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Transport of gases Presents to you by ABOUT DISEASE.CO TEAM.

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1 Transport of gases Presents to you by ABOUT DISEASE.CO TEAM

2 Transport of Oxygen  3% in dissolved form i. e. dissolved in plasma.  97% bound to Haemoglobin

3 O2 Transport as dissolved in plasma  At Arterial Po 2 = 0.29 ml of O 2 dissolved in 100 ml of blood  At Venous Po 2 = 0.12 ml of O2 dissolved in 100 ml of blood  0.17 ml of O2 is carried in dissolved state to tissue by each 100 ml of blood

4 O2 transport as bound to Hb 1gm Hb can carry = 1.39 ml of O2. But due to impurities like met Hb 1gm Hb carries 1.34 ml of O2 15 gms will carry 1.34 x 15 = 20.10 ml of O2 This happens at or more than 250 mmHg when Hb is 100% saturated. At arterial PO 2 only 97% of Hb is saturated

5 O2 transport as bound to Hb At arterial PO2 19.4 ml of O2 is bound to Hb. At venous PO2 14.4 ml of O2 is bound to Hb. 5 ml of O2 is transported as bound form from lungs to tissues by each 100 ml of blood.

6 O 2 Hb dissociation curve

7  A good index of the curve is the value P50 which is that partial pressure of oxygen at which one half of Hb occurs as oxyHb and one hallf as deoxyHb.  Hb under physiological conditions has P50 value of 26 mm Hg. The higher P50 of Hb signifies its lesser affinity for Oxygen.  Shifting of curve to right increases P50 value.

8 Effect of pH

9 Effect of Temperature

10 Bohr’s Effect Shifting of curve to right in response to increases in CO 2 or hydrogen ions

11 Effect of CO 2

12 Effect of 2,3 DPG

13 Effect of fetal hemoglobin

14 Factors affecting O2 Hb dissociation curve 1.CO2 2.Hydrogen Ion 3.Temperature 4.BPG( Bisphosphoglycerate ) 5.Electrolytes 6.Met Hb 7.HbF 8.Hormones

15 ABOUT DISEASE.CO TAEM Thanks for visiting our site

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