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Curriculum Planning Series: Designing S3 Geography Curriculum for schools adopting mixed mode in their PSHE curriculum 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Planning Series: Designing S3 Geography Curriculum for schools adopting mixed mode in their PSHE curriculum 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Planning Series: Designing S3 Geography Curriculum for schools adopting mixed mode in their PSHE curriculum 1

2 Focus of this workshop Curriculum auditing Planning of S3 Geography curriculum Trimming of existing curriculum Exemplars for interface 2

3 IH offered in S1-2 and other independent subjects offered in S3 (mixed mode) IH / LS S1 S2S3 Geog Life & Society Hist ChinHist PSHE Junior Curriculum Organization 3

4 Personal & Social DevelopmentTime, Continuity & Change Culture & Heritage Place & Environment Social Systems & Citizenship Resources & Economicactivities Six Strands of PSHE Curriculum Geography Curriculum 4

5 What’s missing? TOPICS Essential learning elements 5

6 Essential learning elements – Knowledge & Concepts Place & Region Space People- environment interaction Sustainable development Global interdependence 6

7 Essential learning elements – Skills Geographical Enquiry skills Map skillsFieldwork skills Graphs, statistics & photographs 7

8 Areal Coverage Local National Regional Global 8

9 Curriculum Auditing for the IH curriculum Check whether the IH curriculum has covered the essential learning elements  Topics related to Geography  Find out the knowledge, concepts or skills covered Find out the missing elements 9

10 Hands-on practice: Curriculum auditing 10 Table

11 Curriculum Planning – Factors of consideration Junior Curriculum Senior Curriculum Interface GeographicalSkillsKnowledge &ConceptsWriting skillsFieldworkexperience Higher-orderthinking skills 11

12 Curriculum Planning – Factors of consideration Learning experience learnt from other subjects Set priority for knowledge, concepts and skills Preference between breath and depth Students’ interest / weaknesses Characteristics of different modules Number of textbooks 12

13 Curriculum Planning – Factors of consideration Spiral curriculum Teach something new 13

14 Hands-on practice: Planning of S3 Geography curriculum Background information: 2 lessons per week 30 minutes for each lesson Medium of instruction: Chinese 14

15 Topics 15 Core ModuleElective Module Sustainable CityTourism Natural HazardsChanging Climate Food ProblemPopulation The Trouble of Water Taming the Sand Manufacturing Industry Geography of Disease EnergyOceans

16 Topics chosen Sustainable City  covers most missing elements  interface with NSS Geography curriculum  teacher’s preference  concept “sustainability”  possibility of carrying out fieldwork 16

17 Topics chosen Problem of Water  covers most missing elements  introduction to the physical part  understand the physical characteristics of China  allows the teaching of map reading skills and interpretation of aerial photos 17

18 Topics chosen Natural hazard - earthquake  not farming / industry  interesting topic  foundation to NSS Geography curriculum  time constraint  global perspective  teaching of map reading skills and aerial photos 18

19 Hands-on practice: Trimming of the curriculum 19

20 Trimming of existing curriculum The trouble of water – Too much and too little With a total area of about 9.6 million km², China is one of the largest countries in the world. Variations in relief, climatic and hydrological conditions are obvious in different parts of China. These physical variations, associated with large population size, uneven distribution of population and rapid economic growth, create various water problems in China. Through the study of this module, students can understand how the interplay of physical and human factors has led to floods and droughts in China. They will also understand the role of water pollution in aggravating the water shortage problem in China. In addition, the study of this module facilitates the development of various geographical skills, like reading and interpreting climatic graphs, contour maps and calculating slope gradient. This module also provides an excellent opportunity for students to prepare overlays of different geographical information of China to create an integrated GIS map for further analysis. Last but not least, this module provides a platform for students to know more about the physical environment and water problems of China, which in turn helps our students develop a sense of belonging to our nation. They will develop an eagerness to know more about China and show concern for the problems that China is facing. Essential learning elements 20

21 Trimming of existing curriculum A number of specific examples are chosen to broaden students’ global perspective and enable them to have a better understanding of the water problem in other parts of the world and the various solutions adopted in different places to solve the problem. If students’ ability and interest allow, teachers can add a case study on how Singaporeans solve their water scarcity problem by various advanced technologies (e.g. using recycled water (NEWater) and desalinated water) and integrated water management strategies. Singapore’s expertise in managing its water challenge is a good example for our reference. For more able students, teachers can further extend the lesson to include case studies of water problems in Bangladesh and UK and understand the differences in water management between the less developed countries and more developed countries. Essential vs Extended Choice of specific examples 21

22 Trimming of existing curriculum 1.Water problem in China – overall view 2.Concept of water cycle 3.Relief and major rivers in China 4.Flooding problem in China 5.Flooding in Bangladesh / UK The trouble of water – Too much and too little 22

23 S1-3 Geography Resources 23

24 S1-3 Geography Resources resources/geography/s1-3-learning-and-teaching-resource-folder-for-the-revised- curriculum.html 24

25 Exemplars for interface Fieldwork experience Skills of writing essay Progression of skills Bridging – what is geography Communication with other panel heads on the design of the integrated curriculumintegrated curriculum 25

26 Q & A 26

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