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2014-2015 Briefing to S3 students Curriculum Planning and Class allocation procedure 14-11-2014.

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2 2014-2015 Briefing to S3 students Curriculum Planning and Class allocation procedure 14-11-2014

3 Curriculum and Assessment Guide

4 Curriculum Planning in our school 1.Students ’ preference 2.School resources

5 2014-2015 S4 Curriculum BAFS - Business, Accounting and Financial Studies THS - Tourism and Hospitality Studies ICT - Information and Communication Technology Class 4A4B4C4D 2X3X Core Subjects Chinese English Mathematics Liberal Studies Elective Subjects BiologyChinese HistoryBAFS ChemistryEconomicsTHS PhysicsGeographyICT Visual Arts *** Maths Extended Modules (M1) Others Applied learning courses ***

6 Try-out Survey From 19/11 to 24/11 Data of try-out survey will not affect students’ allocation results A formal survey will be conducted in January Survey form

7 Conflict Matrix Report (Example) SubjectBIOCHEMPHY 中史 ECONGEOTHSBAFSICTVA BIO 222324252627282930 CHEM 2827262524262221 PHY 15161718192021 中史 201918171615 ECON 2524232221 GEO 22232425 THS 222628 BAFS 2725 ICT 23

8 Subject Group Set Up Report (Example) Subject123456 BIO CHEM PHY 中史 ECON GEO THS BAFS ICT VA

9 Working Schedule DateTask Nov 2014Try-out survey (online) Jan 2015Survey (online) 14 Mar 2015S3 seminar May 2015Try-out subject selection (online) Jul 2015Subject selection (online) 13 Jul 9:30 a.m. HallSubject selection session 17/7Release allocation results

10 Allocation criteria and method Students’ academic performance Students’ choices

11 Method 1. Each student will be assigned an allocation priority number. 2. The number is based on students’ annual grand average (adjusted statistically) (1 st term: 30% ; 2 nd term: 70%) 3. Students will be allocated to their choices according to the allocation priority number.

12 Thanks!

13 Raw score Weighting343 ChinEngMathTotalR_ChinR_EngR_MathR_total student15266726310324 student2687026561197 student3676457633755 student465 23525610 student5666267654842 student657 555671066 student7606536556488 student8566177648913 student968 1231 student10526541549579 mean61645260 s.d.63185 Comparison between raw score and standardized score (1)

14 Standardized score Weighting 343 S_ChinS_EngS_MathTotalR_ChinR_EngR_MathR_total student12757665110325 student2677529591192 student3644754 3753 student46052264756106 student5624162544844 student6401852357106 student7475337466488 student8383670478917 student967 63661231 student10285340429579 mean50 s.d.15 8 Comparison between raw score and standardized score (2)

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