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Published byLexie Crummett Modified over 10 years ago
presented by: Dmitri Perelman
Intro “Don’t touch my read-set” approach “Precedence graphs” approach On avoiding spare aborts Your questions
Validation algorithm: assumes non-overlapping transactional operations (transactions themselves do overlap) responsible for guaranteeing correctness criterion the main topic of our lecture read(x,0) read(y,0) write(y,1) write(x,1) T1: T2: Not serializable execution!
Concurrency control: supplies the “illusion” of non-overlapping transactional operations for the Validation module depends on the needed progress guarantees (wait-free, lock-free, obstruction-free, blocking) may use locks, CPU strong primitives helping techniques beyond the scope of the lecture
Contention manager: called in the cases, in which a set of transactions may not continue without violating the correctness criterion “contention” is reported by the validation algorithm beyond the scope of the lecture
Serializability – equivalence to some sequential history equivalent: same invocations, same responses no demand of real-time order only committed transactions care Linearizability – serializability + real-time order Opacity – linearizability + all the transactions care T1T1 T2T2 T3T3 CC C o1 o2 o3 o4 T2T2 C A o1 o2 o3 T1T1
The number of “unnecessary aborts” TM satisfies permissiveness 1 if it accepts every input pattern satisfying the correctness criterion. R.Guerraoui et al. Permissiveness in Transactional Memories. DISC 2008 T2T2 C o1 o2 T1T1 do we need to abort T 1 ? Time complexity Space complexity related closely to garbage collection rules
Intro “Don’t touch my read-set” approach “Precedence graphs” approach On avoiding spare aborts Your questions
We will see now several TMs providing opacity These TMs succeed to proceed if no concurrent transactions write to their read-set if the read-set remains unchanged from the beginning of transaction, consistent snapshot is guaranteed
DSTM 1 - the first and the straightforward implementation of untouchable read-set approach Each object is accessed through a special “object handler”. M. Herlihy et al. STM for dynamic-sized data structures. PODC, 2003. object handler txn current previous data data’ status read-set txn descriptorobj locator
Write operation installs the new object locator Whenever Ti accesses the object with active owner transaction - abort. don’t touch my read-set! object handler txn current previous data new commit read-set txn descriptor txn current previous active read-set my descriptor
Reads are “invisible” read does not let other transactions know about it the writing txn cannot inform concurrent reader about the contention Do not want to see illegal state: revalidate the read- set at each load operation O(read-set) for each read operation. o1 o2 T1T1 T2T2 C
Solves the problem of costly read-set revalidation Global version clock (GVC) counts the number of updating committed transactions when writing transactions successfully commits, it increments GVC Each object has an associated version value o.version is equal to the value of GVC at the moment of writing that version D.Dice et al. Transactional Locking II. DISC, 2006.
Transaction remembers the value of GVC upon the startup in the local rv variable Read operation of object o checks that o.version ≤ rv. If not, abort. T2T2 C o1 o2 T1T1 GC=0 ver=0 A GC=1 ver=1 T2T2 C o1 o2 T1T1 GC=0 ver=0 A GC=1 ver=1 need to abortclearly spare abort ver=1
Writes are postponed till the commit (“invisible writes”) allows concurrent writers Commit of read-only transaction always returns success Commit of updating transaction: revalidate the read-set (no need if rv = GVC) increment GVC, write the new values, update objects’ versions T2T2 C A o1 o2 T1T1 The reason for revalidating the read-set
Invisible writes (TL2) allow more concurrency than the visible ones (DSTM). Global Version Clock – no need to revalidate the read-set at every load operation. This comes at the cost of being blocking (DSTM is obstruction-free)
Lazy snapshot algorithm (LSA) – similar to TL2 But now the objects are multi-versioned: each object keeps the list of versions the writer installs the new version (instead of overriding the old one) T.Riegel et al. A Lazy Snapshot Algorithm with Eager Validation. DISC, 2006. object handler vnvn v n-1
As in TL2, each object version i keeps its installation time o.v i The validity range of object version i is the time range [o.v i, o.v i+1 ). The validity range (vr) of the transaction is the intersection of validity ranges of the read-set initialized to [GVC, ∞) is updated after every read should stay non-empty
Read operation: traverses the versions list from the latest one till finding the suitable version to read version is suitable if its validity range has a nonempty intersection with T i vr. Validity range of the latest version is still not known it is temporarily assigned [o.v j, GVC], and marked as open open objects’ ranges may be extended on demand transaction is open while all the objects from its read-set are open T2T2 C o1 o2 T1T1
T2T2 C o1 o2 T1T1 vr = [x-10,x] GVC = x+1 vr = [x+1,x+1] vr = [x-10,x+1] GVC = x Expanding validity range on demand T2T2 C o1 o2 T1T1 vr = [x-10,x] GVC = x+1 vr = [x+1,x+1] GVC = x Expanding range is not possible – reading previous version
Read-only transactions always commit successfully If the transaction has a non-empty write-set: the commit succeeds if the txn succeeds to increment GVC the incremented GVC should have a nonempty intersection with txn’s validity range transaction should be open for successful commit transaction is open if no concurrent transactions touch its read- set
