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S3 - 4 Option Choice Parents’ Information Evening Thursday 30 January 2014 Lanark Grammar School.

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Presentation on theme: "S3 - 4 Option Choice Parents’ Information Evening Thursday 30 January 2014 Lanark Grammar School."— Presentation transcript:

1 S3 - 4 Option Choice Parents’ Information Evening Thursday 30 January 2014 Lanark Grammar School

2 Context Curriculum for Excellence New National Qualifications S3: ‘bridge’ between Broad General Education and Senior Phase Outcomes of previous consultation: 6 courses x 5 periods 2 or 3 year plan: S4, S5 and S6 Planning for post-school destination Attainment and achievement

3 Lanark Grammar School Focus Qualifications Skills Attributes Competences

4 Lanark Grammar School The curriculum Core Qualifications Focus Experience Focus English Mathematics Core PE Religious & Moral Education Social Education Targeted & specific: Employment Training College University Skill development Specific experiences Leadership Skills for Learning, Life and Work Competences

5 Lanark Grammar School Progression Full range of experiences from National 1 to National 5 Appropriate progression: at a higher level; or at the same level but in different contexts for learning

6 Lanark Grammar School Courses New National Qualification course Current/previous course National 5SG Credit/Intermediate 2 National 4SG General/Intermediate 1 National 3SG Foundation/Access 3 National 2Access 2 National 1Access 1

7 Lanark Grammar School Assessment (1) New National Qualification course Assessment National 5Internal and external National 4Internal National 3Internal National 2Internal National 1Internal

8 Lanark Grammar School Assessment (2) InternalExternal (National 5) Marked by Lanark Grammar Staff Exam or other evidence such as portfolio/performance Graded at Band A to Band D Verified/checked by staff from outwith school Marked by SQA

9 Lanark Grammar School SQA Appeals 2 new services: Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Post-Results Service

10 Lanark Grammar School Support/Expectations Meeting student needs through our range of provision: Courses Units, experiences, involvement, leadership, contribution Support: universal; targeted; and key adult Our expectations

11 Lanark Grammar School Social Education Essential aspect of S4 provision Timetabled for ASN pupils Inserts for wider school and ASN Focus on… Careers, Health and Wellbeing, finance,

12 Lanark Grammar School Process Discussions/liaison/partnership Students Parents Teachers Principal Teachers Pupil Support and ASN Skills Development Scotland (Kay Wilkie) S3- S4 Options Booklet – Course Flyers Research - responsibility

13 Lanark Grammar School Timeline Wednesday 22 January 2014: assembly with Dr Kerr Monday 27 January – Friday 21 February 2014: interviews with Principal Teachers Pupil Support/Additional Support Needs S3 Parents’ Evening: Thursday 6 February 2014, 4:30 – 7:00 pm Friday 21 February 2014: Option Forms to PTs PS/ASN

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