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Observatory # 23 Filchner – Ronne Weddell Sea Antarctica Svein Østerhus UNI Climate

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Presentation on theme: "Observatory # 23 Filchner – Ronne Weddell Sea Antarctica Svein Østerhus UNI Climate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observatory # 23 Filchner – Ronne Weddell Sea Antarctica Svein Østerhus UNI Climate

2 Observatory # 23 Weddell Sea

3 Observatory # 23 CHARACTERISTICS “S2” provide Transnational Access (TNA) to the World Oceans Coldest water - the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Water (ISW), Weddell Sea, Antarctica Observatory # 23 “S2” is situated in the core of the ISW at the shelf break Filchner- Ronne Shelf break

4 Observatory # 23 DATA/SERVICES  Time series with the lowest temperature of the World Oceans (Site-5) and the longest oceanographic time series from Antarctica (S2)  Time series of current, salinity and dissolved oxygen

5 New S2 mooring to be deployed in Jan 2014 To be serviced in 2016 Existing S2 mooring 1977 - 2009 (the BIAC system) - 2013 (the WEDDELL system) - 2020 Observatory # 23 FUTURE PLANS

6 The Site 5 Observatory on the Ronne Ice Shelf will be redeployed in 2014/15 Design criteria : Service interval 5 + years Deployment period: 10+y Temperature range 0 to -50 °C Ice thickness: 800 m Sampling rates 1 h Real time data transmission via satellite Sensors for Ocean, ice shelf and atmospheric measurements Observatory # 23 FUTURE PLANS

7 ? Site-5 UNI Research /UIB will extend the S2 (ISW) observatory (establert in 1977). Two new IPY-BIAC instrumented platform will be deployed in January 2014 (Polarstern cruise 2013/14) BAS & UNI Research will in 2014/15 re- etablate cable observatory Site 5 underneath the 800 m thick Ronne ice shelf Svein Østerhus UNI Research AS - UNI Klima S2 Observatory # 23 FUTURE PLANS

8 Confused? Please ask! Svein Østerhus E-mail: SKYPE: svein.osterhus

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