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Sponsored by the National Science Foundation GpENI Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review The University of Kansas, Kansas State University, University of Missouri.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by the National Science Foundation GpENI Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review The University of Kansas, Kansas State University, University of Missouri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation GpENI Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review The University of Kansas, Kansas State University, University of Missouri – Kansas City, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, GPN, KanREN, Ciena, Qwest, Lancaster University, ETH Zürich PI: James P.G. Sterbenz Co-PIs: Caterina Socglio, Don Gruenbacher, Deep Medhi, Byrav Ramamurthy, Greg Monaco, Rick McMullen, Cort Buffington, Jeff Verrant, David Hutchison, Bernhard Plattner Staff: many Students: many 30 August 2010

2 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 Project Summary The Great Plains Environment for Network Innovation – GpENI is an international programmable network testbed centered on a Midwest US regional optical network between KU, KSU, UNL, and UMKC within GPN, supported with optical switches from Ciena interconnected by Qwest fiber infrastructure, in collaboration with the KanREN and MOREnet. GpENI is undergoing significant expansion to Europe and Asia using various tunneling protocols. The goals of GpENI are to: – build a collaborative research infrastructure in the Great Plains region among GPN and other institutions – construct an international programmable network infrastructure enabling GpENI member institutions to conduct experiments in future Internet architecture, supporting projects such as PoMo: PostModern Internetwork Architecture and ResumeNet – provide programmable optical infrastructure to GpENI members attached to the Midwest optical backbone – provide flexible infrastructure to support the GENI program as part of control framework cluster B – deploy tools developed by GpENI and GENI community such as Gush for experiment control and Raven for code deployment – provide an open environment on which the networking research community can run experiments 30 August 2010

3 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 Milestone & QSR Status IDMilestoneStatusOn Time? On Wiki? GPO signoff? S2.aUpgrade to PlanetLab 4.3 and GENIwrapper 8.5 complete S2.bInvestigate options for deploying DCN within GpENI complete; document delivered S2.cIdentify user helper toolsin progress S2.dExternal GpENI accesscomplete; web request form on wiki S2.eProgrammable routers in VINI and Quagga integration complete; configuration note on wiki S2.fMAX interconnection optionscomplete; report on wiki S2.gDeploy DCNlimited deployment in progress S2.h2nd Ciena switchTBD S2.iPlanetLab / VINI integrationcomplete; integrated portal on wiki S2.jFederate with PlanetLabcomplete S2.kXORP and VINIcomplete; documented in technical note S2.lDCN between GENI and MAXcomplete through ProtoGENI (at GEC7) 30 August 2010

4 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 Milestone & QSR Status IDMilestoneStatusOn Time? On Wiki? GPO signoff? S2.mSecurityinformal discussions; no formal requests received S2.nOutreachongoing S2.zGpENI-MMOin progress: many sites up; NCE will be requested for European planning trip S2.oConnection to ProtoGENIcomplete S2.pOpenFlow integrationongoing S2.qIntegration with SPPongoing S2.rAdministration and monitoringongoing; Nagios and Cacti interfaces available to privileged users S2.sGUI for VINIongoing S2.o–S2.s not formal deliverables QSR: 4Q2009on wiki QSR: 1Q2010on wiki QSR: 2Q2010 30 August 2010

5 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 Accomplishments 1: Advancing GENI Spiral 2 Goals GENI Spiral 2 Goals are described in “GENI Spiral 2 Overview”, section 7. Project SoWs and milestones were crafted to support those goals. On this slide, summarize project accomplishments this year that contribute to the Spiral 2 goals.Continuous Experimentation: – GpENI is generally up and availble for limited external experiments; an NSF GEW EAGER will support KU resilience experiments – Integration: GpENI subaggregates have been partially integrated (PlanetLab+VINI) with others underway (PlanetLab+DCN dependent on MAX, PlanetLab+ProtoGENI+OpenFlow dependent on GPO); GpENI is part of EU FIRE ResumeNet and has G-Lab as a node cluster – Instrumentation and measurment: Nagios and Cacti currently monitoring GpENI; GMOC has operational GpENI cluster – Interoperability: see integration aboveGENI Spiral 2 Overview 30 August 2010

6 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 Accomplishments 2: Other Project Accomplishments We continue to build a regional, national, and international presence far beyond our official project scope. We have interconnected with ProtoGENI, and will deploy a small ProtoGENI cluster at KU We have begun experimenting with OpenFlow 30 August 2010

7 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 7 Issues We continue to to be vastly underfunded for both the technical work but also the administrative overhead of this program. For personal reasons the European trip for GpENI-MMO had to be postponed, so we request a 6 month no-cost extension 30 August 2010

8 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 8 Plans What are you plans for the remainder of Spiral 2? – order KU switch – continue deploying GpENI The GPO is starting to formulate goals for Spiral 3. What are your thoughts regarding potential Spiral 3 work? – continue do what we are doing with fewer intermediate milestones 30 August 2010

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