Application Enter, Book and Ship an Order in OM Accounting transactions are generated against deferred COGS. Invoice and close the line removing the revenue contingency. The transactions will reverse form DCOGS to COGS. If it is a ship only line, reversal from DCOGS to COGS will take place upon closing of the line.

24 Exception Management Overview R12 provides a concurrent Program to preview and retry stuck transactions (due to errors in workflow) In the Preview mode, a log is generated to give the reasons for the errors. In the execution mode, the error WFs are retried A concurrent Program was provided to retry these error WFS. The Program name is ‘Retry Errored Workflow Activities’ Schedule to run this program – probably once in a day.

25 Exception Management Usage

26 Multi Org Access Overview Multi Org Access feature in R12 provides access to data from multiple operating units without switching responsibilities. Using this feature, users can –View and create orders, BSAs, quotes etc. –Do setups for different operating units from the same responsibility. –Run reports for multiple OUs.

27 Multi Org Access Setups Create a security profile using HR responsibility Assign different OUs to the security Profile. Assign the Security profile to the system profile ‘MO: Security Profile’ at the responsibility level.

28 Multi Org Access Usage Enable the Operating Unit field on the forms for BSA, Order Header, Quote Etc. This can be done using the Folder Tools. Enter the value for OU before entering the other data. This will enable the other fields on the form. When running reports, enter OU as the optional parameter.

29 Sales Agreements Overview BSAs are renamed as Sales Agreements in R12 Sales Agreements have been enhanced to handle PTOs

30 Actual Ship Date Overview R12 Provided a new feature to enter Actual Departure Date (It can be even a future date) on the following. –Pick Release Concurrent Program –Pick Release from the form –Ship Confirm Concurrent Program

31 Actual Ship Date Usage Shipping  Release Sales Orders  Release Sales Orders SRS

32 Actual Ship Date Usage Shipping  Release Sales Orders  Release Sales Orders Select Ship Confirm Rule to enable the actual departure date Actual Dep date

33 Actual Ship Date Usage Shipping  Release Sales Orders  Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS

34 Actual Ship Date Setups Setup  Shipping  Global Parameters Enable Allow Future Ship Date

35 Parallel Pick Release Overview R12 Provides a new feature to launch Parallel Pick Release This feature launches multiple workers for the pick release. This will improve the performance of the pick release.

36 Parallel Pick Release Usage

37 Parallel Pick Release Setups Set up the profile option ‘WSH: Number of Pick Release Child Processes’ to the N child processes (N> 2)

38 Questions

39 Thank You 630-849-9888

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