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PG Planning the Network Task M3/M8 Performance Indicators Issues around delivery of Action Plan 20 March 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "PG Planning the Network Task M3/M8 Performance Indicators Issues around delivery of Action Plan 20 March 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 PG Planning the Network Task M3/M8 Performance Indicators Issues around delivery of Action Plan 20 March 2007

2 Introduction The aim of Task M3/M8 is to improve the processes for reporting on the Performance of the TERN This presentation discusses issues around the delivery of the Task M3/M8 Action Plan This presentation has been prepared in response to the request from the Tallinn EB meeting for more information about the implications of introducing improved Performance Reporting processes

3 Defining the Problem Member States are required to report to COM on the Performance of the TERN Current processes for producing these Performance Reports are inefficient Current Performance Reports are often based on inconsistent information

4 Current State

5 Desired Outcomes More efficient process for Performance Reporting More meaningful Performance Reports based on more consistent information Added value – enable CEDR Benchmarking as required in Strategic Plan 2005-9

6 Possible Desired State

7 Planned Activities – As Jan 07 (1) Assess current situation (Feb 07) –Information gathering –Analysis of responses Implementation Options Paper (Mar 07) –Identify Implementation Options –Cost-Benefit analysis –Make recommendations to EB

8 Planned Activities – As Jan 07 (2) Implementation (Sep – Dec 07) –Location Referencing Handbook –Performance Indicator Handbook –Instructions for MS Performance Reporting (Mar - Nov 08) –Pilot –Full implementation

9 Progress to Date 12 out of 26 responses to questionnaire –Insufficient information available to complete Implementation Options Paper for Mar 07 EB –More representative sample needed Planned Actions –Obtain further responses to questionnaire –Deliver Implementation Options Paper to Sep 07 EB –Produce Location Referencing Handbook once agreement reached on Implementation Option

10 Responses to Date

11 Decisions & Conclusions EB Members asked to ensure that required information is provided by those countries yet to respond EB asked to confirm that: –Implementation Options Paper can be presented to Sep 07 EB; and –Work on Location Referencing Handbook to await agreement reached on Implementation Option.

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