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Presentation on theme: " An Introduction to CEM Secondary Monitoring Systems Assessment for Excellence S1/S2 Baseline Assessment (MidYIS) & S2 Curriculum-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to CEM Secondary Monitoring Systems Assessment for Excellence S1/S2 Baseline Assessment (MidYIS) & S2 Curriculum-based Assessments (formerly SOSCA)

2 CEM Assessments: 1.1 million pupils each year Assessments from 3-18 Used in 44 countries Works with 15 Scottish Authorities

3 S1/S2 Baseline Assessment (MidYIS) End S2 Curriculum-based Assessments (SOSCA) The Systems The Assessments Example Questions Feedback

4 The Systems S1/S2 Baseline Assessment (MidYIS): Developed Ability Computer adaptive or paper-based Any time Term 1 + catch ups Baseline Feedback after 2 hours (computer adaptive) / 2-3 weeks (paper) Predictions and Value Added to Scottish Qualifications End S2 Curriculum-based Assessments (SOSCA): Based on Curriculum for Excellence Computer adaptive Four week assessment window mid April to mid May + catch ups Feedback early June Lower and upper school Value Added measures

5 S1/S2 Baseline Assessment (MidYIS) + End S2 Curriculum-based Assessments (SOSCA) Assessment for Excellence: Secondary Can be used INDIVIDUALLY or better still COMBINED What pupils know VS what they can do High Ability or Hard Work? Low Ability or Underachievement?

6 The Systems - Computer Adaptive Assessment Adaptive Assessment: Questions adapt to pupil Efficient No time Wasting Wider Ability Range More Enjoyable Green

7 The Systems - Computer Adaptive Assessment Running the Computer Adaptive Assessments : 1. Send us a CSV file of your pupils’ details 2. Set up software - internet or intranet (LAN) 3. Run the assessments 4. Send us assessment results files (if doing LAN based version)

8 Required Specification Adaptive for each pupil and delivered by computer: LANWEB Windows PC network (2000, NT, XP, Vista) Reliable Internet Connection Flash Player 9 (or later) You Zip and upload Results files Results files are transmitted automatically The Systems - Computer Adaptive Assessment

9 Developed ability assessments for S1 or S2 covering: Vocabulary – Select the most similar word Maths – Mixture of multiple choice and free answer questions Non-verbal - Cross-sections, Block Counting and Pictures Skills - Proof Reading and Perceptual Speed & Accuracy S1/S2 Baseline Assessment (MidYIS)

10 S1/S2 Baseline Assessment: Maths

11 S1/S2 Baseline Assessment: Vocabulary

12 S1/S2 Baseline Assessment: Non-verbal

13 S1/S2 Baseline Assessment: Skills


15 End S2 Curriculum-based assessments covering: Maths - Number, Money & Measurement - Information Handling - Space, Position & Movement Science - Living Things & the Processes of Life - Earth & Space - Energy & Forces - Attitudes to Science Reading - Speed Reading - Text Comprehension - Passage Comprehension End S2 Curriculum-based Assessments

16 End S2 Curriculum-based Assessments: Maths


18 End S2 Curriculum-based Assessments: Science

19 End S2 Curriculum-based Assessments: Reading

20 Demonstration versions available: The Assessments

21 Feedback Overview Prompt Feedback: Assessment Feedback - Standardised Scores and Quartile Bands Predictions & Chances Graphs for Value Added to: - S2 Curriculum-based Assessments - Attitudes to Science (End S2 Assessments)

22 Feedback Feedback can be used at the pupil, class and cohort level. -to guide individuals -to monitor pupil progress -to monitor subject-wide and department level progress For classroom teachers, Head teachers or SMT as a quality assurance tool Data can be aggregated at other levels. We support & provide software tools to help schools to do this e.g. Paris software

23 Feedback: Scores

24 Feedback: Band Profile Graphs

25 Feedback: MidYIS S1 Baseline: IPRs Strong in Vocabulary, Maths and Skills Poor performance in Non Verbal Significantly less able in Non Verbal

26 Feedback: S2 Curriculum-based IPRs Average Reading Generally better than average Maths Above average Science But what is this pupil’s underlying ability like? What is their starting point?

27 Feedback: MidYIS S1 IPRs An overachiever in Maths and Science? Perhaps Reading more in line with underlying ability? But what is this pupil’s underlying ability like? What is their starting point?

28 Feedback: Standards Referencing Reading

29 Feedback: Standards Referencing Maths

30 Feedback: Standards Referencing Science

31 Predictions Feedback How do these predictions compare to the predictions from the baseline assessment?

32 Predictions: Chances Graphs

33 Value Added: Scatter Charts Identify: over performance under performance keeping up

34 Value Added: Subject Performance From MidYIS/SOSCA to Standard Grade and others e.g. Intermediate 2 From Pips/MidYIS to SOSCA (as applicable)

35 Value Added: SPC Chart

36 Further information Visit

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