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Park Mains High School S S4 Course Choice Parents’ Information Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Park Mains High School S S4 Course Choice Parents’ Information Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Park Mains High School S S4 Course Choice Parents’ Information Evening Please sit near the front Please switch your mobile phone to silent Mr.M.Dewar Mr.B. Gillen Head Teacher Depute Head Teacher

2 Aims What did we do in S3 What routes are available into S4 The choices process and option form National 4 / National 5 Assessment Questions

3 Current Qualifications
The New Qualifications Current Qualifications New Qualifications (Revised) National 3 National 2 National 1 National 5 National 4 Replaced by S4 S1 – S3 Broad general education

4 Courses in S3 – Curriculum for Excellence
Teaching programmes in S3 have been based upon - any key Level 3 Experiences and outcomes not covered in S1-S2 relevant Level 4 Experiences and outcomes appropriate elements of National 4 and National 5 units/courses both to prepare pupils for these courses in S4 and to assess the pupil’s capacity to respond to the challenges therein they have also .. continued to develop the skills for learning, life and work integral to the courses and for progression 4

5 Progression to the ‘Senior Phase’ (S4-S6)
The Senior Phase will – Build on the learning undertaken in S1 to S3 Provide opportunities to extend the pupil’s abilities and interests Have continued emphasis on literacy, numeracy, health and well being and a wide range of skills for life and work Recognise achievement – both attainment of qualifications and wider achievements Deliver a broad preparation for adult life whether the next stage is further/higher education, employment or training and for participation in wider society 3

6 S3 Reports S3 subject reports have a recommendation for S4.
Please note .. The recommended progress in S4 is an indication of the pathway your child may take into the Senior Phase based on their progress to date.

7 The Course Choice Programme
Parents’ Information Evening = tonight Pupil Information Assembly Fri 15th Feb. S3 Reports - issued to pupils Monday 18th Feb. Personalised Choices Form Monday 18th Feb. S3 Parents’ Evening Thursday 21st Feb. 5

8 programme continued…. Parents and pupil discuss options at home
Guidance interview with pupil Return forms to school office a.s.a.p. after Parents’ Evening and by Wednesday 27th Feb. at the latest Choices checked + entered on school system 4

9 Curriculum for Excellence Design Principles
Balance Breadth Coherence Personalisation & Choice Challenge & Enjoyment Depth Relevance Progression

10 Course choice form based on ..
Curriculum Areas Expressive Arts Technologies Health & Well Being RMPS Language Mathematics Social Studies Sciences … in addition to trial S3 choices and articulation with S5/6

11 Senior Phase structure
Renfrewshire council’s education policy board ,through consultation with all stakeholders has set the following structure – all pupils in S4 will study 7 subjects of 4 periods each this will include English and Mathematics plus RMPS - 1 period P.E periods Tutor - 1 period

12 Please refer to your copy of the choices form
First choice Second choice

13 The Course Choice Form …
Health & Well Being is covered by - P.E. (core) - 3 periods per week R.M.P.S period per week P.S.E embedded across curriculum Tutor period - H&WB, Work Exp, recognising wider achievement

14 Viability of a subject No school can guarantee all subjects will run.
This is simply down to staffing/accommodation issues This is why a second choice is important If uptake in a chosen subject is low, the second choice will be offered. 4

15 Assessment As pupils progress into National Courses in S4 there is a change in emphasis regarding the degree of ‘in school’ assessment For an award at National 4 in a subject, all necessary assessment will be carried out in school. there is no SQA exam at the end of S4. pupils will be awarded either a PASS or FAIL there will be external verification (cf College/Uni) 5

16 Assessment … For National 5 courses there will be ongoing in school assessment of Units. Pupils will sit an SQA exam at the end of S4. Pupils must pass all internal units and the external exam Pupils will be awarded a grade from A - D. Excellent attendance, effort, high quality homework and parental support are all essential to success at any level 4

17 National 5 to National 4 fallback
A pupil obtaining a ‘No Award’ at National 5 can be awarded a National 4 award only if – The course content at Nat. 4 articulates The pupil has passed all Nat. 5 internally assessed unit assessments The pupil has passed the Nat. 4 Added Value unit For English/Maths the pupil has passed the Literacy/Numeracy unit

18 Pupil choices should reflect…
Interests Aptitudes Progression into S5/S6 Career aspirations ??? 3

19 Choices should not reflect
Friends’ Choices Favourite Teachers Gender Stereotypes Unrealistic expectation (parents, pupils teachers, guidance discussions) 3

20 Websites for further information www. sqa. org
Websites for further information Website details are on the school website


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