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INTRODUCTION Kenya is a food insecure Economy reliant on rain-fed agriculture(by a factor of 1.6) Key intervention: irrigation Irrigation challenged by.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION Kenya is a food insecure Economy reliant on rain-fed agriculture(by a factor of 1.6) Key intervention: irrigation Irrigation challenged by."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRODUCTION Kenya is a food insecure Economy reliant on rain-fed agriculture(by a factor of 1.6) Key intervention: irrigation Irrigation challenged by water scarcity, low input productivity, high production costs Need to develop resource-efficient (resource- saving) technologies e.g. SRI and UDP in rice cultivation

2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Rice cultivation faces water scarcity and high production costs Need to reduce use of rice water and production inputs SRI saved irrigation water by approx. 30% and increased yield by nearly 30%; UDP saved fertilizer use by approx. 50% and increased yield by nearly 20% in rice Is there a possible synergy from a combination of SRI and UDP? No trials have been conducted

3 OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of combining SRI and UDP practices on growth and yield of lowland rice Varieties: Evaluate performance of different lowland rice varieties under SRI/UDP Determine optimal spacing for the test varieties under SRI and UDP

4 METHODS Trial site MIAD (latitudes 37°13’E and 37°30’E, longitudes 0°32’S and 0°46’S and altitude of 1195 m a.s.l.) RCBD with split-split plots (USG as main plot, varieties as sub-plots and spacing as sub-sub-plots) with three replicates Fertilizers: 2.7 g USG, 1.8 g USG, standard practice (SA) Rice varieties: Basmati 370, IR 2793, BW 196 Spacing levels: 20cmx20cm, 25cmx25cm, 30cmx30cm

5 DATA COLLECTION Soil sampling at start and end of the experiment Rice growth data: plant height, total tillers, productive tillers, Rice yield data: panicle length, total and filled grains, 1000-grain weight, yield

6 DATA ANALYSIS Analysis using SAS program (SAS institute,2002)

7 RESULTS- final plant height IR2793BW 196 Basmati 370

8 RESULTS – total tillers Basmati 370 IR 2793 BW 196

9 RESULTS- productive tillers Basmati 370 IR 2793 BW 196

10 RESULTS – panicle length IR 2793Basmati 370 BW 196

11 RESULTS – total grains Basmati 370 IR 2793 BW 196

12 RESULTS – filled grains Basmati 370 IR 2793 BW 196

13 RESULTS – 1000-g wt Basmati 370IR 2793 BW 196

14 RESULTS - yield Basmati 370 IR 2793 BW 196

15 DISCUSSION No significant difference in final plant height, total and productive tillers, panicle length, total and filled grains, 1000-grain weight and yield for all the varieties under the respective treatments These results confirm observation made in the previous trial

16 CONCLUSION On the basis of these results a combination of SRI and UDP techniques does not directly change the final plant height, total and productive tillers, panicle length, total and filled grains, 1000-grain weight as well as yield

17 RECOMMENDATION Conduct economic (cost/benefit) analysis of SRI- UDP compared as to conventional

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