T2T2 C o1 o2 T1T1 T1 commits, because it is open (T1 would have to abort in TL2) T2T2 C o1 o2 T1T1 T1 commits, because it is read-only (any single versioned algorithm would have to abort) o3 C T2T2 o1 o2 T1T1 A T1 aborts, because it is not open (T2 has written to its read-set). Opacity is not violated C
Multi-versioning: all the read-only transactions commit Multi-versioning: additional level of indirection for object data access increases the number of cache misses Expanding validity ranges on demand may be costly O(read-set) C o1 o2 T1T1 o3 C …
A global clock may be a scalability limitation when the number of cores goes large Thread Local Clock (TLC) 1 comes to solve these limitations Object timestamp is appended with the tid of the writer. H.Avni and N.Shavit. Maintaining consistent transactional states without a global clock. SIROCCO, 2008. object timestamp object timestamptid Each thread has a thread local clock incremented at the start of every transaction Each thread has a local clocks array entry i of array keeps the last timestamp of thread i seen by the thread
Write operation: update the timestamp & tid. Validating object’s timestamp: abort if object’s timestamp is greater than the local array entry for the writer T2T2 o1 o2 T1T1 AC 12 thread 1 local array 112 tmstmp = 2, tid = 2 T2T2 o1 o2 T1T1 AC 12 thread 1 local array 112 tmstmp = 2, tid = 2
Too conservative The algorithms do not distinguish between the following scenarios T2T2 o1 o2 T1T1 A C T2T2 o1 o2 T1T1 A C
Intro “Don’t touch my read-set” approach “Precedence graphs” approach On avoiding spare aborts Your questions
Nodes of the graph – transactions. Edges – transactions precedence info If Ti reads from Tj, there is an edge Tj → Ti If Tj installs o.v n-1 and Ti installs o.v n, there is an edge Tj → Ti If Tj reads from o.v n-1 and Ti installs o.v n, there is an edge Tj → Ti object handle o.v n o.v n-1 writer readers
A path from Ti to Tj in PG implies the order in the sequential history The topological order on the graph gives a legal sequential history If PG does not contain cycles, the history is serializable It is sufficient to keep PG acyclic to ensure validity
J. Napper and L. Alvisi presented the TM satisfying serializability based upon precedence graphs the main focus of the article was making the solution lock-free Read operation: looks for the latest version which does not introduce cycles in PG Reads are invisible, consistent snapshot is not revalidated till commit (don’t need it in serializability) Writes install the new version after the latest one (postponed till commit) Commit operation checks the precedence graph for acyclity J.Napper and L.Alvisi. Lock-free serializable transactions. Tech. report, 2005.
Much more accurate than the “don’t touch my read-set” approach We get it on the high computational cost cycle detection takes O(|V| 2 ) Two questions remained opened: garbage collection rules path shortening techniques o1 o2 o3 o4 o5
Intro “Don’t touch my read-set” approach “Precedence graphs” approach On avoiding spare aborts Your questions
Opacity-permissiveness – every input pattern satisfying opacity is accepted e.g. the history r 1 (0 1 ),w 2 (o 1 ),c 1,c 2 Unfortunately, no online TM may do it 1 I. Keidar and D. Perelman. On avoiding spare aborts in TM. Tech. report, 2009. T2T2 o1 o2 T1T1 AC o3 T3T3 what value should be returned to T2? T2T2 o1 o2 T1T1 AC o3 T3T3 T4T4
Strict online opacity-permissiveness – abort only if cannot continue without violating opacity Unfortunately, implies solving NP-complete problems
Intuitively, the NP-completeness derives from the situations, in which there are several ways to serialize already committed transactions We demand from the TM to define the serialization order of the committed transactions this order should be persistent in every extension of the run all the TMs we have seen so far do so implicitly however, theoretically, TMs may not define serialization point of the committed transactions (e.g. commutative txns) What is the order of T 1,T 2,T 3 ? T1T1 T2T2 T3T3 T4T4
The same story of building the precedence graph The write operation has an option to install the version before the latest one as if the write had happened in past possible only for “blind writes” Read operation is looking for the latest possible version to read without creating a cycle Write operations are postponed till commit
Commit operation should choose the “appropriate places” to install the new versions greedy algorithm will not work T2T2 o1 o2 T1T1 A C o3 T3T3 C T2T2 o1 o2 T1T1 C o3 T3T3 C choosing to read from T2 leads to spare abort
Intuitively, may remove the transactional node from the precedence graph if it cannot participate in the cycles any more For example, if the node has no incoming edges and will not have the new ones in the future This lecture was not intended to be sadistic interested students are welcome to read the tech report :)
Even after all the optimizations, avoiding spare aborts implies a high cost and what is the inherent lower bound? Weakening correctness criterion can help there exists TM satisfying causal serializability that uses vector clocks causal serializability is weaker than serializability different processors may perceive some events in different order as long as the individual views preserve the causality relation
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