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Photodissociation of Methyl Nitrite from the S 2 state -- Ion Images and Vector Correlations Aidan Klobuchar, and Jeffrey Bartz Department of Chemistry,

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Presentation on theme: "Photodissociation of Methyl Nitrite from the S 2 state -- Ion Images and Vector Correlations Aidan Klobuchar, and Jeffrey Bartz Department of Chemistry,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photodissociation of Methyl Nitrite from the S 2 state -- Ion Images and Vector Correlations Aidan Klobuchar, and Jeffrey Bartz Department of Chemistry, Kalamazoo College, 1200 Academy Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49006

2 Nature of S 2 State Higher in energy than S 1 – max ~ 210 nm Repulsive surface – Direct dissociation S2S2

3 Experimental

4 Molecule Synthesized in the lab Expect a parallel transition to excite to the S 2 state

5 Velocity-Mapped Ion Images of NO Photofragment

6 Initial Dissociation Results High speed NO photofragment – >2000 m/s Parallel dissociation – NO velocity aligned with the linear polarization of the laser

7 Two Speed Distributions Photofragment translational energy difference in energy is ~ 2100 cm -1

8 Two Speed Distributions Depend on J”

9 Energy Available E photon 44,500 cm -1 E BDE 17,100 cm -1 E fast,trans 12,000 cm -1 E NO rot 3,400 cm -1 E methoxy 12,000 cm -1

10 Vector Correlation Data  -v  -j v -j quadratic  -v-j quartic  -v-j

11 Vector Correlation  v j

12 Conclusions The S 2 state dissociation is direct Two NO photofragment translational energies at lower J” CH 3 O carries away at least 12,000 cm -1 The vector correlations hint that  ||v  j

13 Acknowledgments NSF HHMI

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