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January 2006 WorldSpace India Pvt. Ltd. Digital Satellite Technology for Disaster Warning and Management.

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Presentation on theme: "January 2006 WorldSpace India Pvt. Ltd. Digital Satellite Technology for Disaster Warning and Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 2006 WorldSpace India Pvt. Ltd. Digital Satellite Technology for Disaster Warning and Management

2 1 Current Options

3 2  THE NEED is for an alerting system which can cover all hazards and can be delivered by authorized agencies directly and instantaneously to those who respond to the emergency. The Need

4 3 Hazard Warning System (HWS)?  Internet for HWS  Usable for small to medium networks where telecom infrastructure is well developed  Type of connectivity is point-to-point  Bandwidth at time of greatest need is not guaranteed  Time to download can vary  Depends on available telecom infrastructure  Problems in handling large files  Problems in handling streaming data  Initial costs, usage, and connectivity charges increase with network size

5 4 VSATs for Hazard Warning? — Two-way and one-way VSATs — Fixed cost per site significantly higher — Infrastructure requirements higher — Installation and maintenance issues — Regulatory clearances required — Non-scalability downward VSATs good for small Closed User Groups with large data requirements – not for HWS delivery to a large number of sites

6 5 Satellite Radio Technology

7 6 One World, One WorldSpace …   Pioneer of satellite-based digital radio services (DARS).   WorldSpace radio stations cover two-thirds of the globe, broadcasting superior digital quality sound from Dubai to Delhi, from Johannesburg to Japan and virtually everywhere in between.   World’s only global media and entertainment company positioned to offer a satellite radio experience to consumers in more than 130 countries with five billion people.   Largest collection of original and brand-name content that is both local and global, from the only company with the technology, experience and reach to deliver it.   Delivers the latest tunes, trends and information from around the world and around the corner.   In India, over 40 radio stations across genres playing over 10,000 songs every day – from Jazz to Classical, to Old Hindi Film Music and Rock.

8 7 WorldSpace Digital Satellite Technology

9 8 WorldSpace: Digital Satellite Technology Coverage area of the WorldSpace AfriStar and AsiaStar satellites: Each satellite has three beams with a coverage area of 14 million square kilometers per beam. This area includes more than 4 billion people of world's population.

10 9 WorldSpace: Digital Satellite Technology  WorldSpace uses satellites for broadcasting digital audio & multimedia programs with the help of its two existing satellites serving Africa, Middle East, Europe and Asia.  Serving the needs of various communities. WorldSpace uses its Digital Technology for the delivery of digital content to multiple locations.  Digital technology provides WorldSpace system with versatility far beyond traditional terrestrial radio delivering text, data, imaging and streaming video.  WorldSpace satellite radio system is independent of any terrestrial communication infrastructure, can be deployed and sustained in the most remote locations even after disaster strikes.

11 10 Worldspace Application

12 11 Audio: How it can be used Live/Recorded Uplink Station Audio uplink to satellite Satellite Transmission to audio receivers Individual Village Classroom Emergency Preparedness Content: - -Locally & regionally relevant -Culturally appropriate -Practical & solution oriented -Balance and accurate/ Non-political

13 12 Sustainability where power infrastructure not good

14 13 Multimedia: How it can be used Uplink Station Internet Multimedia adapter converts receiver to modem for download of data from satellite to computer Receiver + MMS Adaptor + computer Internet-type downloads without an Internet connection

15 14 Worldspace in Partnerships  With CENTRAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES  PTI  IMD (e.g. Indian Meteorological Department) who can provide alerts.  Prasar Bharti  With NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS (e.g., M.S. Swaminathan Foundation) who can provide information for communities’ preparedness  With STATE AND REGIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES

16 15 Audio Broadcasting for Emergency Relief

17 16 Cyclone Warning System for Fisherman out at Sea  Pilot Experiment in West Coast of India  80 boats fitted with WorldSpace reception - Encased in water proof enclosure - Powered from the boat - Additional 8W amplifier - Pretuned to the assigned channel  Warning messages in MP3 format via Internet to the uplink site  Boats into the sea up to 200 miles  Valuable experience gained in designing the full system

