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TOBACCO FACTS More than 4,000 hazardous chemicals in cigarettes.

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Presentation on theme: "TOBACCO FACTS More than 4,000 hazardous chemicals in cigarettes."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOBACCO FACTS More than 4,000 hazardous chemicals in cigarettes.

2 NICOTINE  Addictive substance in tobacco.  Causes severe withdrawal  Liquid form… one drop will KILL you!  VERY POWERFUL Stimulant!!! Physically and Psychologically addicting. Decreases appetite just as all stimulants do

3 NICOTINE CONT’D  When smoked: Nicotine enters the bloodstream by passing through the tiny air sacs in the lungs (alveoli) into the surrounding capillaries.


5 - Inhaled into the lungs - Bronchioles into the alveoli - Enters bloodstream - Travels to brain (seconds) - Delivered throughout the body - Initially epinephrine and adrenaline hormones released - Heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, shallow breathing - Endorphins and dopamine released - Pleasant, happy feelings, euphoria

6 NICOTINE CONT’D  When used as SMOKELESS TOBACCO Nicotine enters the bloodstream through The mucus membrane of the mouth and gums. Some of the saliva ends up in the stomach and small intestines as well. A white leathery patch may form on the gum/lip where the tobacco is placed.  LEUKOPLAKIA- can be cancerous.

7 LEUKOPLAKIA  When nicotine mixes with saliva, compounds called nitrosamines are produced.  CARCINOGENIC!!!!!!  Cancer of the: Jaw Lip Gums Tongue Throat Digestive System  CAN OCCUR FROM SMOKELESS TOBACCO USE!

8 EFFECTS OF NICOTINE ON THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM  Increases Heartbeat… Raises BLOOD PRESSURE  Constricts blood vessels… increases BLOOD PRESSURE even more!  HIGH BP can burst blood vessels= heart attack and stroke  Increases likelihood of blood clots Especially if a person is using Birth Control Clots get stuck in blood vessels causing heart attack and stroke.



11 TAR  It sticks in the lungs & trachea increasing risk for cancer of the lungs and larynx (voice box)  Major cause of Emphysema  Contributing factor to bronchitis and smoker’s cough  Tar reduces the lungs’ ability to supply oxygen…AND…nicotine increase the heart’s need for it!

12 CO- CARBON MONOXIDE  Steals oxygen (O2) from the red blood cells, causing a lack of O2 to the heart, brain and body  This causes heart attacks and stroke!  The lack of O2 in the body and brain causes the lightheaded, “buzzed”, RELAXED feeling smokers enjoy.   Smokers are depriving their body of O2 in order to feel ‘good’…

13 AMMONIA  Paralyzes the cilia of the respiratory tract allowing the mucus and tar to slide into the lungs.  This causes a wet, hacking ‘SMOKERS COUGH’



16 DISEASES RELATED TO SMOKING  Smokers are more likely to catch colds than nonsmokers because the paralyzed cilia allows more bacteria & viruses to enter the lungs.

17 EMPHYSEMA  Tar from tobacco smoke lines the air sacs in the lungs, (alveoli).  O2 can’t get through, so a person has a difficult time getting enough O2 in the body.  This can be reversed if a person stops smoking… But if the tar is allowed to stay in the lungs, it becomes hard an brittle.  Once the tar hardens, the alveoli burst and become ineffective at allowing O2 into the bloodstream.

18 EMPHYSEMA  At this point, the damage is irreversible.  A person with emphysema may be put on supplemental O2 just to survive.  Quality of life is diminished.  Eventually emphysema can kill a person because of their inability to get enough O2 into their body.

19 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS  The erosive chemicals in smoke constantly irritate and inflame the lining of the bronchial tubes.  The chemicals and tar also cause the respiratory system to create abnormally thick mucus.  This, along with the paralyzed cilia, helps to create a sometimes painful, wet cough.

20 CANCERS  The tar and it’s carcinogens stick in the lungs  The longer they are allowed to stay in contact with the lining, the greater the chance of lung cancer.  Many of the warning signs for lung cancer are symptoms normally experienced by smokers, so often the cancer is left too long. It metastasizes (spreads) and may become very deadly.




24 EFFECTS of SMOKING on the FETUS  Significantly increases the likelihood of: Low birth weight Premature birth  Small babies get sick more, and have a higher chance of mental and physical complications. Severe asthma Miscarriages Stillbirths SIDS  NEVER SMOKE WHEN YOU ARE PREGNANT! NEVER SMOKE AROUND A PREGNANT PERSON, BABIES, OR CHILDREN!

25 SECONDHAND SMOKE  The smoke off the burning end of a cigarette. There is no filter, so the smoke/tar is directly inhaled  It can still decrease the amount of O2 in the blood, and puts sticky tar in the lungs  Over time, it can build up just as it does in a smoker.  Children/babies lungs are more susceptible  Causes the same respiratory illnesses in nonsmokers who are exposed to smoker’s smoke.


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