18 17 WorldSpace Reception on a Fishing Boat

19 18 Future Roadmap

20 19 AREA: A WorldSpace Solution  Addressable Radio for Emergency Alerts (AREA) — XML based protocol adapted to suit WorldSpace digital satellite radio system — Special receivers to deliver audio/multimedia alerts selectively, securely and reliably — Independent of any terrestrial communication therefore can be deployed and sustained even in the most remote locations

21 20  The alert service proposed by WorldSpace allows to offer administrations (local/national/international) an effective tool for immediate reach of the populations and local authorities and independent from local terrestrial infrastructure. It can be used in several domains. AREA: A WorldSpace Solution

22 21 Audio/data early warning and crisis communication system. Operates as a single point of entry for national, regional and multi-continental authorities.  For audio and data, on a per customer basis, a Web site allowing generation and broadcasting of alerts and geo-reference alerts.  For audio, the customer will be able to record and deliver instantly audio warnings throughout continents to designated receivers.  A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to ensure users authentication and encryption of exchanged messages.  XML-based Alerts, allowing interoperability, evolution messages and multi-lingual communication. AREA: A WorldSpace Solution The alert system includes in this base configuration - - a DAMB-R2 receiver with an L-band antenna - - a power supply (2 AA batteries or 6V AC/DC adapter or car power adapter).

23 22 Advantages of AREA system — Existing coverage of more than 130 countries. — Reach well beyond traditional communication and broadcast networks. — Least dependence on terrestrial infrastructure. — Rapid roll-out of the system over wide areas. — Geo-referencing and selective addressability. — Easy to use web-interface for alert generation, updates and cancellation. — Built-in authentication and security features. — Ability to turn ON an audio or multimedia channel at the remote site without manual intervention. — Low power consumption and possibility of solar powering. — Display of the attributes of the alert like the category, severity, urgency and certainty. — USB interface to an external box for operating a relay for a warning signal. — Ease of deployment, operation and maintenance. — Expandability and Scalability.

24 23 Common Alert Protocol (CAP)  International effort initiated in 2001; finalised October 2005  Worldspace received a grant from CNES (French space agency, equivalent of ISRO) to develop an Early Warning System in 2004 prior to the Tsunami. Under this contract, WorldSpace adopted CAP, which allows interoperability at the data representation level.  We also developed a full system including a GIS-based portal together with an alert terminal with a tactile screen.  Single message format to handle multiple categories of emergencies over a wide range of network Major features: — Incorporation of geo spatial elements — Association of digital images and binary information with alerts — Ensuring message authenticity, integrity and confidentiality — Full compatibility with Emergency Alert System (EAS) of the United States — Can support the needs of multi-lingual and special needs population

25 24 The Alert Portal  Developing a Web-based platform allowing the customer (the administrations) to manage their recipients, to generate alerts (for audio, a recording function will be offered) and to geo-reference the alerts either a built-on GIS (Geographic Information System) or by country codes.  The customer can access the service through the Internet. A portal is available for him to manage the terminals and the alerts.  Access to this portal is fully secured.  Any user worldwide is a click away. The alert is distributed in less than 10 seconds wherever the terminal is located in the coverage area

26 25 Alert Management  The customer can create alerts following the CAP standard. The user can define and activate recipients though standard forms. He can also create groups of recipients.  The addressing of terminals can be done several ways — by listing the groups of recipients — by defining a geographical area (latitude/longitude) — by defining a country code — by a combination of the above criteria — The system supports also exercise or test alerts.

27 26 Summary 1.Data is available – need a media to reach out 2.Early warning is not limited to coastal area only – fishermen or other elements. 3.Something which is being used on daily basis. Not used only at the time of disaster. Interruption gives the disaster warning – like “Breaking News in TV”. 4.Language not a barrier. Audio and alarm both can be configured. 5.Independent of ground infrastructure. Even at the place of disaster one can still send messages as quick deployment is possible. 6.Secure means of communication. 7.No special training /expertise required to operate. 8.Limitation – RLOS – Radio Line of Site

28 27 Thank You

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